Stronger Than The Old Heavenly Master, You Say He Is A Newcomer?

Chapter 12 Before I Do Anything, Let Me Go To The King Rank First

"Brother Wei, let's stop chattering here and go out and say yes."

Yu Xiaoqi forced a smile on his face, thinking of being in the same room with a zombie, his scalp felt like it was going to explode.

to be frank.

If it wasn't for Zhang Wei's confidence, they would have rushed out of the greenhouse a long time ago.

"Okay, I just want to find Uncle Yu for something."

Zhang Wei smiled and spoke bluntly.


Out of the shed.

Zhang Wei didn't have any ink marks, so he asked Yu Weihong.

"Uncle Yu, I saw that there is a camera in that shed. You just said that it was a shed where building materials were stored before. Can the camera be used?"

"It works."

"Then have you seen the surveillance video of that greenhouse these days?"

"No, I didn't know it was a zombie beforehand, so how could I watch the video without any problems?"

By now, even if Yu Weihong had polio, he knew that he had hit a ghost, and that the worker's death was not caused by jumping off a building, but probably by zombies.

Think about it.

Yu Weihong's heart shuddered, he actually dug up a zombie.


for a moment.

Come to the monitoring room.

After dismissing the other personnel, Yu Weihong called up the surveillance video of the workers in the greenhouse that night according to Zhang Wei's request.

on the monitor screen.

8 o'clock, 9 o'clock, 10 o'clock... 12 o'clock in the evening.

The whole picture is quiet, like a freeze-frame painting. Except for a coffin, no one is moving in the shed. If the light bulbs in the picture are short-circuiting from time to time, everyone would think that the surveillance video is stuck.

Everyone yawned and almost fell asleep watching it.

It all went on until 1:00 midnight.

The still picture finally had movement.

Also at this moment...

Look at the screen in the surveillance.

Yu Weihong and the others didn't feel sleepy anymore, some were terrified, goosebumps arose all over their bodies in fright.

1:00 am.

In an empty shed.

The coffin moved! !

The entire coffin was shaking, as if someone was shaking the coffin, and the coffin lid was slowly moving away.

A hand protruded from the coffin.

That hand was pale and thin, with no flesh at all, it was completely skin to bone, covered with dark brown corpse spots, densely packed, looking at it made people feel intensive phobia, and the nails were even more black and long like fangs.

This is a dead man's hand.

That hand grabbed the edge of the coffin and pushed the coffin board away.

A dead man jumped out of it.

This scene.

Yu Weihong and the others felt their livers quivering as they watched, and they felt a piece of burning coal stuck in their throats, and their breathing was short and hot.

It was an old man.

His hair was sparse, with a few scattered on his head, and he was dressed in clothes from the 80s. His whole body was thin and skinny, with rib lines clearly visible, and his skin was pale and haggard, with spots of corpse spots all over it.

Through surveillance video angles.

They saw one eye of the old man, dead gray, empty, without a trace of expression, just like rolling his eyes, without any pupils, only the white of the eye.


Li Junfei screamed. The old man in the picture was exactly the same as the zombie recorded in folklore, with his hands stretched forward, extremely stiff.

at this time.

The zombie old man in the picture.

It seems to have a sense.

Turning his neck slowly, he looked towards the shed door.

It was the security guard. He heard the movement of the shed, and opened the door of the shed to look at it. When he saw it, he screamed in horror and fell to the ground in fright.

Even though there is no sound in the video, you can tell what he is shouting by looking at his mouth. He is calling zombies.

The zombie old man moved.

He turned around, stretched his hands forward, and jumped towards the security guard...

See here.

Zhang Wei didn't read any more.

You can know the follow-up situation without looking at it. It is estimated that the security guard climbed onto the hanger in order to hide from the zombies, thinking that the zombies would not be able to jump up, but the security guard accidentally fell off the hanger and died.

"Looks like I'm busy tonight."

Zhang Wei muttered.

"Let me think about how I can exorcise ghosts."


That night.

on the construction site.

Nuo Da's construction site was quiet, and there was no one there except Zhang Wei.

at this time.

After dinner, Zhang Wei came to the construction site shed.

He raised his hand and looked at his watch.

8:34 p.m.

Look at the coffin in front of you again.

The coffin lay there quietly, without any movement.


Zhang Wei took a chair over, sat next to the coffin, and picked up his phone.

next second.

"tii~" came from the phone.


the other side.

In a hotel room closest to the construction site.

Brother Yu Weihong, Li Junfei, and Yu Xiaoqi are all here.

"Is Zhang Wei waiting for the zombies to come out?"

Yu Weihong looked at the monitoring screen on the laptop screen with curiosity.

What is Zhang Wei doing with his mobile phone.

"Anyway, it's definitely not using the mobile phone to check Baidu how to exorcise ghosts."

Li Junfei made a joke, and at the same time widened his eyes to see the screen of Zhang Wei's phone clearly.

can be seen.

Zhang Wei's phone is viewed sideways.

Can't help it.

Li Junfei guessed wildly.

"Do you think Brother Wei will be watching a movie now, such as "Mr. New Zombie" played by Lin Zhengying."


The corners of everyone's mouths twitched.

"It's not impossible." Yu Xiaoqi thought of having dinner just now, and Zhang Wei was eating while watching Lin Zhengying's movie on his mobile phone.

At that time, Yu Xiaoqi was also curious about Zhang Wei, why did he watch Lin Zhengying's movies.

To this.

Zhang Wei replied: "Learn how Uncle Jiu fights zombies, there is no end to learning, brother."

Others also thought about dinner.

Think about it this way.

They fell silent.

Zhang Wei, this is too coquettish, watching zombie movies next to zombies, do you want to learn and sell on the spot...


Li Junfei's cell phone rang, and when he picked it up, the corners of his mouth twitched.

"Come on, Brother Wei is not watching a movie."

Show your phone to everyone.

Zhang Wei sent Li Junfei a WeChat message.

[Junfei, come to the top of the king! Set a small goal today, before the zombies wake up, the last ten stars of the king, rush to the duck! jpg]

I was stunned for a few seconds.

Only then did Yu Weihong come back to his senses, and he held back a word for a long time.

"Xiao Qi, your classmate has a big heart."


construction site.

With a tick, the hour hand on the wall points to 1 o'clock.

The time came to 1:00 midnight.


In the quiet greenhouse, there was movement.

It seems to have a feeling.

Zhang Wei put down his phone and looked at the coffin beside him.

at the same time.

Inside the coffin...

Inside lay the corpse of an old man, covered in skin and bones, and his skin was paler than that of a dead man. From the spots on his body, it was obvious that the old man had been dead for a long time, but apart from the rotten smell, the old man's body had never rotted, which was strange and permeating.



The old man's closed eyes opened in vain, revealing a pair of dead gray eyes full of whites.

next moment.

He opened his mouth, revealing two zombie fangs, a mouthful of black corpse breath spit out from his mouth, and his throat made a sound of seeping human hair.

The sound was not made by a human at all, but more like it came from the throat of a beast.


bang bang.

He raised his hand and kept hitting the coffin board above.

he woke up.

He smelled someone next to the coffin.

The desire for human blood made him unable to resist breaking out of the coffin and sucking up that man's blood.


He pushed back the coffin boards.

Without the slightest hesitation, the old zombie suddenly straightened his upper body, stretched his hands forward, and turned to the left. He smelled someone on the left side of the coffin.


He saw that there was indeed a young man on the left side of the coffin.

Also at this moment.

The two looked at each other.


The zombie old man opened his mouth, revealing the two zombie fangs, but before he bit Zhang Wei, he froze.

I saw the young man saw himself.

raised a smile.

Then she clapped her hands to herself and sang out loud.

"happy birthday to you~happy birthday to you~"


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