Stronger Than The Old Heavenly Master, You Say He Is A Newcomer?

Chapter 124 Xiao Weizi, Are You Sure You Sent The Right Thing?

As soon as Zhang Ya spoke.

Lin Ping, Zhou Xiaoqing, Zhang Ya and the others all watched in an instant, looking at Qiu Xiaolin flirtatiously.

"There's nothing to be courteous about, rape or steal." Zhang Ya grinned and said.

Lin Ping echoed from the side:

"I agree, this is already an ex-boyfriend, and he took the initiative to find him, there must be something wrong."

Zhou Xiaoqing giggled and took the words:

"Then the question is, Zhang Wei, our ghost exorcist father, is he a rape or a thief, or a thief?"

Zhang Ya slapped Zhou Xiaoqian's Mount Everest lightly:

"Hey, Xiaoqian, what you said is not an adult at all, why do you have to have one of them, our Daddy Zhang Wei is an adult, we wanted them all at the time! Rape and thief!"

in words.

Zhang Ya stretched out her five fingers and made a gesture of "Oboi said I want it all".

Qiu Xiaolin blushed all of a sudden, and stretched out her hand to pinch Zhang Ya and the others:

"Don't be obsessive, I really have nothing to do with Zhang Wei, they might come to me for something."

As she spoke, she squeezed Zhang Ya's waist hard:

"It's you, Yaya, why did your father recognize it? Why, do you want to share a household registration book with Zhang Wei?"

Zhang Ya giggled straight after being pinched, and hurriedly dodged and laughed:

"Who told me Zhang Wei's big daddy is amazing? I was the first to recognize that daddy can be the eldest daughter, and he can help me if I need something. Am I right, mom?"

Lin Ping chirped and chimed in: "Mom, stop pinching sister, and talk to Dad Zhang."

Zhou Xiaoqing: "Mom, I mean what my second sister Lin Ping said makes sense, so don't keep Father Zhang waiting."

Qiu Xiaolin chose to ignore their teasing, and picked up her mobile phone to reply to Zhang Wei, not wanting Zhang Wei to wait for urgent news.

[Qiu Xiaolin]: Here, buddy, Doraemon opens the door and comes in.jpg

[Qiu Xiaolin]: Why are you looking for me when you have time? Didn't you hear Junfei and the others say, did you go to pick up some friends?

[Zhang Wei]: I have already picked it up, and now they are in the hospital, and they are doing business.

【Zhang Wei】: By the way, are there any ghosts in your dormitory?

[Qiu Xiaolin]: No ghosts. After posting that yellow talisman, nothing has happened. The thief works. Haha, you don’t know. Underwear is brought.

【Zhang Wei】: Where do you put your underwear on? Be sure to ask Yaya to take a picture of it for me, immediately, or I will go there sometime, give her a yellow talisman, and personally guide her where to post it.

【Qiu Xiaolin】: Kick the crotch jpg

[Qiu Xiaolin]: Young man, you seem a little drifting.

【Zhang Wei】: o( ̄︶ ̄)o Is there any? Am I serious about talking to you about folk taboos? You can’t paste things like talismans indiscriminately. Am I wrong? Pound the table jpg

[Qiu Xiaolin]: Ah yes yes yes, with a fierce kick file jpg

There was some 'friendly' interaction.

outside the hospital.

Zhang Wei was sitting on a stone chair on the lawn, holding his mobile phone, watching the messages sent on it, with a big smile on his face.

Wenling University classroom.

Qiu Xiaolin sat on the seat, looked at the messages that came from the phone from time to time, raised her cute little canine teeth, and typed replies with a smile.

for a moment.

【Zhang Wei】: By the way, did you receive the express I sent you?

Seeing this piece of news, Qiu Xiaolin couldn't help but condense her smile, as if thinking of something, she couldn't help laughing.

[Qiu Xiaolin]: I have received it, but Xiaoweizi, are you sure you sent it correctly? ?

[Qiu Xiaolin]: Didn’t you say you wanted to send me props to protect ghosts? Why did I receive an armored warrior belt? The child scratched his head and went crazy.jpg

not long ago.

After the Manzhan incident, Zhang Wei was afraid that Qiu Xiaolin and the others were still in danger, so before they left, Zhang Wei told Qiu Xiaolin that he would give them another ghost exorcism prop for self-defense.

After all, there is only one piece of chewing gum left for Qiu Xiaolin, which is not enough to deal with ghosts.

So Zhang Wei planned to pick something, and then bless the system, and send it to Qiu Xiaolin and the others as self-defense props.

[Zhang Wei]: That's right, it's the armor warrior belt. There are four pieces in total, one for each of you and Yaya.

【Zhang Wei】: By the way, I suggest you choose Xingtian's belt.

[Qiu Xiaolin]: Why did you choose Xingtian?

【Zhang Wei】: Because Xing Tian is handsome, do you even need to ask?

【Qiu Xiaolin】:...

[Qiu Xiaolin]: Where's my knife? I really hacked you to death.

【Zhang Wei】: Hahaha, don't doubt it, those four belts can deal with ghosts, believe me, when did my brother lie to you.

Look at this message from Zhang Wei.

Qiu Xiaolin was stunned, not knowing whether to laugh or cry, Zhang Wei also said the same thing when he gave her Green Arrow chewing gum last time.

Think here.

[Qiu Xiaolin]: I said Xiaowei, why are your ghost exorcising tools so different? I heard from Lianxue that her ghost exorcising tools are very normal, such as mahogany swords and yellow talismans.

【Zhang Wei】: Because I gave you a mahogany sword, you can’t carry it with you. The armored warrior belt is fine. You can just put it in your bag. If you encounter ghosts, you can just take it out of your bag. How convenient.

[Qiu Xiaolin]: It seems so.

Zhang Ya saw Zhang Wei's message nearby:

"Father Zhang is really thoughtful, even thinking about carrying it with us."

Lin Ping was puzzled: "Then why don't you give us the yellow talisman, isn't it more convenient?"

Zhang Ya knocked Lin Ping on the head:

"Stupid, because the yellow talisman is not very powerful. Did you forget that Lianxue popularized it with us before? The yellow talisman is a one-time consumable. Unless it is used by a powerful ghost exorcist, otherwise the yellow talisman is difficult to deal with powerful ghosts."

"What Zhang Wei gave us is different. It won't be like the yellow talisman, which is gone after use."

Lin Ping nodded suddenly: "I see, I blamed Zhang Wei wrongly."

Seeing this, Zhang Ya jokingly said, "Then quickly kneel down and kowtow to daddy remotely to apologize."

The next second, they were fighting again.


the other side.

Luxia City Hospital.

After chatting with Qiu Xiaolin for a while, Zhang Wei was relieved when Qiu Xiaolin promised to carry a belt for self-defense.


Zhang Wei checked the time on his phone, it was 2:35 pm.

"We've been chatting for almost an hour, Zhang Chao and the others should come out soon."

The voice just fell.

Jingle Bell.

The phone rings.

He picked it up and saw the caller ID - monitor Lu Lianxue.

Pick up the phone.

Suddenly, Lu Lianxue's voice came from the phone.

"Zhang Wei, have you received Zhang Chao and the others?"

"I received it. Now they are discussing the list with the employer in the hospital. Have you finished class, monitor? If yes, you can come over. Zhang Chao and the others should be fine soon."

Zhang Wei said.

Lu Lianxue and Zhang Chao are also friends, Zhang Wei informed Lu Lianxue this morning that Zhang Chao and the others would come, and Lu Linxue said that they would come to play together after class.

"I just finished class, but I can't go there for the time being."

"What's wrong?" Zhang Wei wondered.

Lu Lianxue didn't hide anything, and said bluntly:

"Didn't you tell Team Lin yesterday that you saw a ghost on the road? Team Lin gave me this task, so I called you and wanted to tell you that I have to go there later."

As soon as his words came out.

Zhang Wei thought again of the ghost he saw yesterday, a ghost picking up cans.


He asked curiously:

"Squad leader, have you found that ghost?"


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