Looking at the old grandpa standing by the stretcher, passing by the old grandma.

He stretched out his hand, wanting to say something to the old grandma, but his whole illusory body passed through the old grandma, so he could only stand by and worry, and could only get into the ambulance beside the old grandma.

If other people can see this scene.

Maybe they will scream in fright, but Zhang Wei and the others will not, because it is the ghost of the old man, and the old man is dead.

for a moment.

Watching the ambulance leave.

Zhang Wei said: "They should go to the First Hospital of Luxia City, because it is the closest, and it is the same hospital as your employer."

Its meaning is beyond words.

Zhang Chao and Wu Nian understood what it meant.

"Go and have a look. Although the old man is dead, let's see if there is anything we can help."

Zhang Chao sighed and said helplessly:

"Life is really impermanent, the large intestine wraps the small intestine."

"Amitabha, meeting is fate, and I agree."

Wu Nian clasped his palms together.


The First Hospital of Luxia City.

With the sound of an ambulance siren.

The ambulance arrived at the hospital. As soon as the car stopped, there were doctors and nurses rushing over from the hospital. They heard the siren sound and got ready.

With the ambulance door open.

Many people passing by the hospital door heard the cries coming from the car.

they see.

There are medical staff in the car doing rescue to an old man, and there is an old woman beside him.

She had gray hair all over her head, and her old face was full of tears. She called out to the old man on the stretcher one after another, telling him that the hospital is here, that it's all right, the doctor is here.


Just when the doctors and nurses rushed up to help carry the stretcher and send the old man to rescue.

The medical staff in the car stopped them, and while shaking their heads, they stopped the rescue action in their hands.

His actions were noticed by the grandmother who always cared about the elderly.

The old grandma shook her body, panic was written on her wrinkled face, and she hurriedly shouted:

"Doctor, save my old man quickly, save my old man quickly."

"I'm sorry, I tried my best, this grandpa has... Grandma's condolences."

The medical staff sighed and spoke with difficulty.

He rescued him all the way, and waited for the rescue measures to be used, but the old man's heartbeat never beat from the time he got in the car to the hospital. Even if it wasn't for the doctor, he would understand this situation.

Grandpa is dead and cannot be rescued.

The old grandma was stunned.

next second.

In the sad and distressed gaze of everyone.

The old grandma collapsed, hugged the old man tightly, hugged her in her arms and cried loudly:

"There is still someone to save, there is still someone to save, doctor, save my old man, please save my old man."

She cried and wanted to kneel down for the medical staff, even if she had bad legs and feet.

She was quickly helped up by the medical staff, who repeatedly told her that the old man was beyond rescue.

The grandma hugged the grandpa tightly as if struck by lightning.

She broke down and cried:

"There is still someone to save, there must be someone to save, save my old man."

The old woman cried heart-piercingly.

Her helplessness.

The people present sighed, and the medical staff were at a loss for a while.

A medical staff wanted to lift the grandfather up, but was stopped by another medical staff standing beside him. He shook his head lightly at the medical staff to stop him from doing so. But I can never get used to it, and I can't deal with it calmly.

Not long.

Grandpa was carried down.

The old grandma still hugged the old grandpa tightly, unwilling to leave.

This scene.

They were seen by Zhang Wei who rushed over.

in their perspective.

In addition to seeing the grandma hugging the grandpa tightly, she also saw the soul of the grandpa beside her. She reached out to touch the grandma several times, but couldn't touch it, so she could only call "wife" over and over again.

Zhang Wei and the others walked up.

When they came to grandma, they glanced at grandpa.

The grandfather, who was paying attention to the old lady, noticed their actions, especially that look, and he couldn't help shaking.

Without waiting for him to ask in a hurry, did they see him.

Zhang Wei's voice sounded:

"Grandma, hello, I didn't mean to offend you and grandpa, just want to ask, do you want to see grandpa again, we can help you."

Its sound is not loud, but it sounds like thunder to the grandmother.

It's like grabbing a life-saving straw.

The old lady suddenly looked at Zhang Wei and the three of them, and grabbed Zhang Wei's hand:

"What are you talking about, what meeting, can you save my old man, please save my old man."

Looking at the helpless appearance of the old grandma.

Zhang Wei sighed and said as softly as possible:

"Grandma, grandpa has already passed away and cannot be saved, but in fact... grandpa is right beside you. The three of us are special. We can see things that others cannot see, such as grandpa's ghost."

"Grandpa is standing next to you right now."

"So grandma, I want to ask, do you want to see grandpa? I can help you see grandpa for the last time."

As soon as the words were spoken, the old lady nodded in response to Xiang Xiangjian without even thinking about it.


An unmanned lawn in the hospital.

at this time.

Zhang Wei and the others were standing by the lawn, watching an old couple on the public stone bench not far away.

Those are grandpa and grandma.

With the support of the system, Zhang Wei helped the grandmother see the grandfather.

Just like what I saw in the store before, the old man and the old woman were holding hands and sitting on stone chairs, talking to each other.

can be seen.

The old grandma cried again, holding the old grandpa's hand tightly, even though Zhang Wei and the others didn't know the content of the conversation, it could be seen that the old grandma didn't want the old grandpa to leave.

And the old grandpa patted the old grandma's hand lightly, wiping the old grandma's tears to comfort her like coaxing a child.

To this.

Zhang Wei didn't bother to urge, and watched quietly until the old man and the old woman came over after chatting, they were still holding hands, the old man slowly waited for the old woman to leave, holding hands tightly, even after death, they did not change.

"thank you all."

The old grandpa and grandma wanted to bow to Zhang Wei and the others to thank them, but Zhang Wei and the others stopped them.

"Don't thank us, it's just a matter of little effort."

Also at this time.

Wu Nian looked up at the sky, and even though it was difficult to speak, she folded her hands together and said:

"Amitabha, grandpa, it's getting late."

The old man knew what he meant, and he was reluctant to look at the old woman next to him:

"My wife, I'm leaving, you have to live well, you know, it's okay, I'll wait for you below."

The old lady cried and nodded: "Old man wait for me, wait for me to find you, you must wait for me."

The old grandpa hugged the old grandma: "I will definitely wait, my wife, you walk so slowly, if you don't wait for you, I'm afraid you won't find your way."

Accompanied by Wu Nian, recite the scriptures on rebirth in Buddhism.

The light of the past life blooms.

A portal appeared behind the old man, leading to the afterlife.

"Grandpa, wait a minute."

Under the puzzled eyes of Zhang Chao and the others, Zhang Wei stopped the grandfather who was about to leave.

He took a red thread from his pocket.

Zhang Chao and Wu Nian looked at each other and recognized the red thread. It was a red thread that Zhang Wei bought from a roadside stall before they rushed to the hospital. At that time, Zhang Chao asked specifically what it was for.

Zhang Wei replied:

"The red line represents marriage. Although I don't know if it will work, but since I see it, I want to help."

Zhang Chao and Wu Nian vaguely understood that sentence, but they didn't stop Zhang Wei and believed in Zhang Wei's actions.


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