Stronger Than The Old Heavenly Master, You Say He Is A Newcomer?

Chapter 121 What Is Wrong With Learning, Learning The Six Senses Of Purity With No Thought?

Hearing Zhang Chao's words, Zhang Wei let out a cry:

"The love between humans and ghosts is over, this is it."

Zhang Chao laughed and said:

"Yes, there were Nie Xiaoqian and Ning Caichen in ancient times, and now there are boyfriends who become ghosts and haunt girlfriends. This is true love that will never change until death."

Mention love.

Zhang Chao slanted to Zhang Wei: "Speaking of which, my dear Xiaoweizi, how are you and Xiaomantou going?"


Wu Nian, who was eating next to him, even though he continued to eat, his ears pricked up silently, and Zhang Wei's eyes that inadvertently stole Zhang Wei betrayed him.

At this moment.

Zhang Chao stopped talking, and said with a gossipy smile:

"Last night, you didn't reply to my message in a hurry, and you said you were busy. You were applauding for love with Xiao Mantou."

in words.

Zhang Chaobian was clapping his hands at high speed and frequency, making a crisp and quick snapping sound.

"Oh, Wu Nian, look at us, we don't even have any ex-girlfriends."

"Look at Zhang Wei again. Not only does he have an ex-girlfriend, but he's also starting to reproduce."

Zhang Wei laughed and cursed and patted Zhang Chao on the head:

"What are you talking about, I was cheating on someone yesterday lol."

After Zhang Wei explained, Zhang Chao learned the details.

He rolled his eyes:

"I said Zhang Wei, you traveled all the way from the northeast to Wenling City to help Xiao Mantou exorcise ghosts, but you didn't do anything?"

"Did you learn badly? What is wrong with learning? Learn from Wu Nian, or do you no longer believe in love?"

"What's wrong? Zhang Chao sees what you said, do you believe in love?"

Zhang Wei joked.

Without waiting for Zhang Chao's response, Wu Nian raised his head and said leisurely:

"Amitabha, Zhang Chao recently signed up for a marriage agency."

"Go, go, go." Zhang Chao hastily interrupted Wu Nian.


Zhang Wei laughed: "I can't tell, Zhang Chao, are you in puberty?"

Zhang Chao blushed in embarrassment, and then said in a deep voice:

"No, that's what my father insisted on participating in. He said that my eldest is not young, and if I don't go to school, then I should start a family early."

"Also, I really believe in love. Although there are a lot of cheating, dog-licking, and gold-digging women, I think there is still love in this world."

Just as he was talking, Zhang Chao glanced from the corner of his eye and pointed to the door of the store:

"Look over there, isn't that love?"


Zhang Wei and Wu Nian were stunned, and looked in the direction Zhang Chao pointed.

It was a couple of old people.

An old grandma and an old grandpa, they have white hair, they are about seventy or eighty years old, and they are dressed in ordinary clothes. They don't look like rich people, ordinary old couples.

Yet they walked in the door.

But it attracted many people's attention.

The old grandma looked a little dazed, probably not in good health, and walked very slowly, taking two steps before taking a step.


It was lunch time, and there were many people in this restaurant. The grandfather was afraid that the crowd would be crowded, and the grandmother would lose him if he walked slowly. He was holding out his hand to hold the grandmother

Although the old man was also older, even older than the old woman, his old hand firmly held the hand of the old woman to prevent the crowd from squeezing them apart.

This scene.

There is an indescribable warmth.

People will inexplicably raise the corners of their mouths when they see it, feeling that no matter how bad the mood is, it will be better at this moment.

"very nice."

Zhang Chao raised his smile and kept his eyes on the old couple.

can be seen.

The old grandpa was leading the old grandma. The old grandma seemed to feel that she was walking slowly, and wanted to speed up her pace so that her old man would not walk slowly with her.

"My wife, walk slowly, we are out to eat today, we don't need to cook, we don't need to walk so fast."

The old grandpa led the old grandma and said slowly, the old man had a smile on his face.

The old grandma gave an angry look:

"Why come out to eat? It's not very good to cook at home. It's too expensive to go out to eat."

The old grandfather wrinkled his old face and smiled:

"Isn't today our 50th wedding anniversary? Didn't you say you wanted to eat dumplings a few days ago, and I just took you out to eat. By the way, do you want popsicles? I heard from my son that this store sells popsicles."

The old woman walked up to the old man and patted the old man gently:

"That's why my son said you are cultured, old man, what my son said is called a saint, ah, yes, a sundae."

The old man smiled and said: "That's different, they all eat ice, my wife, you haven't eaten ice for a long time, let's go, I will take you to eat today."

The old lady didn't refuse, but nodded happily.

In the eyes of others, they are grandpas and grandmas.

But in the eyes of the old man, this is not the old woman, but his wife.

Even though he has grown old together since he was young, in his opinion, the old lady has always been his girl. He remembers that she loves to eat ice cream in summer, but she is old and her body does not allow her to eat more. It is rare to eat it this year.

"The old grandpa and grandma don't look like rich people, but they seem to be living happily."

Zhang Chao said:

"Actually, I just want to be like them. I don't want to be rich or powerful, or marry a beautiful wife, as long as she loves me and loves me."

"Then start an ordinary family, live an ordinary life, and spend a lifetime together, wouldn't it be great?"

"What about you, Zhang Wei, haven't you thought about this?"

Zhang Wei glanced at Zhang Chao, and said with his forehead:

"Think about it, I think everyone will think about it, imagine what kind of wife they will find, and what kind of happy family they will have in the future."

"Then what have you thought about it?" Zhang Chao looked over curiously.

Zhang Wei was just about to speak when he heard the words.

But at this time.

A series of exclamations sounded, interrupting Zhang Wei's conversation with them, and their pupils shrank suddenly.

I saw the old grandpas and grandmas before, they walked into the store talking and laughing.

But it wasn't long before I entered the store.

When the old man was ordering food with the waiter, he clutched his chest in vain and fell to the ground in pain.

This scene.

Everyone was frightened, especially the old lady turned pale with fright.

"What's the matter with you, old man, old man."

She was in a hurry to shake the old man, and in a panic asked the waiter to call an ambulance.

"Yes, yes, call an ambulance."

The people around also reacted, and someone took out their mobile phone and called an ambulance.

for a while.

The whole store was in chaos.

Many people stopped to watch, wanting to see what happened.

When seeing the situation, many people are heartbroken.


An old man fell to the ground, and a person who knew first aid gave him emergency breathing and kept pressing his heart.

Beside the old man, an old woman was crying anxiously, chanting "Wake up, old man, save my old man" and so on.


Since Zhang Wei and the others were going to the hospital on business, the restaurant they chose was close to the hospital.

The ambulance came quickly, and the medical staff got out of the car and carried the old man on a stretcher into the ambulance.

During this period.

The grandmother never leaves the old man.

Even though her legs and feet were inconvenient, she ignored her legs and feet at this moment and tried her best to keep up with the stretcher, not wanting to leave the old man. Those old hands always held the old man tightly, just like the old man held her tightly before.

This time it was her who held it tightly, not daring to let go.

"Old man, the doctor is here, the doctor is here, you will be fine, you should be fine, old man, can you answer me a word?"

A sentence of chanting echoed in everyone's ears.

Everyone's hearts were aroused when they heard it, especially those who saw the old man leading the old woman into the store before.

They watched the ambulance leave, talking and hoping the old man would be fine.

their arguments.

The three of Zhang Wei beside him heard it.

But also silent...

In the eyes of others, other people, including the grandmother, only saw the old man being carried into the ambulance on a stretcher.

But in the eyes of Zhang Wei and the others.

They saw it.

There was an old man lying on the stretcher, and he was held tightly by the old woman, and when the stretcher got up, another old man appeared...

He looks exactly like the old man on the stretcher.

His body is transparent.


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