Stronger Than The Old Heavenly Master, You Say He Is A Newcomer?

Chapter 125 Lu Lianxue: \"Beep——\"

"I found it. Zhang Wei, after you sent a message to Team Lin yesterday, Team Lin and I went to look for it."

Lu Lianxue said bluntly:

"It's exactly what Zhang Wei said, picking up soda cans over there, and crying while picking them up, alas."


Hearing Lu Lianxue's sigh, Zhang Wei raised his eyebrows in surprise:

"Squad leader, why are you sighing so much? Is there any problem with that ghost?"

"There is a big problem."

Lu Lianxue didn't hold back, and asked Zhang Wei directly:

"Zhang Wei, you know the rules of our Department of Defense against ghosts, right?"

"Of course I know, monitor, you told me before that there are two situations when you deal with ghosts, depending on whether the ghosts are good or bad."

Zhang Wei recalled what Lu Lianxue said before:

"If the ghost has not committed any evil, save it to be reborn. If the ghost has not fulfilled its wish and cannot be reborn, record the ghost and let the ghost come to register regularly until it fulfills its wish."

"If the ghost is an evil spirit, it depends on the situation."

"Whoever commits serious crimes and has someone's life in his hands, kill them all."

"The circumstances are not serious. They will be detained or sealed for education. If the ghost knows that he repents, he will be saved. If he does not repent, he will be killed on the spot!"

"If the circumstances are too serious and the strength is too strong to kill, then it will be imprisoned or sealed depending on the situation."

"Squad leader, what range is this ghost from?"

Lu Lianxue said slowly:

"Belongs to the category of good ghosts, and has unfulfilled wishes."

"I have registered it last night, let it register regularly, and issued a certificate to it to prevent other ghost exorcists from killing it as an evil spirit."

"Actually, if this is done, it stands to reason that this supernatural case will be dealt with."

"But the key is..."

Seemingly guessing what Lu Lianxue was going to say, Zhang Wei took the lead and said:

"Because that ghost picked up soda cans?"

His words come out.

Lu Lianxue sighed, and asked without answering:

"Zhang Wei, have you read the news? There is news about wage arrears."

After hearing this, Zhang Wei vaguely understood the situation:

"I've seen it. The news says that some companies don't treat their employees as human beings, and they maliciously default on and deduct their wages."

"Isn't there a news not long ago... A female employee posted a post on her Moments envious of 'paying wages on time', but was fired the next day."

"And before..."

Speaking of the latter, Zhang Wei had a strange face:

"Squad leader, don't tell me, that ghost died due to unpaid wages."

Lu Lianxue shook her head:

"The ghost's death has nothing to do with the arrears of wages. He died accidentally, but he needs the arrears of wages because his mother is sick and urgently needs the money for surgery."

"But he is dead, and there is no way to collect the money, and there are no relatives to collect it for him, because he only has his mother left."

"And his mother didn't even know that the company owed his son several months' wages."

"I have approached that company and wanted to collect the arrears of wages in the name of his mother's friend."

"But damn it, that company doesn't admit it at all, and doesn't admit it's in arrears of wages."

"The boss of their company immediately canceled all records after knowing the accidental death of the employee, and did not intend to pay that salary."

Lu Lianxue did not hide her anger.

Speaking of the latter, she swears repeatedly, completely losing the image of a goddess, and incarnated as the troll of the black king in the Northeast.

"Fraud, that dog boss, I really want to kill the horses, there is only one page left in the dead account."

"I've already reported his mother's hospitalization to the Department of Health and Dao, and the Department of Health and Dao will probably approve the money to help that ghost's mother get treated."

"But that ghost can't swallow that breath, and I can't swallow that breath either."

"Then the salary should be paid."

"But I'm a ghost exorcist, not a people exorcist. I can't do anything about that boss. I have no evidence."

"I originally wanted to find other employees to prove the boss's wage arrears together."

"Because the ghost told me that the boss not only owed him a debt, but the whole company owed it."

"But the rest of the staff ... well, they don't want to come forward."

"They don't know ghosts, and they don't know me, and they are afraid that if they come forward, they will not get the money, because there was an employee asking for wages before, and they called the police, but nothing happened in the end... Sigh."

Feeling Lu Lianxue's anger.

Zhang Wei also frowned

Where there are people, there will be black and white.

"Stop talking, if I continue, I'm afraid I'll rush over and kill the boss right now."

Lu Lianxue said angrily:

"I'm going to think of a way to see if I can find evidence that the boss is in arrears of wages, and help that ghost get his wages back."

"Damn black-hearted boss, draft it, kill the whole family, fuck!!"

"Why do you have to delay wages? It's all about life. How you do it has nothing to do with people. Like a beast, you owe money to the dead."

To this.

Zhang Wei made a joke to comfort him:

"Master Lu calm down, don't get angry, be careful of getting pregnant."


Lu Lianxue was stunned for a moment, then laughed and cursed: "I'll hit you."

She knew that Zhang Wei was comforting her, and she felt better for no reason.


She let out a breath and said calmly, "Let's not talk about Zhang Wei for now. I'll find a way to find you later."


Zhang Wei interrupted Lu Lianxue from hanging up the phone:

"Squad leader, I want to ask one thing. If I help this ghost get paid, will it be considered as completing the task of exorcising ghosts from the Department of Health and Dao?"

"Of course it is, because the ghost's wish is to get a salary and treat his mother. Because the Department of Health and Dao learned about the situation, he has arranged for his mother to be cured and sent to a nursing home. Don't worry about her suffering."

Lu Lixue said:

"Ghosts will be reincarnated when their wish is fulfilled, isn't it the completion of the task of exorcising ghosts?"

"That's fine."

Zhang Wei grinned: "The squad leader asked me to do the exorcism list."

Lu Lianxue was stunned: "Ah? You want to pick it up? Are you sure? Wait, Zhang Wei, do you have a way to get your salary back?"

"There's no way to get your wages back."

Zhang Wei grinned and showed a mouthful of white teeth:

"But I can ask my boss for money."

Lu Lianxue: "????"

Immediately afterwards.

Lu Lianxue heard Zhang Wei Xu Xu's voice on the phone:

"Squad leader, give me the address of the boss."

for a moment.

Shortly after hanging up the phone.

Zhang Chao and Wu Nian walked out of the hospital:

"Zhang Chao, Wu Nian, I won't accompany you to dinner today. I have something to do temporarily, but I agreed to treat you. You go to dinner and account for me."

"What's the matter? It can't be exorcising ghosts."

Zhang Chao looked curious and gossipy.

To this.

Zhang Wei chuckled: "Exorcism is not as important as eating with you. After all, you are my good buddies. The main reason is that I am not exorcising ghosts, but people."


Zhang Chao and Wu Nian were both stunned when they heard the words.

Drive people? ? ?


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