Stronger Than The Old Heavenly Master, You Say He Is A Newcomer?

Chapter 116 Don't Look In The Mirror At Midnight?

The voice rang.

Zhang Wei looked around the empty hall.

Walk around the hall.

There is no system prompt sounding in my mind.

Turn around and walk towards the balcony.

Still no system prompt beeps.

Without hesitation.

Zhang Wei walked towards the kitchen, but there was still no system prompt.

Zhang Wei set his sights on the bathroom.

next moment.

Stepping forward, Zhang Wei walked into the bathroom.

【Ding! The female ghost's heart was beating wildly, and she came in! He's in! 】

[Host obtains system points +50]

The cold system prompt sounded.

The corners of Zhang Wei's mouth curled up slightly.

Tong Lin's bathroom is not too big.

You can see the head at a glance, a dry and wet separated glass bathroom, a large white bathtub that can accommodate two people, and the rest is a toilet and sink.


The bathroom was empty, except for Zhang Wei, not to mention seeing the female ghost, not even the shadow of the female ghost.

Open the glass door of the wet and dry bathroom:

"Sister Ghost? Hey, aren't you here?"

Leaning into the bathtub:

"Sister Ghost? She's not here either."

Then Zhang Wei lifted the toilet lid:

"Sister Gui, are you hiding in there, come out quickly, you know that your shit is imminent."

【Ding! The corner of the female ghost's mouth twitched, I'm shitting on your sister. 】

[Host obtains system points +50]

【Ding! The female ghost breathed a sigh of relief, that's great, this Taoist thought I was hiding in the toilet...]

[Host obtains system points +50]

The female ghost didn't rejoice for half a second, and the smile froze in her heart.

Zhang Wei murmured:

"It shouldn't be in the toilet. After all, it's not time for breakfast yet. Sister Ghost shouldn't be in such a hurry."

【Ding! The female ghost wants to turn into a big brother and scold her, fuck! You scold again! ! 】

[Host obtains system points +55]


Zhang Wei walked to the sink and turned on the tap.

Before washing his hands, Zhang Wei looked at a huge mirror on the shampoo table, under the reflection of the mirror, he was reflected in it.

Turning his face left and right in front of the mirror, Zhang Wei said slowly:

"Fuck, I really shouldn't look in the mirror in the middle of the night and be so handsome by myself again."

Female ghost: "..."

【Ding! The corner of the female ghost's mouth twitched, and she wanted to swear in her hometown dialect, "Mother Ganlin, come to the north!" Do you want to nod your face]

[Host obtains system points +55]

same moment.

Zhang Wei lowered his head, turned on the tap, and washed his hands.

But after washing his hands, he raised his head to look at himself in the mirror, then lowered his head again, wanting to wash his face by the way.

However, a strange scene appeared.

He obviously lowered his head to wash his face, but he still stood there in the mirror, instead of lowering his head, his eyes moved down slightly, looking at Zhang Wei strangely.


That 'Zhang Wei' once made a choking gesture in the mirror, gritted his teeth and looked at Zhang Wei.

It looked like he wanted to strangle Zhang Wei to death.

After the female ghost ran into the bathroom, in order not to be discovered, she hid in the mirror and disguised herself as 'Zhang Wei' in the mirror, trying to avoid Zhang Wei cleverly.

This is the unique ability of ghosts like her.

There are records in folklore.

There is a taboo in the folklore, don't face mirrors, windows and other glass that can reflect your figure at 12 o'clock in the middle of the night.

There is also a saying about ghosts, if you want to see ghosts, you can peel an apple in front of the mirror at 12 o'clock in the middle of the night, and when the apple peel is broken, you can meet ghosts.

No matter which way you say it, the 'self' in the mirror is not yourself, it's a ghost.

Watching Zhang Wei lower his head and wash his face.

Viciousness flashed in the female ghost's eyes, she slowly stretched out her hand, and stretched it out of the mirror.

She wants to take advantage of this great opportunity to sneak attack and kill Zhang Wei.

However, the next second.

The female ghost withdrew her hand in a snap. Zhang Wei didn't have to wash his face for a long time as she expected, but raised his head after splashing water twice.

If she hadn't reacted quickly enough.

Take back your hand in time.

It will definitely be seen by Zhang Wei stretching out a pair of ghost hands in the mirror.

I saw Zhang Wei raised his head and stared quietly at the 'self' in the mirror.

It wasn't the narcissistic staring from before, but a piercing stare, which didn't look like the gaze one should have in a mirror.

ten seconds.

twenty seconds.

thirty seconds...

Watched for more than a minute.

Zhang Wei kept his eyes on the mirror all the time, as if he wanted to see the flaws of the "self" in the mirror who spoke and behaved exactly like himself.

【Ding! The female ghost was taken aback, was discovered? ! 】

[Host obtains system points +40]

【Ding! The female ghost comforted herself, no, probably not, I shrunk very quickly, I should not have been discovered]

[Host obtains system points +45]

【Ding! The female ghost is panicked by the host's stare]

[Host obtains system points +50]

【Ding! The female ghost felt extremely tormented, and felt that this minute was like a year, please don't look at me, don't look at me! Ah~ I can't take it anymore]

[Host obtains system points +55]

Just when the female ghost couldn't hold back anymore.

In her gaze.

Zhang Wei moved.

He slowly raised his hands, made a V in front of himself in the mirror, and then clasped his hands together.

【Ding! The female ghost was stunned for a moment, although she didn't know what the host was doing, but in order not to be discovered, she followed suit]

[Host obtains system points +55]

As the cold system prompt sounded.

Zhang Wei grinned at the 'self' in the mirror, and roared instantly:

"Ninjutsu, seal!!"

sound up.

Zhang Wei's hands frantically formed the Hokage Knot Seal.

The printing speed is so fast that there are several printings in ten seconds, and the speed is gradually increasing.


"Oh, can you keep up with my seal? Then look at me with one hand!!"

"Look at my hands again, there are different seals on the left and right."

"Look at the changing seal of my hands again."

"Look at me again..."

Zhang Wei quickly formed seals, and a strange scene appeared. As he formed seals faster and faster, he became more and more skilled, using one-handed seals and two-handed seals crazily.

The 'Zhang Wei' in the mirror is gradually different from Zhang Wei.

The 'Zhang Wei' seal is getting slower and slower.

In the end I was in a hurry...

【Ding! The female ghost panicked and made a seal in a hurry, I, Cao, slow down, don't be so fast! 】

[Host obtains system points +55]

【Ding! The female ghost speeds up with the seal of the host, and she is extremely panicked. After being a ghost in the mirror for so many years, it is the first time that she can't keep up with the imitation]

[Host obtains system points +65]

【Ding! The female ghost looked at the host's left and right hand seals at the same time, and wanted to curse,? ? ? ? Knock you! ! Can't afford it! 】

[Host obtains system points +70]

【Ding! The female ghost is in a hurry, what a fool! Slow down, I can't keep up, I can't keep up! ! Draft it! 】

[Host obtains system points +70]

【Ding! The female ghost wants to curse people so much, you have been single for several years, with this speed, I can't do it! 】

The last system prompt sounded.

Zhang Wei's "self" in the mirror, the muddled seals, completely do not match his seal gestures.


Zhang Wei said leisurely to his 'self' in the mirror:

"Some people imitate my face, some imitate my face, but you will never be able to imitate my hand speed, Jie Yin! Jie Yin! Jie Yin! Jie Jie Jie"

in words.

Zhang Wei laughed wildly like a villain.


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