Stronger Than The Old Heavenly Master, You Say He Is A Newcomer?

Chapter 111 The Tailor Comes To Ask The Teacher?

Luxia City, an e-sports hotel.

at this time.

The fat man was sitting in front of the computer, looking at the game death interface with a gray screen in front of him with a sore face:

"Can this be counter-killed??"

Not long ago, he had a black lol with Zhang Wei. As Li Junfei said, Zhang Wei's skills are really good, which once aroused Fatty's obsessive competitive spirit.

As a dead house, you can not have a girlfriend, but how can you lose to others in games and animation.

It came up with Zhang Weilo.

To this.

Zhang Wei agreed without hesitation.

How could he miss such a good opportunity to pluck wool, and he also wanted to try to see if he could get system points by making ghosts feel emotionally towards him from a long distance.

Immediately afterwards.

The cold system sound prompts sounded one after another.

【Ding! The unknown ghost froze for a moment, good guy, Zhang Wei's technology is fine. 】

[Host obtains system points +50]

The fat man said there would be another game.


Fatty's computer screen was gray again.

【Ding! The unknown ghost's expression doesn't matter, anyway, I'm here to assassinate you, so it's a courtesy to be killed by you once in the game. 】

[Host obtains system points +60]

Fatty proposed three wins out of five...

Fatty said that he was careless just now, and proposed four out of seven rounds...

Fatty said that just now the hotel cleaner unplugged his network cable, that round was not counted, and proposed nine rounds and five wins...

Fatty proposes...

【Ding! The unknown ghost was not convinced. 】

[Host obtains system points +60]

【Ding! The unknown ghost is arrogant, and feels that he has won without making any mistakes]

[Host obtains system points +60]

【Ding! The unknown ghost is extremely painful. 】

[Host obtains system points +60]

With the screen grayed out again.

【Ding! The unknown ghost shut himself up. 】

[Host obtains system points +150]


the other side.

Luxia University, student dormitory.

The system beeps kept coming in my mind.

Sitting in front of the computer, Zhang Wei was almost bursting with laughter. This meal of wool was squeezed out, which is no better than exorcising ghosts.

"Brother Wei, you are smiling like a 200-pound child."

Li Junfei joked:

"You abuse Fat Brother so much, you are not afraid to torture Fat Brother to death."

"To death? Fat brother can't die." Zhang Wei waved his hand, after all, fat brother is a dead house, or really dead.


He sent a message to the game: "Fat brother, are you still here?"

the other side.

When the fat man received the message from Zhang Wei, he was taken aback for a moment, then gritted his teeth:

"Come! You must come! I, Fatty Li, don't believe that I can't beat you!"

He's a pain in the ass.

I am a ghost. You must know that ghosts don’t need to sleep, so he can chase anime and play games without sleep.

That's why.

He is confident in his game skills, even professional players can't beat him, because he can play 24 hours a day, practice skills for a long time, even a fool can get up, not to mention that he is not talented, how could he be poor in skills.

This is also the reason why he will follow Zhang Weilo.

But the result was unexpected, he was tortured miserably.

message sent.

Fatty is about to create a game room and loo with Zhang Wei once.

The phone rings.

The fat man stopped moving the mouse, looked at the phone, and the corner of his mouth twitched the next moment.

Caller ID - Shabi Shemale.

The fat man straightened his expression, picked up the phone, and said haha:

"Hey, tailor, what's the wind blowing today, why don't you call me when you have time, first agree, you lend me the money, I'll pay it back in a few days, don't rush, okay, talking about money hurts feelings."

"Get out! Who told you to pay back the money."

The tailor replied on the phone as usual.

Then she said bluntly:

"Fatty man, I didn't call you to ask you to pay back the money, I just wanted to ask you, how did you go about killing Zhang Wei?"

to be frank.

It's not that she wants to find fault with the fat man.

In fact, several days have passed since the fat man told her that he would kill Zhang Wei himself.

But there was no news from Fatty.

It was hard for the tailor not to doubt whether the fat man had killed Zhang Wei or not.

Think about it.

The tailor suddenly became angry, gritted his teeth and said

"Fatty man, did you not do anything to Zhang Wei!"

Let's talk.

The tailor growled:

"Did you go to the comic exhibition, watch anime, and forgot to kill Zhang Wei!"

The fat man was stunned for a moment, then he laughed and said:

"Fuck, you found out about this. I'm sorry, I was too busy chasing new episodes, so I forgot all of a sudden."

Talking in the mouth.

The fat man breathed a sigh of relief, Wo Ri, I was scared to death, I thought I had been discovered.

When he saw the tailor calling just now, the fat man felt very guilty. After all, he had agreed to kill Zhang Wei himself, but ended up dating Zhang Wei instead.

YouQi heard the tailor roar out the first sentence.

He almost thought he was exposed, and the tailor found out that he was having sex with Zhang Wei.

Fortunately, the tailor's next sentence made him feel completely at ease.

The fat man continued:

"But I'm not just patronizing to chase fans. It's not like you don't know what I'm doing, so it must be all right."

"Actually, after talking to you on the phone that day, I went to find Zhang Wei, and I was going to kill him. After all, I killed him early, so I can go to the comic exhibition with peace of mind. Tailor, you say no."

"And then." The tailor said coldly.

The fat man lied and said:

"Then I went to find Zhang Wei, but before I could do anything, I found out that the Ministry of Health had already sent someone to protect Zhang Wei."

"That person protects Zhang Wei's Department of Health personnel, he is a master!"

His words come out.

The tailor frowned:

"Is that master very strong?"

Fatty couldn't help thinking of the scene at the comic show where the middle-aged Qilin Wei couldn't break the ghost-baby barrier.

Then, without blushing or panting, he said in a deep voice:

"Very strong! Very strong!"

The tailor was shocked and couldn't help frowning: "Can't even deal with you?"

"That's not true. How could I be unable to deal with it? It's not that you don't understand my strength. No matter how cautious the Department of Health is, it's impossible to send someone I can't deal with to protect Zhang Wei."

Fatty said:

"They didn't know that I was going to kill Zhang Wei, so how could they send that kind of expert to protect them. After all, who would believe that a ghost king is going to deal with young people?"

"The reason why I say that bodyguard is strong is that he is not bad."

"And there is a very powerful magic weapon on him."

"Although I can still kill Zhang Wei, I can't guarantee that I will kill him quietly. With the protection of that bodyguard, it will definitely cause disturbance."

"Originally, things in the Northeast should not be exposed too much. If I make trouble, you must not scold me again."

"So I didn't do it right away. I was looking for an opportunity to kill Zhang Wei silently."

The tailor was silent for a while: "Is that so? It's fine, since you didn't forget to kill Zhang Wei."

"That will definitely not be forgotten."

As the fat man spoke, he moved the mouse and clicked to invite Zhang Wei into the created game room:

"By the way, what's going on with you? How's the progress?"

Fearing that the tailor would find out if he talked too much, the fat man chose to change the subject.


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