Stronger Than The Old Heavenly Master, You Say He Is A Newcomer?

Chapter 126 Donor, You Have A Bloody Disaster

Under Zhang Chao's curious inquiry, Zhang Wei briefly told about the ghost picking up soda cans.

"Fuck! I thought this kind of thing only existed in the news, but I didn't expect it to happen around me."

Zhang Chao habitually swears:

"If Zhang Wei needs help, please let us know."

"Amitabha, the little monk is also willing to do his part."

Wu Nian clasped his hands together and echoed leisurely.

The words just fell.

Zhang Wei frowned, and looked at Wu Nian with a smile: "Wu Nian, are you sure you want to help?"


The sudden smile made Wu Nian's heart twitch inexplicably, but he hesitated thinking of the poor soda can ghost, but the compassion of his monk made him nod his head.

"Alright, Wu Nian, I really have a job for you to do."

"Then what about me, what about me, do you need my help?"

Zhang Chao was eager to try, he had done a lot of exorcising ghosts, but he hadn't done exorcising people yet.

"I'm sorry, Zhang Chao, there is no place for you to play."

"Fuck, no, why can't I play? What's the difference between me and Wu Nian? Is it because he's more handsome?"

"No, because Wu Nian is a monk, you are not."

Wu Nian and Zhang Chao: "????"


Luxia City, a commercial center.

This is the commercial center of Luxia City, and many companies set up their companies here.

Looking around, there are many buildings around, and white-collar workers and office workers in suits and collars come and go from time to time when walking on the street.

at this time.

At the entrance of a commercial building, a middle-aged man with a slightly fatter figure stepped out.

Looking at his brand-name attire, it is obvious that he is worth a lot of money.

as predicted.

As soon as the middle-aged man walked out, the security guard at the gate saluted respectfully upon seeing him.

"President Chen."

Chen Guang seemed to be in a good mood, nodding and smiling in response.

He didn't notice that after he walked far away, the security guard changed his respect and turned his face faster than a book, and he didn't hide his disgust on his face:

"Damn scum." The security guard whispered.

He knew Mr. Chen, and his name was Chen Guang. He was the boss of a financial business company, and the company opened in this commercial building.

However, although he is rich and powerful, the security guards are disgusted because the boss is not a good person and will do anything to make money.

According to other security guards, an old employee of his company passed away not long ago, and the company owed the employee wages.

This kind of scum made the security guard feel disgusted.

A dead scum with a butt that grows in the eyes of the money, this is the commercial building, whether it is an employee of Chen Guang's company or an employee of other companies, sincerely evaluate Chen Guang.

at the same time.

Chen Guang was standing on the side of the road in front of the building, waiting for the secretary to drive over to pick him up.

He was in a good mood. Today, a female student came to the door to get back the wages owed by an employee of the company, but he sent her away.


The most important point is that the employee passed away unexpectedly a few days ago, and the insurance money the company bought for him was paid out today, and he swallowed it up, including wage arrears.

Just waiting for him to have a dinner, the money is enough for him to spend a wave, and he can also take guests to the nightclub to negotiate consumption.

Think here.

Chen Guang thought to himself:

"Just recruit some disabled people and buy some insurance for them. Once they die, the insurance money will be mine."

"It seems to be not bad, buy insurance for them, maybe they have to be grateful to Dade, thank me for buying insurance and jobs for the disabled, haha."

"Why don't you let Xiao Wang's mother come to work?"

"I remember someone said that Xiao Wang's mother was dying of illness. If she were to work as a cleaner, she would probably die within a few days of working."


A long Buddha's horn echoed in my ears.

He interrupted Chen Guang's thoughts, and looked aside, he was startled.

I don't know when.

There was a young monk beside him.


When he saw the appearance of the monk, even the well-informed Chen Guang was stunned for a while. Although the monk looked young, his temperament was too dusty. It would definitely take years of self-cultivation to cultivate his character.

Looking at no thoughts.

Chen Guang dared to swear that the monk in front of him looked more like an eminent monk than any other monk he had ever seen, especially Fang Jingyi's peaceful expression, which seemed to be paralyzed and calm, with a bit of desire and desire.

"You are?"

In a daze, Chen Guang subconsciously made a sound.

However, the next second.

Before he asked about the situation, why did you keep looking at me, monk.

"Amitabha, hello, benefactor."

I saw Wu Nian put his hands together, hesitation flashed in his eyes, he sighed in his heart, and said silently, Amitabha, Buddha, please forgive me, all this is for that ghost, in order to repay Zhang Wei:

Thinking about it, Wu Nian still spoke:

"Benefactor...I see your seal is black, are a disaster of blood and light, and the whole family is going to die."

"Well, yes... that is, your mother, your father, your son, and your first wife are all dead... the kind that kills the whole family, tonight."

"Amitabha, sin is sin."

Chen Guang: "?????"

He was stunned and froze in place for a moment, almost thinking that he had heard wrong.

next second.

The corner of his mouth twitched, and he cursed:

"You must be sick when riding a horse, crazy, believe it or not, I called the police."


Really bad luck!

At this time, Chen Guang felt as uncomfortable as eating shit.

No wonder Chen Guanghui is like this.

Let’s say you’re standing on the side of the road, and suddenly a person who looks like an eminent monk looks like an eminent monk, but his face calms down, and he opens his mouth and says, ‘Your bloody disaster, your mother’s whole family will die tonight’.

If it wasn't for the fact that he was still in front of the building where the company is located and wanted to maintain his image, Chen Guang would have punched him.

Face abuse.

Wu Nian still had a calm face, and said leisurely:

"Amitabha, listen to my little really killed the whole family tonight."

There was no pause.

He continued with a paralyzed face:

"Benefactor, you, are you so cruel that you don't care whether your mother or father live or die."

"Amitabha...God has the virtue of good life. The almsgiver can send money to the little monk. 100,000 yuan, put it on the little monk's CCB card. Little monk, you will drive away ghosts and keep your family safe."

"My CCB card is... 621733..."

The words are not finished yet.

Chen Guang couldn't bear it anymore:

"Damn it, you're the one who killed the whole family, you liar lied to me and lied to me?"

He punched Wu Nian.

However, in the next second, what Chen Guang thought was a quick punch was caught by Wu Nian lightly raising his hand.

"Ah... it hurts..."

Chen Guang's wrist was held by Wu Nian, and Chen Guang felt that his wrist was about to be crushed. The eminent monk in front of him looked thin, but his strength was astonishing.

At this moment.

No thoughts sounded.

Chen Guanggu felt the pain from being pinched, so he couldn't hear what he said clearly, but he could hear the general meaning clearly, it probably means that since you want to kill the whole family, the little monk won't stop you.

Immediately afterwards.

Wu Nian shook his hands and left, leaving behind a bewildered Chen Guang.


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