Stronger Than The Old Heavenly Master, You Say He Is A Newcomer?

Chapter 112 His Father Is A 'Ruthless Person'

Ask about the progress of the Northeast.

The tailor's voice came:

"The Department of Health discovered what we, Sen Luosi, did."

"Huh? How did you find out?" the fat man was puzzled.

"I asked you to send ghosts to siege Zhang Wei and Wu Nian, but it didn't work out, and the Secretary of Defense followed suit." The tailor gritted his teeth so hard that they almost broke.

The fat man coughed in embarrassment.

He didn't care about the tailor cursing at himself, he had already gotten used to it.

Then the fat man asked:

"Will it affect the progress of the matter? Do you need me to help you? For the sake of lending me money, your creditor has the final say."

The tailor snorted coldly:

"No, do you think I'm you? I won't miss this matter."

"Oh? Tailor, you sewed up a man's body, do you think you are so big, so confident."

The fat man heard it clearly.

After he said this, there was a crunching voice on the phone, followed by the tailor's words.

"Fatty man, if you dare to say one more thing, I will definitely kill you next time we meet."

The tailor shakes the crushed crumbs of the arm of the chair out of his hands.

"Hey, don't be so angry, how can we be so angry as villains, it's too unreasonable."

The fat man laughed and said:

"But it's true. Now that you are a man, you have to be a little bit more tempered. I can understand."

The voice fell.

The tailor yelled 'Fatty! ! ’ Before, insisting that as long as I hang up fast enough, you won’t be able to scold me, the fat man hung up the phone in a hurry.

as predicted.

As soon as the tailor heard the fat man's words, he directly crushed the armrest on the other side of the chair.

next second.

When he found that the fat man had already hung up the phone.

From where the tailor was, there was a gnashing of teeth and a growl:

"Damn you fat man, I want you to look good when we meet next time!!"

for a moment.

After calming down and becoming irritable and clear, the tailor looked down at himself reflected in the puddle under his feet.

It was a man's sutured body. The left hand was slender and painted with female nails, and the right hand was thick and obviously a male arm. There were various sutures on the body, which looked strange and permeable.

We watched meeting.

The tailor curled his lips and snorted coldly:

"Don't change this body, change it back to a woman, damn fat man, I see what you can say about me."


the other side.

The fat man hung up the phone and looked at the computer screen.

The fat man typed: "Sorry, I just answered a call, let's continue! This time I will definitely win you."

【Ding! The unknown ghost vowed to decide, o( ̄ヘ ̄o#) When I win you, I am thinking about killing you. 】

[Host obtains system points +100]

The cold system prompt sounded.

Zhang Wei was not afraid, on the contrary, the corner of his mouth couldn't help but twitch.

Unlike others, lol players in this world have played lol for up to 11 years, because lol was released 11 years ago.


He is different, he has played lol for two lifetimes.



Luxia University, classroom.

Looking at Zhang Wei who walked into the classroom with Li Junfei, Lu Lianxue asked Zhang Wei to sit by her side.

Under the envious and gossip eyes of all the students.

Zhang Wei sat down next to Lu Lianxue.

"Zhang Wei, you are finally willing to come to school. I thought you didn't plan to go to class today."

Lu Lianxue joked.

"That's impossible. I'm still a student anyway. I still have to study. A diploma is very important."

Zhang Wei looked solemn, and said word by word:

"If I don't graduate, my dad will definitely kill me if he finds out."

Zhang Wei gestured to cut his neck.

Lu Lianxue was stunned for a moment, then suddenly remembered Zhang Wei's father mentioned, in a sense, his father is also a 'ruthless person'.

At this moment.

Zhang Wei shrugged:

"You still have to go to school, at least you have to get a diploma."

"But squad leader, if you have any good exorcism tasks to share, you know, remember to share them with me, haha."

Lu Lianxue covered her mouth and chuckled:

"it is good."

Time flies like a white horse.

For the next ten days, apart from going to school, Zhang Wei would hang out with Fatty and Li Junfei every day, buy souvenirs, open black shops, see if he could meet a ghost, or grab the fat guy's wool.



Zhang Wei and Li Junfei left the dormitory as usual and walked towards the teaching building.

"Brother Wei, wake up, ready for the afternoon class, today I have a big class, and I will attend it with the business class, hehe, I can look at those girls from the business class again."

Li Junfei was talking nonsense.

Zhang Wei laughed and cursed after hearing this:

"Junfei, didn't you just tell Fat Brother yesterday that you belong to the second dimension?"

"That was yesterday, the long past tense, 20 hours have passed, 20 hours is equal to 1800 minutes, equal to..."

Li Junfei was talking.

Suddenly, Zhang Wei was tapped on the shoulder.

Turn around and look.

Lu Lianxue appeared behind them and said with a smile, "Zhang Wei, what are you talking about?"

Zhang Wei grinned:

"Isn't this Lu Xiaohua of our class? It's not good for you to shoot me from behind. Isn't this what I should do?"

Lu Lianxue chuckled, stretched out her hands and made a cross in front of her chest:

"Da~baa, no driving."


She said seriously: "Speaking of business, Zhang Wei didn't you say that you have a good exorcism mission, let me tell you."

Zhang Wei looked over:

"Yeah, what's the matter? Squad leader, do you have any good exorcism tasks now?"

Lu Lianxue nodded.

"Yes, but it's not me. Team Lin has a mission and wants to find you."

"Huh? Captain Lin came back from the northeast?" Zhang Wei was surprised.

Immediately afterwards.

Zhang Wei just saw Lu Lianxue showing a wry smile.

"It's true that Captain Lin came back from the Northeast, but he came back with an injury to recuperate."

Lu Lianxue didn't give a shit.

Tell about Lin Tong's return to Luxia City.

Yesterday, Lin Tong came back from the Northeast. He said he was back, but in fact he was performing a mission to exorcise ghosts in the Northeast. He encountered a powerful ghost and was injured. He could no longer support the Northeast.

"Captain Lin, is everything okay?" Zhang Wei asked with concern.

Lu Lianxue said bluntly: "Captain Lin entered the body with a curse. Although the curse was removed, the residual ghost energy in his body penetrated deep into the internal organs. The injury is not life-threatening, but he needs to rest for a while."


She looked at Zhang Wei:

"Team Lin said that he needs your help with a task. Zhang Wei, do you want to take it? If so, I will take you to Team Lin after school."

"Accept." Zhang Wei agreed without hesitation.


Luxia City, the center of Lihu District.

A storefront of "Shunfeng Express", which is the resident of the Department of Health and Dao of Luxia City.

Once inside the store.

Zhang Wei saw Lin Tong.

Lin Tong's face was pale and his lips were white. If he hadn't known about his injury in advance, he would have looked terminally ill, basically he wouldn't live for a few days.

He walked towards Zhang Wei.


Zhang Wei couldn't help but said: "Captain Lin, with your appearance, I'm really afraid that you will fall down when you walk in front of me, and blackmail me on the spot."


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