Stronger Than The Old Heavenly Master, You Say He Is A Newcomer?

Chapter 108 Sleeping Is Reserved For The Dead

Luxia City, Lu Lianxue's apartment.

at this time.

Lu Lianxue was chasing April's new show "Spy Playing House", whispering:

"It's so good, why don't you... watch another episode, and I'll review it after finishing this episode."

in words.

Lu Lianxue moved the mouse and clicked on the next episode.

Jingle Bell.

The phone rang.

"Huh? Why is it late, who will call me?"

Lu Lianxue picked up the phone in doubt, and the caller ID was Zhang Wei.

Pick up the phone.

Zhang Wei's voice suddenly came from inside:

"Moses, Moses, is the squad leader asleep?"

"No, I'm reviewing my subjects, and I'm going to sleep later."

Looking at the animation played on the computer, Lu Lianxue said.

"Sleep? Go to bed so early?"

Zhang Wei remembers that in the Northeast, Lu Lianxue often stayed up late with them to play King of Kings.

Lu Lianxue knew what Zhang Wei was thinking, covered her mouth with a smile and responded:

"Yeah, it's not like I'm back to school, I have class tomorrow, I have to go to bed early, I can't stay up late anymore, and staying up late is not good for my skin."

To this.

Zhang Wei said bluntly:

"Squad leader, don't sleep, sleep is reserved for the dead, wake up!"

Lu Lianxue was amused by Zhang Wei, and joked back:

"Hey, don't move anymore. I'm old. I'm already twenty-two years old. In another twenty-eight years, half of my foot will be buried in the ground. I need to take care of it before I die, so that it can be buried beautifully."

The two chatted for a while.

Zhang Wei asked Lu Lianxue to come out to eat barbecue.

"Barbecue? Zhang Wei, do you want a treat?" Lu Lianxue rubbed her belly.

"Yes, I'm treating guests to a barbecue. After all, it's the middle of the night. I can only invite you, the squad leader, to have a barbecue. I can't treat you to a seven-yuan Mala Tang. Do you dare to come out, the squad leader? I'm afraid you won't be able to bear it."

Zhang Wei joked with a smile.

Lu Lianxue chuckled.

Like most people, her stomach growled at the mention of food in the evening.

"Okay, I'll go now."


When Lu Lianxue went to Zhang Wei for a barbecue.

the other side.

Luxia City, in front of the House of Horror on Chunhua Road.

Since it was just after 10 o'clock in the evening, there was no one on the road, and only a few vehicles passed by.

for a moment.

A Wuling Hongguang van came galloping and stopped on the side of the road.

The door opens.

Five people including Cao Yushan and his son walked out of it.

"President Sheng, the house of horrors in front is where the old willow tree is."

Cao Yushan said something to a young man beside him.

in words.

Along with Cao Yu, everyone else could see that Cao Yushan's words and deeds were respectful, even in awe.

Obviously, Cao Yushan is one of the heads of the Department of Health and Dao in Fumin District, and he is even a Qilin guard!

Its position is high and weighty.

But to behave like this to a young man, no matter how you look at it, it feels weird.


Cao Yu and the other two other than Cao Yushan, the other two heads of the Fumin District Health and Dao Department, they were not surprised.

The opposite of.

They take it for granted and feel that it is normal.

The young man looked young, as if he was only in his twenties, but his eyes were vicissitudes, not like a young man should have, as if he had experienced more than ten years of vicissitudes.

To this.

Cao Yu couldn't help but glance at the young man more, and then quickly looked away.

Although he saw the youth for the first time.

But from what his father called the young man, he knew that the person in front of him was absolutely incomparable to the young man he was.


The entire Ministry of Health can be called the Chief's...

Only the true dragon guards who guard the thirty-four provinces of Daxia, and one province guards one!

Just like what Cao Yushan told his son Cao Yu before, in order to expand its personnel, the Department of Health and Dao of Fumin District invited the real dragon guard to recruit the old willow tree ghost.


Cao Yu was puzzled, and looked at the young man again.

Am I delusional?

Chief Sheng... seems to be shaking...

he remembers.

On the way to pick up Chief Sheng to the horror house, he trembled a little, fidgeting all the way, and even approached the horror house at one point, he even asked his father, Cao Yushan, if the old willow tree was not scary.

Although now after getting off the car, Chief Sheng looked back to 'normal', got off the car calmly and walked towards the horror house.

Can recall all kinds.

Cao Yu had a strange expression on his face, and an unbelievable thought came to his mind.


This Chief Sheng is afraid of ghosts.

Cao Yu repeatedly shook his head and waved away the thoughts in his mind.

The idea is ridiculous.

Just kidding, that's the real Dragon Guard

How could a real dragon guard be afraid of ghosts, how could this be possible... is it possible?

I was thinking wildly.

Cao Yu felt that Chief Sheng and others who were walking in front stopped, and couldn't help looking up, his pupils shrank suddenly.

at this time.

They came to the door of the horror house.

Since this is to help the old willow tree ghost out of trouble, in order to avoid too much noise and attract attention, they deliberately choose to come when the store is closed and there are few people on the road.

And just before getting ready to enter.

A gust of wind blows.

An old man on crutches appeared in front of them.

Cao Yu recognized the old man through the Yin Qi on the opponent's body and the appearance recorded in the file.

This is the old willow tree.

"Master Liushu?" Cao Yushan and the others were also stunned.

next second

Cao Yushan and the others stared in surprise.

It's really Mr. Willow, how is this possible, how could it appear here, this place is outside the scope of the house of horrors, it is impossible for it to come out.

Too late to think.

The voice of old man Liushu came:

"Gentlemen, what's the matter with you coming here suddenly?"

It looked at Cao Yushan and the others, and finally fell on Chief Sheng.

just now.

It was going to stay in the house of horrors for the last night, and it would go out for a walk tomorrow morning, but before it could appreciate the 300-year-old scenery, it felt that someone was approaching, and these people were powerful, especially the young man among them.

Feeling that the other party is obviously coming to the horror house, the old willow tree ghost can't help showing up.

"Hello, Mr. Willow, we have no malicious intentions."

Cao Yushan came back to his senses, and hurriedly cupped his hands and said:

"We are from the Department of Health and Dao. This time, we are here to invite you, Mr. Liu Shu. I hope you will consider joining our Department of Health and Dao."

"Of course."

"I know that you are the guardian spirit and cannot leave this place. You don't have to worry about this, Mr. Liushu."

Cao Yushan signaled:

"Introduce to Mr. Liu Shu, this is Chief Sheng."

"In order to help you escape from the shackles, we specially invited Chief Zhenlong Weisheng."

Also at this time.

Director Sheng came to Mr. Liu Shu and bowed:

"Hello, my name is Shengxuan, Zhenlongwei of the Department of Health and Dao. On behalf of the Department of Health and Dao, I sincerely invite Mr. Liu Shu to join the Department of Health and Dao."

The old willow tree ghost was shocked, he didn't expect that the Secretary of Wei Dao would come, let alone that the young man in front of him was actually the legendary Dragon Guard.

But after calming down.

The old willow tree ghost handed over to President Sheng and the others, apologizing:

"Thanks to the Secretary of Health for your kindness, but I can't promise you."

"Why?" Cao Yushan and the others were surprised. Now that the real dragon guards are out, there's no way for the old willow tree ghost to join.

"Because the old man has made a contract with someone else today."

The old willow tree ghost said:

"He has helped me untie the shackles. This old man thinks it is good to follow him, so I ask this old man to refuse everyone's love."


Cao Yushan and the others were stunned, even Chief Sheng was stunned.

Mr. Willow already made a contract with someone else?

Are we being preempted? ?


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