He took a red thread from his pocket.

Zhang Chao and Wu Nian looked at each other and recognized the red thread. It was a red thread that Zhang Wei bought from a roadside stall before they rushed to the hospital. At that time, Zhang Chao asked specifically what it was for.

Zhang Wei replied:

"The red line represents marriage. Although I don't know if it will work, but since I see it, I want to help."

Zhang Chao and Wu Nian vaguely understood that sentence, but they didn't stop Zhang Wei and believed in Zhang Wei's actions.

【Ding! Blessing red line 1 system point]

The system prompt sounds.

Zhang Wei pulled the red thread in his hand into two and tied it to the ankles of the grandfather and grandmother.

"This is?" the old man wondered.

Zhang Wei said casually: "There are many people on Huangquan Road, I'm afraid you will get lost, so tie your ties so you can recognize each other."

"Thank you." The grandfather and grandmother thanked.

【Ding! Grandpa is grateful]

[Host obtains system points +10]


Accompanied by Zhang Wei and Zhang Chao, recite the Taoist scriptures of rebirth with wishes, and recite the Buddhist scriptures of rebirth without thoughts.

The long Buddhist scriptures and Taoist scriptures echoed into the door.

【Ding! Bless the scriptures recited by the host with 10,000 system points]

The old man walked into the portal.

"Grandma, let's go first."

Rejecting the grandmother's thanks, Zhang Wei and the others left. After all, Zhang Chao and Wu Nian still had things to do.

The old lady bowed to Zhang Wei and the others gratefully, and left.

They don't know.

After two days, the grandma left.

Neither died of illness nor committed suicide, and passed away peacefully.

Afterwards, Zhang Wei and the others learned that they knew that it was because the grandmother missed the grandfather too much, and finally left.

The grandpa is everything to the grandma, and he has accompanied the grandma all her life.

Without him for the rest of her life, what would the old lady do to spend it.

Missing is silent, but it is deafening. Science cannot explain it, but it must not be admitted. Missing has a magic that cannot be explained by science.


Huangquan Road.

"Old man."

With a smile on her face, the old lady walked forward slowly and waited for her wife.

Looking at the old grandma coming.

The old man was a little helpless but smiled softly.

He knew that the old lady didn't want him to wait too long below.

"Go slowly, my wife."

The old man took the hand of the old woman, held it tightly as always, and repeatedly told him not to get lost with him.

The grandma smiled brightly and nodded.

faintly visible.

There was an old couple on Huangquan Road. They walked very slowly and walked on this Huangquan Road.

And on their ankles, each tied a red thread, emitting a faint light on the road to Huangquan.


Ten years later.

Under the big banyan tree in the playground of a high school, it is spring, the big tree is verdant, the spring breeze is blowing, and the laughter of students can be heard from a distance from time to time.

And at this time.

Under the big banyan tree, there is a pair of young male and female high school students.

"I like you, can you be my girlfriend?"

The boy confessed his love to the girl, without concealing the tension and apprehension of that confession in his words.

But soon.

The boy smiled, and he nodded shyly when he saw the girl, and she agreed to the boy.

The boy was so happy that he excitedly took the girl's hand and held it tightly.

They didn't notice.

Didn't notice at all.

On their respective ankles, there is a red thread that is invisible and intangible to everyone.

With the boy's confession, he succeeded.

The spring breeze blows by.

The red thread shone faintly in the spring breeze.


Luxia City Hospital.

at this time.

Zhang Wei, Zhang Chao, and Wu Nian chatted along the way, helping the grandma and grandpa, and they seemed to be in a good mood.

"Zhang Wei, our employer is in the No. 1 critically ill building, do you want to go with us?"

Zhang Chao put down the phone in his hand and spoke bluntly.

Just now, he remembered that his employer was also in this hospital, so he hurriedly called his employer and contacted him that they had already arrived at the hospital.

Originally, the employer planned to come down to look for them, but because his daughter was seriously ill, Zhang Chao and the others decided to go in person without bothering the employer.

"No, I'll just hang out downstairs, and we'll go have dinner together after you finish talking."

Zhang Wei refused.

This is not his list in itself, and the ghosts are also weak, he is not interested, and he is too lazy to join in the fun, so he might as well just look at the scenery here.

You must know that this is the No. 1 Hospital in Luxia City. For the sake of the patients, the hospital has spent a lot of money and built a nice lawn landscape for the patients to relax here during their hospitalization.

After all, a good mood is conducive to the treatment of patients.

"Alright then, let's go up first, and we'll come find you later, don't get lost."

Zhang Chao smiled, and gave Zhang Wei a 'father' look.

To this.

Zhang Wei kicked Zhang Chao and said with a smile:

"The level of intensive care in this hospital is good. Why don't I send you to be with the employer's daughter, and you will experience the common language of life and death together. You will definitely be able to chat, and maybe you will find love."

Zhang Chao twisted his butt, and smiled to avoid Zhang Wei's kick.

After replying Zhang Wei with a word.

He dragged Wu Nian to the hospital.

"Damn, no need, I'm afraid you didn't send me to the hospital and sent me away first, but I heard that the employer's daughter is indeed very beautiful, hurry up, Wu Nian, let's go up and have a look, maybe my future wife is really there Then, hahaha."

"This guy Zhang Chao."

Seeing Zhang Chao running away without a trace, Zhang Wei laughed and cursed.

Immediately afterwards.

He scanned the surrounding scenery:

"Not to mention, this hospital has a nice view."

in words.

Zhang Wei's eyes fell on the stone chairs on the lawn in front of him, and he couldn't help thinking of the backs of the old grandpas and grandma who were snuggling up on the stone chairs.

Think here.

The corners of Zhang Wei's mouth twitched unconsciously, and a figure appeared in his mind inexplicably.

That is a cute girl.

She has a small round face, which makes people want to pinch when she looks at it, and she has a pair of cute canine teeth and small dimples when she smiles.

Zhang Wei was stunned for a moment, he didn't expect to think of Qiu Xiaolin.

"I don't know what that guy is doing."

muttered a sentence.

Zhang Wei hesitated for a while, but picked up his phone and clicked on WeChat.

【Zhang Wei】: Hey, buddy, what are you doing, peeping at the door jpg

at the same time.

Wenling City University, student building.

Qiu Xiaolin was talking and laughing with Zhang Ya and the others downstairs.

They have just finished class and are preparing for the next class in the next classroom ahead.

Ding dong.

The mobile phone WeChat notification sounded.

Qiu Xiaolin subconsciously picked up the phone and looked at it, and was stunned for a moment.


Zhang Ya and the others noticed Qiu Xiaolin's actions.

"What's wrong with Xiaolin, which handsome guy sent you a message, look so fascinated, let me take a look."

Zhang Ya came up to take a look, and her beautiful eyes suddenly curved into crescent moons with a smile:

"Oh, let me tell you who made our little Lin like this. It turned out to be our exorcist Zhang Wei."


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