Stronger Than The Old Heavenly Master, You Say He Is A Newcomer?

Chapter 13 This Ghost Was Driven Away, I Really Want To Call The Police

[Ding! The zombie is in a daze, the host gains +3 system points]

Zhang Wei's singing echoed in my ears.

“happy birthday to you~”

"happy birthday dear y friend."


The zombie old man was stunned, keeping his mouth open, and looked at Zhang Wei in a daze.

at this time.

Zhang Wei's voice came.

"Can't you understand the English song I sang? Then I will change it to Chinese."

"Get ready, sing~"

"Happy birthday to you~ birthday to you~happy~~ birthday to you~day~quick~joy~"


the other side.

Inside the hotel room.


Yu Weihong and the others screamed.

just now.

Their spirits reached unprecedented tension.

The silent coffin moved, and zombies came out of the coffin!

Even if they weren't there, they couldn't help but tremble just looking at the zombie old man on the screen, covered in corpse spots and dead gray whites of the eyes.

When the eyes of the zombie and Zhang Wei met for a moment.

They felt their scalps were going to explode.

The mental tension reached the extreme.

Even Li Junfei and Yu Xiaoqi had seen Zhang Wei's power, and they couldn't help being nervous. He was a zombie who "sealed the coffin with an ink fountain and buried it in an iron coffin".

But the tension didn't last a second.

less than half a second...

They froze.

"What is Zhang Wei doing???"

Yu Weihong tensed up and was dumbfounded on the spot

While watching, Zhang Wei clapped his hands rhythmically, and he didn't know what to say in his mouth, and the zombie froze there.

"Nephew, is this how to exorcise ghosts?"

Yu Weiming turned his head to Yu Xiaoqi, eyes full of bewilderment.

Why Zhang Wei's way of exorcising ghosts is different from what he imagined.

What about glutinous rice?

What about the yellow talisman?

What about black dog blood, ink fountain line, etc.?

Why is there nothing, just clap your hands and mutter in your mouth, and the zombie is 'fixed' there.

Can't help it.

He thought about waiting for someone to ask Zhang Wei after dinner, if he needed anything to prepare, such as black dog blood, glutinous rice and so on.

Zhang Wei just shook his head and replied, "Just buy me a package of Red Double Happiness."

Yu Xiaoqi was also confused.

Instead, he said strangely.

"That, is it my illusion, why do I feel... Brother Wei seems to be singing happy birthday to you"

He tried to lip-sync.

As soon as the words came out.

All neatly.

Yu Weihong and the others looked at the screen, their eyes popped out the more they looked.


They followed Zhang Wei's mouth and said happy birthday to you, and their mouths matched...

"Absolutely, Zhennima is the birthday song." Li Junfei yelled with a ghostly face.

It's a long time.

They just came back to their senses.

Yu Xiaoqi was dumbfounded and said:

"In addition to celebrating birthdays, the birthday song also has the function of suppressing zombies???"

"What the hell is this? Because the birthday song represents longevity, life and health? And zombies are dead, so this is the opposite of life and death?"

"I, Cao, look quickly."

Li Junfei yelled suddenly, pointing directly at the laptop screen.

I saw...

When they lost their minds.

At some point, Zhang Wei took out a pack of Double Happiness from his pocket.

【Ding! Blessing Double Happiness brand cigarettes 500 system points]

Zhang Wei ordered one for himself.

Very politely, he stuffed a stick of Double Happiness into the mouth of the zombie old man and ordered it.

Then the zombie old man went 'crazy'.

Over there, like Yue Yunpeng performing Yu Qian's smoking, his hands were straightened, and he grabbed the cigarette in his mouth and sucked violently.

After smoking.

Human satisfaction appeared on his stiff dead face.

smoking? ?

Or do drugs? ? ?

Everyone was dumbfounded. The zombie's behavior was not so much smoking, but it looked more like taking drugs, with a satisfied expression on his face.

This scene.

Seeing that Yu Weihong and the others were sluggish.

A zombie was smoking like taking drugs over there, and stretched out his hand to beg for it.

【Ding! The zombie was satisfied with smoking a book, and breathed out the smoke...Saigao! ! 】

[Host obtains system points +3]

that sight.

Yu Weihong and the others once doubted life. Could it be that the ancients lied to me and said that zombies like to suck blood. Why do you feel that zombies prefer smoking and marijuana to blood? ? ? So the Qing Dynasty had more zombie legends than other dynasties? Is it because of the emergence of marijuana in the Qing Dynasty? Then all the zombies come out to smoke marijuana? ? ? ?

The idea came up.

Yu Weihong and the others were startled.

However, what happened next made them have to strongly suspect that their thoughts seemed to be correct.

at this time.

Zombie old people are like 'drugs'.

One after another begged Zhang Wei for Double Happiness.

Discuss to the end.

He directly stretched out his hand to snatch Double Happiness from Zhang Wei's hand.

He opened his mouth and roared at Zhang Wei.

"Give it to me!! Give it to me!!! Draft it, give it to me now!! I want to smoke!!!"

The zombie old man roared, his obscure throat rolled, and he let out a shrill and deadly sound.

Even if Yu Weihong and the others couldn't hear the monitoring sound, but combined with the current situation, they could see what the zombie old man was shouting.

"Wori, this is absolutely addictive!"

Li Junfei was dumbfounded, looking at the Double Happiness in Zhang Wei's hand in astonishment:

"Is that really Double Happiness? Are you sure it's not marijuana?"

Faced with Li Junfei's doubts.

Yu Weiming on the side spoke leisurely.

"I bought the package of Double Happiness."

Immediately afterwards, he told what happened after dinner tonight.

At that time, Zhang Wei was going to the construction site, and Yu Weiming kindly asked Zhang Wei if he needed anything they prepared, such as black dog blood and glutinous rice.

Zhang Wei shook his head and replied, "Just buy me a package of Red Double Happiness."

Learn about things.

Li Xiaoqi had a strange look on his face, as if thinking of something, he sighed with emotion.

"Now I know why some old people will use cigarettes instead if they don't have incense when they pass by the grave."

Everyone was stunned when they heard this.

Day Oh!

It really is!

Nowadays, when the older generation pay homage to the graves, in addition to inserting incense, they often light some cigarettes on the graves of some men. In this way, cigarettes are not only addictive to people, but also addictive to ghosts like drugs!

at this time.

The change in the picture interrupted everyone's thoughts.

Construction site greenhouse.

【Ding! The zombie wants to snatch Double Happiness from the host, in order to smoke! kill! ! 】

[The system points obtained by the host +3]

boom! !

There was a loud bang.

Zhang Wei kicked the old zombie and hit the coffin.

[Bless the host body with 500 system points]

With the support of the system, Zhang Wei is like a ghost possessed.

The strength is great.

Ru Niu bumped into the zombie old man.

He flew upside down and dented the coffin.

【Ding! The zombie screamed, but still wanted to smoke. 】

[Host obtains system points +5]

The zombie old man got up from the ground and rushed to Zhang Wei again.


The zombie old man was kicked away by Zhang Wei again.

Although he wanted to bite Zhang Wei to death so that he could snatch the cigarettes in his hand, he was not Zhang Wei's opponent at all. At this time, Zhang Wei was more like a zombie than him, with an unbelievably strong body.

The zombie old man felt that he was not jumping at a person, but at a piece of iron.

for a while.

The zombie old man continued to pounce on him, and was kicked and fanned by Zhang Wei again.


His body was covered with scars.

However, the zombie old man didn't know what to do. Even if he was beaten and injured all over his body, he still crawled towards Zhang Wei with his skinny body.

Immediately afterwards.

Under the distressed gaze of Li Junfei and the others.

The zombie old man held Zhang Wei's leg with both hands, tremblingly raised a finger.

"Please, give me another one, no, just one more!"

That look.

Coupled with the skinny body, the wounds all over the body, and the old man's posture, let alone how miserable it is.


What greeted him was the sum of punches and kicks from Zhang Wei.

This scene.

Seeing it, Li Junfei and the others inexplicably wanted to close their eyes, not daring to look any further.

"Brother Wei was expelled by this ghost, why do I want to call the police so much?"

Yu Xiaoqi uttered leisurely.

Li Junfei, who was beside him, couldn't help but nodded.

"I feel like I'm not watching Brother Wei exorcising ghosts now, but rather... the lonely old man being bullied, it's too cruel, this old man."

Not to mention the two of Li Junfei.

Even the middle-aged Yu Weihong brothers looked distressed.

If they weren't there.

Otherwise, I want to go up and say to Zhang Wei, "Zhang Wei, forget it, just give him one."


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