Zhang Wei spoke out.

Chao Zhang nodded and said with a smile: "It seems that Zhang Wei has thought about this beforehand for you, as expected of you."


Zhang Chao laughed and said:

"Now I understand why Ms. Lu said that you are a very bad person. You are so thoughtful. Fortunately, we are your friends. If it weren't for your friends, you would have been tricked by your panties. For example, Wu Nian."

He hugged Wu Nian's shoulder:

"Wu Nian, you have to be careful, don't mess with Zhang Wei, otherwise your pure and innocent little brain can't stand Zhang Wei, maybe you will be cheated out of vulgarity."

Zhang Wei laughed out loud:

"How could it be? Am I that bad? I can't do this kind of thing that makes me turn into vulgarity without thoughts. I'm much kinder. At most, I don't want him to be the Buddha of Wunian pit. I think he's dirty. "

His words come out.

Zhang Chao and Zhang Wei looked at each other, and the two of them instantly had a smirk on their faces.

their smiles.

Wu Nian saw it in his eyes, clasped his hands together and said:

"Amitabha, Zhang Wei, don't make fun of me, Amitabha, don't see anything wrong with it, don't listen to anything wrong with it."

Zhang Wei also hooked his shoulders to Wu Nian when he heard the words:

"I'm not joking, I'm really afraid that Wu Nian will cheat you sometime, this is a kind reminder to you."

"Wu Nian, you are smart, but your mind is too simple. If there is a young lady who can play, maybe you will be fooled around."

Zhang Chao echoed:

"I agree with this. Although Wu Nian talks about Taoism and Buddhism, he is very clear, and his education is still 985 or 211. He seems very smart."

"But ah, it's very simple in terms of how to behave in the world."

"I'm sure, if he is paired with a young lady who can play, then a low-key one with great wisdom and a high-profile one with sharp edge will complement each other."

Wu Nian can't laugh or cry and shakes his head lightly:

"Amitabha, is this little monk so unbearable? No way, I have encountered female ghosts before. They have seduced this little monk, but they were all resolved by this little monk."

As soon as his words came out.

Zhang Wei immediately raised his eyebrows:

"Oh Huo? It seems that Wu Nian is still a little tsundere. If you don't believe me, I'll ask Li Junfei to introduce you to a young lady."

"Li Junfei has a lot of connections. He said before that he met a young lady. She is a king of the sea, and she has a lot of fun. Do you want to talk about it? Hehe."

"Hahaha, this is good! Push it to Wu Nian."

It was Zhang Chao who spoke.

When he heard that Zhang Wei was going to introduce his sister to Wu Nian, he immediately regained his spirits:

"Zhang Wei, don't you know that Wu Nian broke the tribulation of life and death, so after returning from the Northeast, Wu Nian and I went to Wu Nian's parents' house. After all, their family members were also worried about Wu Nian."

"Now that there is no life and death calamity, I have no thoughts and am not afraid of affecting my family, so I went to see my parents whom I haven't seen for a long time."

"Uncle Aunt and the others urged me to introduce some girls to Wu Nian. After all, Wu Nian is not too young."

Zhang Wei looked over and was a little surprised:

He knows that Wu Nian was born in a rural family, and his parents are not people in the exorcism circle, but ordinary farmers.

"As a monk, Wu Nian can marry a wife and have children?"

"It is possible. At the beginning when Wu Nian's master recruited him as a disciple, he promised his parents that if Wu Nian is willing, he can become a lay disciple in the future."

"Anyway, Wu Nian's family is only a single seedling, so he can't lose all children and grandchildren because of Buddhism."

"I see."

Zhang Wei nodded suddenly, as if he had discovered a new continent.

Then under the booing of Zhang Wei, and Zhang Chao sang together, Wu Nian was forced to add a Neptune girl introduced by Zhang Wei.

"Amitabha, the little monk will prove it to you. The little monk only belongs to the Buddhist sect."

After Wu Nian added her sister's WeChat account, she put her phone back in her pocket and clasped her hands together.

Although Wu Nian was influenced by Buddhism since he was a child, he is a little eminent monk who has attained the Tao.

But he is young after all.

Another genius.

And Zhang Wei, as geniuses of his generation, was 'looked down' by geniuses of his generation. Naturally, he was somewhat dissatisfied. Young people always have youthful vigor.

"Haha, if Miss Haiwang doesn't tease you, I admit defeat. I can treat you for a year. As long as you come to me, I will treat you."

Zhang Wei laughed when he heard this.

Wu Nian smiled on his forehead: "Amitabha, one word is settled."

Zhang Chao also said at the right time: "Then I will be the referee."

in words.

Chao Zhang looked at his phone:

"Now at 1:34 Beijing time, Zhang Wei and Wu Nian bet will start immediately, hahahaha"

"Haha, you can be a referee."

After Zhang Wei nodded with a smile, he also checked the time:

"Speaking of which, it's already past 1:30. Are we still partying now? I don't know if the monitor is asleep."

Lu Lianxue said before that she would come to the party after dealing with the can ghost, but now Zhang Wei has dealt with it, but it's too late.

I thought about it.

Zhang Wei picked up the phone: "I'll send a message to the squad leader to ask."


Luxia City, a food stall in the night market.

Lu Lianxue was wearing a white dress, walking on the road, her eyes glanced at the signs of night market shops from time to time.


Her eyes fell on a food stall.

Not long ago, Zhang Wei sent her a message, telling her that Xiao Wang's affairs had been settled, should we get together now, or tomorrow.

At first Lu Lianxue was still hesitating whether to go out or not, the main time was too late, but after Zhang Wei said, "It's okay, if you come out, I'll take you home in due time to ensure safety, Lu Lianxue agreed unexpectedly.

Now she came to the agreed food stall.

One enters.

Especially seeing Zhang Wei and the others.

can be seen.

Zhang Wei and Zhang Chao were chatting about something, but they were not thinking, but they rarely held the phone, pondered from time to time, and then tapped their fingers on the screen of the phone, as if they were chatting with someone.

"The squad leader is here, sit here." Zhang Wei patted the seat next to him.

Lu Lianxue sat down with a smile: "What are you guys talking about? It's rare to say no thoughts, and you actually play with your mobile phone. I saw that you rarely played with your mobile phone before."

"He is dating online."

Zhang Wei joked and explained briefly.

"Amitabha, this little monk is just completing a bet with Zhang Wei."

Wu Nian clasped his palms together and said leisurely.

The words fell.

His mobile phone rang, and it was Miss Neptune who replied to the message. After Zhang Wei introduced Miss Neptune to Wu Nian, Miss Neptune was very interested in Wu Nian, and immediately chatted with Wu Nian.

Lu Lianxue giggled as she listened, "Is it so interesting, what about you guys, we Zhang Wei chatted with you too."

"We're talking about Sen Luosi." Zhang Wei responded.


Zhang Wei looked at Lu Lianxue:

"Squad leader, do you know how to lock Longjing?"

"Longjing lock?."

Lu Lianxue was taken aback for a moment, then said:

"I've heard of Suolongjing, which seems to be a term for a kind of well, and it seems that there are more than one such wells, and there are all over the country."

"What? Is Suolongjing related to Sen Luosi?"


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