Luxia City, a luxury apartment.

After getting out of SF Express, Zhang Wei took a Didi and came straight to the apartment.

Look up at the luxurious apartment building in front of you.

"Sure enough, all the ghost exorcists are local tyrants. It's at least 50,000 yuan per square meter."

Zhang Wei muttered with emotion:

"Now I know why the ghost wants to enter Captain Lin's house."

"It's a pity that you can't live in such a luxurious apartment."

"It seems that if I die and become a ghost in the future, I will know how to find a place to live."

"Go directly to live in a rich man's house. They have a lot of houses. There must be some unoccupied villas. The decoration is not bad. I will drag my family and move in for free."


Lin Tong's house.

Zhang Wei searched Lin Tong's house inside and out, but unfortunately he didn't find the ghost.

"It's still difficult to find ghosts during the day, wait until night."

in words.

Zhang Wei sat down directly on the sofa in the hall, picked up the remote control and turned on the TV.

He has no intention of going back.

He plans to stay at Lin Tong's house until he catches the ghost.


the other side.

Inside the resident of Luxia City Health Department.

at this time.

Lin Tong and Lu Lianxue returned to the store with a box of Nutrition Express alone.

"Team Lin, Zhang Wei will help you exorcise ghosts, will it be okay?" Lu Lianxue asked after putting down the nutrition express.

Although she knew that Zhang Wei was strong.

But the ghosts that entered Lin Tong's house were not ordinary ghosts. Ordinary ghosts could not enter the Taoist's house, and it was a house arranged by a not weak Taoist priest.

"It should be fine." Lin Tong was also not sure.

"Then how about I help Zhang Wei?"

"No, if Zhang Wei can't deal with that ghost, it's useless for you to go."

In order to ensure the safety of Zhang Wei.

Lin Tong thought for a while, and called Zhang Wei. With Zhang Wei's consent, he went to the computer, sat down, and connected to his own surveillance camera.

for a moment.

The computer screen showed a picture of Lin Tongjia.

As soon as he entered his eyes, he saw that Zhang Wei was sitting on the sofa watching TV.

Tong Lin stared at Zhang Wei with twinkling eyes:

"Just take a look at how Zhang Wei exorcises ghosts and learn."

Since meeting Zhang Wei for the first time, Zhang Wei suggested that he try physical exorcism, and then saw Zhang Wei breaking off the hand of a bronze armor corpse in Xishuangbanna. He has studied how to physically exorcise ghosts and put in practice.

In fact.

This time he was exorcising ghosts in the Northeast, all of them were physical exorcisms. If his fists were stained with black dog blood, he would punch the ghosts to the flesh. .

And after being wounded by a ghost.

He deeply felt that compared with Zhang Wei, his physical exorcism was still not strong enough, and now he just took this opportunity to see how Zhang Wei exorcised ghosts and perfected his physical exorcism.


It's night, night falls.

Lin Tongjia.

Zhang Wei was lying on the bed alone, squinting his eyes as if he was sleeping.


The moment when the hands of the clock on the wall swing to 12 o'clock.

Sparse and subtle rubbing sounds came from under the bed, as if something was crawling under the bed.

The rubbing sound was not loud, but it penetrated the hairs, as if someone was scraping the wooden floor with their nails, the snorting was harsh, and it made people get goose bumps.

I saw under the dark bed...

A 'woman' slowly crawled out from under the bed.

Her face was pale and bloodless, and her long hair hung loose in front of her face. Looking through the hair, one could see the 'woman' showing a piercing smile.

The rubbing sound came from her reaching out and crawling, her fingernails scratching the ground.

The moment the 'woman' appeared.


Lin Tong, who was far away from the residence of the Department of Health in Luxia City, heard a bell ringing around his waist. It was obvious that the "woman" was the ghost who broke into Lin Tong's house! A powerful female ghost.

at this time.

The female ghost is grinning.

Although she had never met Zhang Wei, she knew that Zhang Wei was a Taoist priest, because after she broke into the home and broke the layout, she knew it was a Taoist priest's home.

However, even though she found out that it was a Taoist family, the female ghost was not afraid, on the contrary, she was very excited, because since she became stronger, she has eaten ghost exorcists, which is a great tonic for her and can improve her strength faster.

"Another tonic is coming."

Just when the female ghost was thinking excitedly, she was about to crawl out and attack Zhang Wei who was sleeping soundly.


Seemingly feeling something, the female ghost looked forward and froze for a moment.

Outside the bottom of the bed, Zhang Wei was looking down at the bottom of the bed, staring straight at the female ghost.

The two looked at each other.

Female ghost: "????"

【Ding! The female ghost was taken aback, what the hell? ! When did the priest wake up? ! 】

[Host obtains system points +40]

Waiting for the female ghost to be surprised.

I saw Zhang Wei retracting his head, then quickly got up and got out of bed, and lowered his head on the ground.

He smiled at the female ghost under the bed, and waved:

"Sister Ghost, you finally appeared. I've been waiting for you for a long time. Come on, get out, the ground is cold, don't catch a cold."

【Ding! The female ghost is stunned]

[Host obtains system points +50]

Seeing Zhang Wei waving at her fiercely, the female ghost looked bewildered.

What's the matter with this Taoist, why didn't he get angry when he found out that I entered his house, and smiled at me? ?

Without giving the female ghost a chance to think, under the horrified gaze of the female ghost, Zhang Wei reached out and grabbed the female ghost's hand, and dragged the female ghost out of the bed.

"Sister Ghost, come out quickly, don't be afraid, come on, come on, come out quickly, it's the first time I saw a ghost enter a Taoist house, it's amazing, Sister Ghost, come out and talk, I don't mean anything malicious, really, Come out now."

After a series of invitations, the female ghost looked bewildered, even frightened.

At this time, Zhang Wei felt like a person passing by an alley, and a prostitute came out of the alley and forced him to consume.

What frightened the female ghost most was not Zhang Wei's words, but Zhang Wei's eyes.

Zhang Wei's eyes were shining brightly, looking excited and excited.

The female ghost is scared, what is this Taoist priest doing, why does he look at me so strangely.

It's like a face that wants to anal me.

God! very scary!

What is this priest going to do to me? Why must I come out to chat, is it really just chat!

The female ghost panicked, very panicked.

Because Zhang Wei's appearance is too scary, full of hospitality and excitement.

If the female ghost was a human being, Zhang Wei might just be a hospitable person, but the person he is dealing with is a ghost!

"Huh? Sister Ghost, what's the matter with you? Come out quickly."

Zhang Wei held the female ghost's hand tightly, and the excitement on his face became more and more intense.

The more the female ghost looked, the more frightened she became. It was the body that was planning to get out, but the other hand was holding on to the floor tightly, so she didn't dare to get out.

What the hell is going on with this Taoist priest? Are you sure he doesn't want to anal me?

For a while, one person and one ghost fell into a stalemate.

The female ghost under the bed, the ghost's hands are holding on to the bottom of the bed, the floor is scratched with nail marks, unable to survive, her face is full of horror

The young man beside the bed smiled at the female ghost, his eyes were shining, and he said "come on, come out" from time to time.

The female ghost didn't know, but in Zhang Wei's mind, the system beeped continuously.

【Ding! The female ghost was confused. 】

[Host obtains system points +30]

【Ding! The female ghost panicked. 】

[Host obtains system points +40]

【Ding! The female ghost panicked. 】

[Host obtains system points +50]

【Ding! The female ghost is extremely panicked]

[Host obtains system points +60]

【Ding! The female ghost is extremely frightened]

[Host obtains system points +70]


As the system prompts continued in his mind, the smile on Zhang Wei's face became even wider, almost reaching his ears, and he couldn't close his mouth from ear to ear.

The female ghost, who didn't know the truth, watched her body being pulled out little by little by Zhang Wei, who was very strong, and Zhang Wei's smile became wider and wider.

The female ghost was so panicked that she was about to cry.

The feeling in her heart that this Taoist priest didn't want to drive away ghosts, but wanted to anal her, got stronger and stronger that way!

mom! help me! A Taoist wants to anal me! A Taoist wants to anal me! !


When the female ghost was dragged out by Zhang Wei, the female ghost didn't look scary like a ghost, her pale face was full of horror, and she said urgently in a trembling voice:

"You...what are you going to do...people and ghosts have different can't..."


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