Stronger Than The Old Heavenly Master, You Say He Is A Newcomer?

Chapter 109: This True Dragon Guard Is Afraid Of Ghosts

"Master Liu Shu, have you made a contract with someone?"

Cao Yushan thought he heard it wrong.

Following the old willow tree ghost nodded.

They were shocked.

That is a ghost king-level bondage, who has such a great ability to release it, you must know that they did not hesitate to invite the real dragon guards in order to release the old willow tree ghost, you can imagine how difficult it is to release the bondage.

Who was this character before they approached Mr. Liu Shu?

for a while.

In Cao Yushan's mind, dozens of powerful ghost exorcists around the Fumin area were filtered in a second.

same moment.

Cao Yushan cupped his hands and said:

"Master Liushu, you really made a contract with someone? Isn't it just a reason to reject us?"

The old willow tree ghost smiled and shook his head:

"This old man has indeed made a contract with someone. Isn't it the best proof that this old man can stand here and talk to you?"

They are belated.

Only then did he remember that the old willow tree ghost was standing outside the house of horrors, obviously the restraint had been lifted.


Cao Yushan and the others had pained faces.

You must know that they invited the real dragon guard this time, and they came with full confidence.

I never expected, they came here with great ambitions, but before they arrived, someone else stole the house first...

The key is the contract.

Instantly blocked all their possibilities.

Cao Yu was the most distressed. Originally, he wanted to make a contract with the old willow tree ghost with the help of the real dragon guard and the contribution of the crossroads before.

This is more than just stealing a home.

This is a direct resignation for people.

"Since Mr. Liu Shu has made a contract with someone, there is no other way."

Cao Yushan sighed, cupped his hands and said:

"By the way, Mr. Willow, can you tell us, I don't know who has made a contract with you."

"We don't mean anything else. You know, we belong to the Department of Health and Welfare. We are responsible for the safety of the people, and we will keep records of all ghost exorcists and ghosts."

"As a ghost king, you are now making a contract with someone. Naturally, I need to make a record. I hope you don't mind."

The old willow ghost was not angry.

Although he has stayed here for three hundred years, he doesn't know everything.

In order to facilitate the exorcism of ghosts and guard against evil spirits, the Department of Health and Dao will keep records of exorcists and ghosts, so that supernatural events can occur, and the identity of the murderer can be found out through the files.

This is similar to the police collecting fingerprints. According to the fingerprints in the fingerprint file Curry, check to see if there is a match.

As a ghost king, the Secretary of Wei Dao will definitely record it.

Of course.

It has been contracted, and the Department of Health and Dao will try its best to find out the person who contracted it. After all, what if the person who contracted the old willow tree ghost is a wicked person, so they can make records and arrangements in time.

To this.

The old willow tree ghost didn't hide anything, anyway, he had nothing to hide, so it wasn't a big deal.

It said with a smile:

"The old man understands, a young man named Zhang Wei who made a contract with the old man."

"Speaking of which, Zhang Wei still has a relationship with your Department of Health and Dao. Not long ago, he helped the Department of Health and Dao to support the Northeast."

It's not loud.

But Cao Yushan and the others heard it all.

"Zhang Wei?! It's him!"

Cao Yu's eyes widened, and he and Cao Yushan looked at each other for a moment, and both could see each other's astonishment.

Not only Cao Yushan and his son.

Chief Lian Sheng was stunned for a moment, hesitatingly said:

"That Zhang Wei from the list of potential rising stars?"

Cao Yushan nodded hurriedly: "It should be him who is right, he is the one who supported the Northeast, and not long ago I..."

It's halfway through.

Cao Yushan stared, and suddenly looked at the old willow tree ghost:

"Mr. Liushu, did you ask Zhang Wei to drive that ghost at the intersection?"

He remembered that when he met Zhang Wei before, he said that he was entrusted by someone to associate various clues, the relationship between the two, this place and the crossroad belong to the same road, etc. He didn't believe that Zhang Wei's exorcism had nothing to do with the old willow tree ghost.

"It's the old man who invited Zhang Wei to go."

The old willow tree ghost nodded noncommittally, and told about the contract with Zhang Wei.

The words fell.

Cao Yushan and his son are not well.

Especially Cao Yu, his eyes lost their brilliance, and his face was dead gray.

That ghost at the crossroads... as long as he gets rid of it, can he make a contract with Mr. Willow? ? ?


What am I missing! !

Cao Yu was going crazy. He never thought that the car accident man who missed him before would have such a great effect.

They had thought before that exorcising that ghost might win the favor of the old willow tree ghost, and it turned out to be so! And it's the key to the contract!

this moment.

Cao Yu wanted to cry.

If it wasn't for the real Longwei being here, he might have rushed into his father Cao Yushan's arms and wept loudly because of face.

The more he thought about it, the more mad he became, Cao Yu murmured:

"If I had opened the car earlier than Zhang Wei, the BMW I opened would have run faster than him and hit the ghost before him."

"Then I'm the one who made a contract with Mr. Willow."

"Why didn't I know earlier to open the car."


Quite sorry.

Until they said goodbye to the old willow tree ghost and got back in the car, Cao Yu still lost all color on his face, with a look of "I feel that life is boring".

Until a word came from the seat behind him.

Cao Yu came back to his senses.

As soon as Cao Yushan and the others got back into the car, the door closed instantly.

Chief Sheng, who had a calm face before, opened his mouth and let out a long sigh of relief:

"It's okay, that old man willow doesn't look scary. I thought he would look scary like other ghost kings."


Chief Sheng's words echoed in his ears, Cao Yu looked at Chief Sheng through the rearview mirror with a dazed expression on his face.

Seeing Chief Sheng patting his small chest, he looked almost startled.

Cao Yu was dumbfounded,

Unbelievable ideas before appear again

Fuck? Just kidding, no, I guessed right, this real dragon guard is afraid of ghosts? !


As if thinking of something, Cao Yu murmured with a strange expression:

"The strongest and weakest true dragon guard in history..."

He remembered one thing.

That was this morning, before picking up President Sheng at the airport, his father Cao Yushan told him:

"Ayu, wait a while, take it easy and be honest, don't mess with Chief Sheng."

At that time, Cao Yu curiously asked why.

Cao Yushan replied:

"Because he is the True Dragon Guard, and he is also the most powerful True Dragon Guard in my building."

Cao Yu was shocked when he heard this: "Is the most powerful True Dragon Guard, real or fake? Dad, do you mean that Chief Sheng is the strongest among the thirty-four True Dragon Guards?"


Facing the questioning, Cao Yushan gave him a strange expression:

"Hmm... the strongest but also the weakest True Dragon Guard in history."


the other side.

Luxia University, a roadside barbecue stall.

"Squad leader, we are here."

Zhang Wei waved at Lu Lianxue who was walking.

for a moment.

After Delu Lianxue ordered the barbecue she wanted to eat, she sat down:

"Zhang Wei, are you done with your work?"

Before Zhang Wei asked her about the traffic accident on Chunhua Road, she knew Zhang Wei's situation.

Zhang Wei nodded: "I'm done."

total speech

He handed Lu Lianxue a bottle of Coke: "By the way, squad leader, you are a disciple of Longhu Mountain and a member of the Department of Health and Dao. Do you know Sen Luosi?"


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