Stronger Than The Old Heavenly Master, You Say He Is A Newcomer?

Chapter 14 Change To Double Happiness In The Future

After watching the zombie old man being punched and kicked by Zhang Wei for several minutes.


Zhang Wei stopped beating.

【Ding! The zombie is dying, but still wants to suck a Double Happiness]

[Host obtains system points +2]

Cold system beep.

ringing in the head.

Zhang Wei squatted down, whispered slowly and softly to the zombie old man at his feet.

"Smoking is bad for your health~"

【Ding! Zombies can't rest in peace]

[Host obtains system points +2]

Can't help it.

Zhang Wei put the red double happiness in his mouth, threw it on the ground and strangled it out.

Pick up the phone and remember the small notebook.

[February 28th turned sunny to cloudy, killed a zombie today, and spent a pack of Double Happiness, 8 yuan. 】


the other side.

The hotel room was quiet, and Li Junfei and the others stared at the screen, unable to recover for a long time.

For a long time.

Li Junfei said with emotion.

"Sure enough, smoking is bad for your health."

Although there was no sound from the monitoring, everyone could see the meaning of Zhang Wei's last sentence.

Yu Xiaoqi also nodded.

But couldn't help but said again.

"But smoking can deal with zombies. If you don't smoke, you can buy a pack and keep it with you."

Li Junfei nodded.

"Indeed, if we encounter zombies in the future, we can pass a cigarette to the zombies to save their lives."

For two people to talk.

Yu Weihong smiled wryly.

They are young people who can quit smoking if they smoke, but for a businessman like him, it is difficult to quit after decades of smoking.


Yu Weihong spoke to Yu Weiming beside him.

"Wei Ming, we will draw Double Happiness instead."

"Okay, brother."


construction site.

Outside the shed.

"Brother Wei."

Li Junfei waved to Zhang Wei standing at the door of the shed.

The zombies were killed, and they left the hotel immediately and rushed to the construction site.

Yu Weihong thanked Zhang Wei for a while.


He took a bank card out of his pocket.

"A little thought, not much, just 200,000, I hope you don't mind accepting it, the password is your mobile phone number."

"Uncle Yu is being polite."

Zhang Wei was surprised.

Before the 'start of work' tonight, he asked the squad leader Lu Lianxue about the price.

Generally speaking.

The price of ghost exorcism is determined according to the type of ghost and the strength of the ghost.

Ordinary ghosts or evil ghosts, the price is between 10,000 and 100,000, depending on the difficulty and strength of the ghost.

And like zombies.

Definitely in the tough category.

without him.

Zombies are as powerful as cows, and their bodies are even stronger. They cannot be easily pierced by bullets, and they have super healing powers. Even with black dog blood and glutinous rice, they can only be repelled, and it is difficult to kill them.

So the price of zombies is more than 80,000.


According to Zhang Wei's description, Lu Lianxue speculates that the zombies in the iron coffin belong to evil spirits, and the price is 100,000.

So he made an offer of 100,000.

Now Yu Weihong gave 200,000, fully doubled.

"How polite, Zhang Wei, to you, you just helped me kill a zombie casually."

"But it's different for me."

Yu Weihong saw at a glance that Zhang Wei was going to refuse, so he spoke first.

"If I build a house on this piece of land and sell it, the profit will be at least tens of millions."

"And if the zombies are still here, I won't be able to build a house, and it will be a huge loss if I delay it for a day."

"In my opinion, Zhang Wei is definitely worth 200,000 to me for helping you this time."

"Actually, besides the 200,000 yuan, I still think that when this housing area is built, I will give you a top floor."

Zhang Wei took the bank card.

Then he waved his hand.

"I'll take the money from Uncle Yu, and forget about the house."

"I just killed a zombie. If I still accept the house, the charge will be passed on to my peers, and I will say that I am driving up prices."

"And say it again."

"This matter is actually not over yet."


Yu Weihong and the others were stunned for a moment, subconsciously moving away from the greenhouse.

"Brother Wei, what do you mean by that? There won't be zombies, right?" Li Junfei's eyelids twitched.

He is ready.

As soon as Zhang Wei said that there were still zombies, he immediately turned around and ran away.

Yu Weihong and the others looked around nervously, looking at Zhang Wei leaning on him.

"Don't be nervous, there are no zombies."

Zhang Wei explained.

"It's true that I was killed by a zombie, but you forgot one thing."

"It means that zombies are not formed by accident, but someone intentionally buried them in an iron coffin and artificially raised zombies."

"Now that the zombie is dead, if the person behind the scenes finds out, what if he comes to revenge."

"Isn't this often done in movies? When the young ones are beaten, the old ones come. We made him a zombie, and he won't let it go."

"Anyway, raising zombies is not a small expense, it takes time and energy."

After Yu Weihong heard it, he frowned immediately.

Before, he was smiling, but now he was replaced by a sad expression.

Patronize zombies.

How could I forget this.

Having been in business for decades and traveling all the year round, Yu Weihong wouldn't know that people's hearts are frightening.

As the saying goes, people know that ghosts are scary, and ghosts know that people are poisonous.

Ghosts are certainly scary.

But in fact, people are more terrifying.

The one who raised zombies dared to use iron coffins as a vicious method to kill the whole family. No matter how he thought about it, he couldn't be a good person. He didn't need to use golden water to investigate and kill him. He knew he was an iron wolf.

Zhang Wei saw what everyone was thinking:

"Don't worry, I have called the monitor tonight."

"The squad leader has contacted the Department of Health and Dao in the Northeast."

"This matter has been reported."

"I believe that the Department of Health and Dao in the Northeast will send people over soon. They specialize in dealing with such matters and will catch the corpse breeder."

in words.

Zhang Wei did not forget to be Yu Weihong's brother, and simply explained Xiawei Daosi.

"Of course, I will also be in the Northeast these two days. Anyway, I asked for three days off."

"I promised the school committee to help."

"If the keeper comes, Uncle Yu can notify me."

Even though we know that the Secretary of Defense is powerful.

But with Zhang Wei's promise, the Yu Weihong brothers felt more at ease.


Back on the road.

"By the way, Zhang Wei, heck, well, I have something I want to discuss with you."

Sitting in the car, Yu Weihong coughed, with embarrassment on his face:

"You still have leftovers from your package of Double Happiness."

"Yes, I have."

"Whether I can buy your bag of Double Happiness or not, you can make an offer."

It's better than buying Double Happiness.

Yu Weihong wanted the Double Happiness held by Zhang Wei more.

Although the Double Happiness was bought by his younger brother Yu Weiming, it is true, but it is not guaranteed. Zhang Wei drew runes or something on the package of Double Happiness, so it may not be able to deal with zombies. After all, isn’t there a common folklore? With a few strokes of the palm of the hand, the palm of the hand can deal with ghosts.

Zhang Wei saw what Yu Weihong meant.

But he didn't break it.

He took out Double Happiness and handed it to Yu Weihong:

"Uncle Yu wants to smoke, here, I seldom smoke anyway, so I only smoke when I pretend."

【Blessing Double Happiness 1 system point】

This is not Zhang Wei being stingy.

He also needs to save the system points to drive away ghosts. He can't give all the system points to the other party and keep none for himself.

And the reason for blessing 1 system point.

It is because the ghost brushing system can recover system points in addition to it.

You can also continue to support system points for things that have been blessed with system points at any time.

In other words.

Once Yu Weihong uses Double Happiness, he will know that at that time, as long as he wants, he can give Yu Weihong blessing system points, even if they are far away, they can be added remotely.

In this way.

One does not need to expose oneself to have a system.

Second, it can also protect Yu Weihong. Anyway, with only 1 system point, it is better than nothing, and it will not cause any damage to his strength.

Think about it.

Zhang Wei couldn't help being taken aback for a moment, his eyes sparkling.

Things that are blessed with system points can be blessed with system points no matter how far away they are.

Then if someone else takes the things they bless to deal with the ghost and make the ghost have emotions, does it count as creating emotions for the ghost and gaining system points?

"I have to find a chance to try it."

Zhang Wei murmured.

Jingle Bell.

Just when Zhang Wei was thinking about how to try.

The phone rang.

Caller ID——Squad leader Lu Lianxue.

"Hey, squad leader, what made you call me after one o'clock in the morning, could it be that Yoshihiro Togashi has updated the hunter full-time?"


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