Stronger Than The Old Heavenly Master, You Say He Is A Newcomer?

Chapter 115 A Bloody Battle 'Millions Of Dead Corpses'

The female ghost trembled, and as soon as she said the words, she regretted it.

Because the Taoist priest in front of him, after hearing what he said, the light in his eyes became even brighter, almost blinding him.

This made the female ghost tremble.

Why is this Taoist priest so excited when he heard me speak? I'm so scared, he doesn't want to hear his 'scream', right?

Zhang Wei's current expression can be described in four words.


No monster ghost will be startled.

Seeing the continuous increase of system points, Zhang Wei couldn't calm down, and regarded this female ghost as a real cash cow, the kind that would pay for it just by shaking it.

【Ding! The female ghost trembled with fear. 】

[Host obtains system points +80]

The female ghost, who was pulled by Zhang Wei, trembled and stared at Zhang Wei in horror.

With Zhang Wei's yank.


The female ghost's nails drew deep nail marks under the bed, and she was dragged out under Zhang Wei's ferocious force.

"don't want!"

The female ghost screamed in shock, so loud that even Zhang Wei was startled, and his hands loosened subconsciously.

You must know that he promised Lin Tong to drive out ghosts without anyone noticing, so as to prevent Lin Tong's house from being discovered, but she yelled so loudly that Zhang Wei was afraid that the apartment was soundproof and could hear it.

Following Zhang Wei's release of his hands.

The female ghost crazily crawled under the bed with both hands and feet as if grabbing straws to save the people.

Seeing that he crawled under the bed half of his body was about to be 'rescued'.

But at this time.

The female ghost felt that her feet were being pulled, and she looked under the bed behind her, with horror written all over her face in an instant.

With quick eyesight and quick hands, Zhang Wei grabbed the female ghost's feet:

"Sister Ghost, if you have something to say, let's talk it out. Don't shout so loudly. Let's keep your voice down. Others will hear you."

The female ghost was terrified when she heard this.

don't want! I absolutely don't want to come out! !

With the words of Zhang Wei.

She was afraid that as soon as she went out, the Taoist priest would pounce on her, output crazily at her, and "ping a" crazily at herself.

And the kind of 'flat a' with a very fast attack speed, and every time it was a heavy 'crit', she could only be hit by his flat a with high damage from a critical hit, and a screamed again and again.

This is not her random guess!

She has proof!

This Taoist priest's strength is too great. It can be seen that his physical strength is good, and his 'excited' eyes are a proper testimony in court!


at the same time.

The resident of Luxia City Health Department.

With the timed alarm clock ringing.


Lu Lianxue yawned, got up from the sofa, and stretched.

In order to ensure the safety of Zhang Wei.

Lu Lianxue didn't go home, so she discussed with Lin Tong and decided to take turns to monitor Zhang Wei's situation at Lin Tong's house.

Now it sounded in my head, it was Lu Lianxue's turn to change shift.

"It's just past 12 o'clock after a while, it's really fast."

Lu Lianxue drank a bottle of Nutrition Express to refresh herself, and walked towards Lin Tong:

"Captain Lin, what's going on with Zhang Wei?...Huh? Captain Lin?"


She noticed that Captain Lin's expression was wrong.

Captain Lin was staring intently at the computer screen with his eyes wide open. He looked nervous, and the nutrition express line he was holding in his hand was subconsciously crushed by him without knowing it.

Lu Lianxue changed color:

"Captain Lin, what's wrong with you, did something happen to Zhang Wei?!...Ah!! Captain Lin! What are you doing!!"

He glanced at the computer screen as he spoke.

The whole person blushed, covered his eyes for a moment, and said angrily:

"Captain Lin! What are you doing! Let you pay attention to Zhang Wei, why do you watch pornography!!"

just now.

She thought something happened to Zhang Wei, so she hurried over and glanced at the computer screen, and saw the computer screen.

Despite a quick glance.

But Lu Lianxue believed that she was right. There was a man in the picture, who was violently pulling a woman out from under the bed.

This picture...

No matter how you look at it, it looks like the suffix 'avi' is only there.

Lu Lianxue hastily closed her eyes, her anger came up, and she was angry again and again.

There was a sudden scream and roar.

Lin Tong was startled, and cried out loudly. When he heard Lu Lianxue's words, he couldn't laugh or cry:

"Lianxue, you misunderstood. I didn't watch the movie. If you don't believe me, watch the screen yourself."

Lu Lianxue glared at Lin Tong angrily, but still looked at the screen:

"I don't believe it, I clearly saw...uh... Zhang Wei on the screen??"

She froze.

See the screen clearly.

The picture was the same as what she had seen before, a man was roughly dragging a woman out of the bed, and the woman was struggling frantically, but this time she saw the faces of the men and women clearly, the man was... Zhang Wei!


Zhang Wei was frantically dragging out the female ghost under the bed.

The female ghost struggled frantically and crawled under the bed desperately.


The female ghost crawled back under the bed, Zhang Wei dragged her out again, she screamed and broke free again, crazily crawled back under the bed, Zhang Wei dragged her out again.

If it weren't for the countless nail scratches on the ground, it would prove that the female ghost crawled to the bottom of the bed and was dragged out again and again.

Lu Lianxue and the others almost thought the screen was stuck.

"Look, I didn't lie to you, I was monitoring very seriously." Lin Tong looked aggrieved.

"This..." Lu Lianxue was embarrassed.

Not only is it embarrassing to misunderstand Team Lin, but also embarrassing the way Zhang Wei drives the ghost.

The more I look at it, the more I can't laugh or cry.

Lu Lianxue had a strange expression on her face.

Is Zhang Wei really exorcising ghosts? Make sure it's not about how he will fight a female ghost and let him have a bloody battle of "a million corpses".


the other side.

Lin Tong's home.

at this time.

He was dragged out by Zhang Wei again.

The female ghost was terrified to the extreme, and with a scream, she rushed out of the bedroom after breaking free from Zhang Wei.

Not safe under the bed!

Even if she climbed back, she would be dragged out, and she had to escape.


The female ghost rushed out of the bedroom, making a gesture to break through the window.


Suddenly, a yellow talisman stuck on the window burst into light, blasting it into the air, preventing her from escaping.

【Ding! Bless 1000 system points of the Yellow Talisman]

The female ghost sat up and looked around in horror.

In order to prevent the ghosts from escaping from the house, Zhang Wei posted many yellow talismans on Lin Tong's home early on, and blessed the system points, so that the ghosts could not fly and escape from this house.

Da da da…

Light footsteps came from the bedroom.

The female ghost didn't have time to frighten the yellow talisman on the wall, and panicked, looking for an exit to escape.

She knew who the footsteps were, it was the 'Devil of Color'!

"Ghost sister, I want to come in~"

Accompanied by Zhang Wei's voice, it came from the bedroom.

The female ghost couldn't hold back any longer.

He rushed directly to the nearest bathroom.

All the exits were blocked, she couldn't escape, but she didn't want to sit and wait for death, she wanted to find a place to hide.

As long as I hide.

If you can't find it, I won't be forced to face you, a Taoist priest.


The female ghost rushed into the bathroom and hid.

Also at this time.

Zhang Wei walked out of the bedroom slowly, looked around the hall, and grinned at the yellow talisman on the window.

The reason why he strolled around the courtyard was not because he was arrogant, but because he was well prepared and was not afraid of ghosts escaping.


The female ghost hiding in the bathroom heard Zhang Wei's voice from the hall.

"Sister Ghost, it turns out that you don't want to chat and want to play peek-a-boo with me. You play nicely. I like it so much~ I'm in love with you. When I find you, let's have an online dating~ We'll commit suicide if we break up. "


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