Stronger Than The Old Heavenly Master, You Say He Is A Newcomer?

Chapter 129 Don't Do Bad Things And Don't Be Afraid Of Ghosts Knocking On The Door

Hear about required membership levels.

Rao Chen Guang couldn't hold back his restraint again and again, and cursed out loud.

Fortunately, he reacted in time.

Stop scolding halfway in time, there is no way, no matter who told him to ask others now, no matter how big a capitalist is, once he encounters difficulties and asks for others, he has to nod and bow.

But gnashing his teeth and looking at him, even a fool could see that he really wanted to beat Zhang Wei up.


Member 2, you need to recharge 200,000 to achieve it.

The span between members 1 and 2 is not doubled or doubled, it is unknown how many times.

And there is such a big gap between 1 and 2, what about member 12?

Chen Guangping regained his composure, thinking that when the money was lost and the disaster was eliminated, he asked cautiously:

"Master Zhang Wei, how much do you need to recharge for member 12?"

"Not many." Hearing this, Zhang Wei smiled and raised five fingers.

Chen Guang was startled when he saw it:

"Half a million?! So much?!"

His words come out.

Zhang Wei shook his head lightly, and slowly approached Chen Guang's ear, speaking softly:

"Sir, it's not half a million, you missed a zero."


Chen Guangru was struck by lightning and almost reached out to pinch Zhang Wei.

this moment.

He could bear it no longer, and cried out:

"Five million?! What are you kidding?! Why don't you grab it."

To this.

Zhang Wei spoke bluntly, turned his head and smiled back: "Then I'm leaving?"


Zhang Wei turned around and went to the window. Before leaving, he pointed to Xiao Wang's ghost at the door:

"Sir, the talisman I gave you should expire later. Be careful, that ghost is very ferocious. Without the talisman, you might not be able to bear it."

【Ding! Xiao Wang saw the host glance at him, it's ok! Mr. Zhang Wei, I understand. 】

[Host obtains system points +10]

Immediately afterwards.

Chen Guang was horrified to see that, after Zhang Wei kindly reminded him, his words were also heard by Xiao Wang's ghost.

next moment.

call! !

The wind is everywhere.

Xiao Wang's ghost was filled with dark energy, looked at him, stuck out his tongue and licked his lips frantically.

its appearance.

No matter how you look at it, it seems to be saying, wait until that talisman is useless, Chen Guang! I'm going to kill your whole family! !

Chen Guang was terrified, and quickly grabbed Zhang Wei's sleeve:

"Wait, Master Zhang Wei, don't leave, I'm just kidding, five million... It's cheap, it's my life, five million is not expensive, not at all."

I'm afraid Zhang Wei is gone.

Without further ado, Chen Guang scanned the QR code to transfer 5 million yuan.

[Drip, transfer 5 million from Alipay]

A notification tone came from the phone.

Zhang Wei took out a small cracker from his pocket and released:

"Congratulations sir, you have become my 103rd honored member 12 with 5 million krypton points in Mount Wutai."

Listen to his words.

Chen Guang was stunned for a moment, then asked:

"Master Zhang Wei, there are still 102 people in Wutai Mountain who have registered for membership 12?"

"Yeah, isn't this normal? It's not just that you are rich, sir."


Being praised for being rich, Chen Guang smiled proudly, and vaguely understood his son's idea of ​​playing mobile games with money.

"Master Zhang Wei, among those 103 people, am I the one with the highest krypton?"

"That's definitely not the case. Your Kryptonite ranks 103rd among our Mount Wutai members."

"I'm only ranked 103?"

Chen Guang was stunned, inexplicably feeling uncomfortable, Lao Tzu is only ranked 103 in the whole server?

Unable to bear it, Chen Guang said:

"Master Zhang Wei, what do you mean, your Wutaishan honored members are 12, and I rank the lowest? Everyone else has paid more than me?"

"Yeah, they not only krypton member 12, but some people krypton s, for example, a surnamed Ma, he is the highest ranked among our Wutaishan members."

"s? What's that? Isn't level 12 the highest level of membership?"

"Sir, level 12 membership is not the highest level, there are still s on top, by the way, sir, this dress is for you."

Zhang Wei took out a T-shirt printed with "Hey, Hey, Krypton 5 million" and handed it to Chen Guang.

"Sir, congratulations on becoming member 12. In order to show your status as a distinguished member of Krypton, I will give you a member 12 t-shirt for free."

"With the symbol of this dress, in the future, sir, if you wear this dress and go to Wutai Mountain, you will enjoy the highest treatment in Wutai Mountain, and an exclusive customer service will provide you with one-on-one pick-up."

Then take the clothes over.

Do not know why.

Chen Guang had an inexplicable sense of accomplishment, and the pain of charging 5 million before had eased a lot.

But before it was too late, Chen Guangyu Guang glanced at Xiao Wang's ghost at the door, and hurriedly said in fright:

"Master Zhang Wei, I have also recharged as a member, please help me expel ghosts."


Zhang Wei strode towards Xiao Wang's ghost and slapped him with a palm:


【Ding! On the surface, Xiao Wang's ghost screamed heart-piercingly, but in his heart he yelled at Wuhu, pretending to be blown up and turning into Yin Qi to leave]

[Host obtains system points +15]

"Sir, the ghost helped you get rid of it, so I'm leaving."

Zhang Wei was in a hurry to share the accounts, and didn't plan to stay for long, so he turned around and went to the window.

"Wait, Master Zhang Wei." Chen Guang stopped Zhang Wei.

"What's wrong, sir"

"Master Zhang Wei, the ghost was killed by you, right?"

"Yeah, didn't you see, I scattered the ghosts with one palm."

"That's good, that's good, then...then I'm fine now, there won't be any bloodshed."

Mention the bloodbath.

Zhang Wei looked at Chen Guang:

"No, sir, your bloody disaster is not that ghost. You have a bloody disaster recently."

"What?! And?!"

Chen Guang was instantly nervous when he heard the words, he grabbed Zhang Wei and asked:

"Master Zhang Wei, is my bloody disaster serious? You have to help me. I am member 12 of your Mount Wutai."

"Sir, don't get excited, don't worry, as our member 12, I will definitely help you."

Zhang Wei patted Chen Guang on the shoulder:

"Actually, I've exhausted my energy just now, and I've calculated for you, when will you encounter the bloody disaster. Your bloody disaster is not serious, and at most you will bleed a little."

"Ah? Is it serious to bleed a little?! Master Zhang Wei, don't lie to me, by the way, when will my bloody disaster be?" Chen Chengguang asked anxiously.

Zhang Wei grinned instantly, revealing a mouthful of white teeth:


The words fell.

A brick appeared in Zhang Wei's hand at some point, and he slammed it at Chen Guang's forehead.


Accompanied by Chen Guang's screams, his head bled and passed out.


Chen Guang fell to the ground, watching Zhang Wei jump out of the window, and ran away without a trace, then his eyes went dark, and he passed out.


That night.

Zhang Wei walked on the road with Zhang Chao, Wu Nian, and Xiao Wang ghost laughing all the way.

"Xiao Wang, I have transferred the money to you. I will give you 4.5 million. That is what you deserve. The 500,000 is my reward."

Xiao Wang bowed again and again to thank:

"Mr. Zhang Wei, please take more, this 4.5 million is too much, thank you so much."

Zhang Wei waved his hands with a smile and refused:

"4.5 million is not much. After all, you have worked for that company for so many years, and you have to leave some for your mother, don't you?"

"I got a lot of 500,000 yuan, because according to the ghost exorcism rules, I can get rid of ghosts like you at most 10,000 yuan. If you calculate it, I actually took advantage of it. I increased my salary by 50 times. I am an old capitalist." I."

"And not only do I have the 500,000 yuan, but the Department of Health and Dao will also pay me for exorcising ghosts."

After repeated refusals, Xiao Wang accepted the money gratefully.

【Ding! Xiao Wang is grateful, thank you Mr. Zhang Wei, if there is a next life, I will definitely repay you. 】

[Host obtains system points +18]

As Xiao Wang left, he had another look at his mother before going to reincarnate.

Watching off Xiao Wang.

Zhang Chao said suddenly:

"Speaking of Zhang Wei, aren't you afraid that Chen Guang will retaliate against you afterwards?"

"What are you afraid of? How can he retaliate against me? Do you call the police and say that I cheated him of money? Do you think anyone will believe it? Say that I called a ghost and cheated him of money? And does he dare? If he knows that I have a ghost, he will Do ordinary people dare?"

Zhang Wei said slowly:

"If you don't do anything bad, you won't be afraid of ghosts knocking on the door. He knows why he will be deceived, so he dares to call the police? If people don't know, he must do nothing."

"His money is not clean. Once he calls the police, he has to be afraid that he will be checked by the police."


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