Stronger Than The Old Heavenly Master, You Say He Is A Newcomer?

Chapter 113 A Ghost Has Entered The Taoist House?

Lin Tong laughed heartily after hearing this:

"Zhang Wei said what you said, don't say it, it's a pity that I really don't want to touch porcelain...cough cough cough"

Laughed halfway.

Lin Tong coughed again and again, and his face felt even paler.

Zhang Wei and Lu Lianxue hurried forward to help Lin Tong.

"Captain Lin, are you sure you're okay with your injuries?" Zhang Wei asked with concern.

Being helped to sit on the sofa, Lin Tong waved his hand:

"It's okay, this is normal. I have ghost energy entering my internal organs. Humans belong to yang, ghosts belong to yin. Now I belong to yin and yang, and yin and yang are disordered, so I look weak."

Zhang Wei nodded:

"That's fine. By the way, Captain Lin will give you these."

Zhang Wei handed over a heavy bag to Lin Tong:

"I came in a hurry and didn't have time to prepare, so I just brought Captain Lin some cheap nutrition. Team Lin doesn't mind."

Like the previous life, it is popular to visit the sick in this world, and will buy something for the sick to visit.

Lin Tong heard the words and smiled:

"Look at what you said, what kind of cheap nutrition, I asked you to come, not to visit me, if you can bring me something, it's the most...uh..."

As he spoke, he took the bag and opened it, subconsciously looking at it.

Lin Tong's smile froze immediately.

……Nutrition Express? ? ?

Looking at the three bottles of Nutrition Express lying quietly in the bag, Lin Tong's mouth twitched.

Dare you say that cheap nutrition is not modest, but really cheap, and... are you sure this nutrition express is nutrition?

Its complexion changes.

Lu Lianxue on the side covered her mouth and smiled, she knew what Zhang Wei gave her, and Zhang Wei took her to the canteen to buy it before she came.


Lin Tong coughed, covering up the change in his face, and said:

"Zhang Wei, Lianxue should have told you."

See Zhang Wei forehead.

He took out a file from a nearby cabinet and handed it to Zhang Wei.

"The information in the file is the information of my house. Didn't I go to the Northeast for support recently? No one lives in my house."

"You know, if a house is unoccupied for several days, there will be dirty things moving in, especially the longer the house is unoccupied, the more likely there will be dirty things, because they will think it is an empty house and live in it. .”

Zhang Wei nodded in agreement.

The situation mentioned by Lin Tong has been circulated since ancient times-an empty house is not occupied by people, but ghosts live there.

For this reason, there is a folk custom. If people live in a new house, if the house is unoccupied for a period of time, they will burn incense in the house in advance, put a bowl of rice, etc., to tell the ghosts in the house that there are people living here. Yes, please leave the ghost.

"Captain Lin, you mean your house has been haunted by ghosts?"

Zhang Wei vaguely understood.

Why did captain Lin ask him to help exorcise ghosts.

A Taoist priest has ghosts in his house. If it gets out, his peers will laugh at him.

In particular, Captain Lin is still the captain of the Department of Health and Dao. If other colleagues in the Department of Health and Dao know about it, how can he be dignified in front of other captains in the future.

Captain Lin nodded with a wry smile:

"Before I went to the Northeast to support, I made some arrangements to prevent ghosts from entering the house, and I also set up mother-child bells."

"When I was still in the Northeast two days ago, I found that the mother-child bell around my waist rang."

"My son and mother bells, the mother bell is placed at home, once a ghost enters, it will ring, and then the child bell I carry with me will also ring."

"The son-mother bell only responds to ghosts. Don't worry, my house must have been haunted by ghosts, and it's not an ordinary ghost."

"To break through my arrangement, at least it is a red-clothed ghost who is not weak."

"I originally thought that I would drive out the ghosts myself when I go back, but who knows, I was injured, let alone deal with the red-clothed ghosts now, I might not even be able to deal with the ghosts."

"No way, I can only ask you for help."

"Can Zhang Wei drive away that ghost in my house for me? Of course, you won't be free, and the reward will not be small."

Watching Captain Lin spread his five fingers:

"You helped me get rid of that ghost, and I'll give you half a million."

His words come out.

Without further ado, Zhang Wei readily agreed.

"Captain Lin, avoid long nights and dreams, we will help you drive away ghosts now."

"Don't worry, I will let that ghost go away peacefully, and no one will find out that there is a ghost in your house."

Watching Zhang Wei leave.

Lin Tongxuan's heart was relieved, and he immediately picked up the Nutrition Express that Zhang Wei sent to drink. After talking so much, he was a little thirsty.

Seeing this, Lu Lianxue covered her mouth with a smile and said:

"Team Lin, is Zhang Wei's nutritional product delicious? Zhang Wei spent a lot of money in the canteen...Huh? Team Lin, what's wrong with you?"

Lu Lianxue suddenly found out.

After Lin Tong drank the nutrition express, his eyes suddenly widened, and he stared at the nutrition express in his hand.

【Ding! Blessing Nutrition Express 1000 system points]

its move.

Lu Lianxue was startled:

"Team Lin, are you okay? What are you looking at? Is the nutrition express line expired?"

I am wondering.

Lin Tong raised his head to look at her, holding the nutrition express line in his hand and shocked:

"Zhang Wei, this Nutrition Express is delicious. Where did you buy it? This is the best Nutrition Express I've ever had!"

"And... I don't know if I feel wrong, I feel that my body is much better."

It's not loud.

But Lu Lianxue heard it clearly, she couldn't help but stared at Lin Tong.

This look,

Pupils shrank sharply.

"Captain Lin, your complexion..." She saw that Lin Tong's face, which was terminally ill, turned a lot ruddy. It was terminally ill before, but now it is recovering from a serious illness.

Captain Lin was stunned.

Looking at his ruddy complexion, he was sure that he was not delusional just now. After drinking the Nutrition Express, his weak body, which had ghost energy entering his body, improved a lot.

Lu Lianxue was also aware of the situation.


The two looked at each other: "????"

Lin Tong couldn't help asking: "Lianxue, where did Zhang Wei get this nutrition express line, it can actually heal my injury."

in words.

Afraid that he might make a mistake, Lin Tong took a few more gulps of Nutrition Express, and finally drank the remaining two bottles as well.

This scene.

Lu Lianxue looked confused and weird.

in its sight.

A muscular man like Billy King and Dwayne Johnson, and then took a bottle of Wahaha Nutrition Express and poured it vigorously, drinking it boldly, like Wu Song drinking, and almost shouted 'full the Nutrition Express for Sajia ! '


Lu Lianxue came back to her senses, and said with a look of astonishment:

"I bought this Nutrition Express from the school canteen with Zhang Wei."

"Huh? Commissary? Are you sure?"

"I'm sure. I saw the Nutrition Express that Zhang Wei took from the shelf with my own eyes. He also said that he spent a huge sum of 15 yuan to buy you supplements. He is really a kind person."


Lin Tong and Lu Lianxue were stunned, looked at each other in astonishment, and said in unison:

"It turns out that Wahaha Nutrition Express...can treat ghost energy entering the body?"

next moment.

Lin Tong propped up his newly recovered weak body and walked towards the door of the store.

"Where are you going, Captain Lin?" Lu Lianxue asked subconsciously. Captain Lin is still recovering from his injury, so it's not appropriate to go out for a walk.

To this.

Team Lin turned to look at Lu Lianxue, with piercing eyes and said:

"Go buy Nutrition Express."


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