Lu Lianxue was shocked.

She knew a little about Suo Longjing.

Suolongjing is something that exists all over the country. Many people think it is just a myth, but the fact is that Suolongjing really exists.

Suolongjing is found everywhere.

For example, there is a well named Suolongjing in Yuzhou, Longtan Mountain, Jiushuitan, Dongxisi Pagoda, Beixin Bridge and so on.

There are not many Suo Longjing, but there are many.

Although the appearance of each well is different, there is one thing in common.

That is, every Suolongjing has a thick chain extending from the outside of the well mouth all the way to the inside of the well. No one knows why there is a thick chain hanging on the well mouth.

There are many legends about Suo Longjing.


No matter what kind of legend.

Every statement, the only thing is - lock Longjing can not move!

Once the lock Longjing is touched, there will be a catastrophe.

at this point.

Just find one of Suolongjing, there are rumors about it.

For example, Suolongjing in Beixinqiao.

According to the memories of the local elders, Suolongjing has existed for a long time. Suolongjing has been a famous ancient well since they were young. Because they lived nearby, they often played by the well.

And different from other wells.

Every time they throw stones from the well, there is no echo for a long time, no one knows how deep the well is, and they don't know what the chains are for, the chains are so rusty, you can't see what they used to be .

And even more evil.

Whether it is some unlucky children who are playful and accidentally fall, or some women who commit suicide, whoever falls into the well, no matter how they salvage the well afterwards, they will not be able to find people, let alone corpses, and even clothes. less than.

Over time.

Even if they knew that the ancient well was dangerous, and someone proposed to seal the mouth of the well to prevent people from falling, no one dared to do so.

It is said that earlier, in the era of warlords, whether they believed it or not, they did not dare to touch the Suolongjing.


Dating back to the Qing Dynasty and even the Ming Dynasty, the rulers at that time did not dare to move the well. On the contrary, every time there was a flood, they would invite a mage to offer sacrifices.

Think about it.

Lu Lianxue couldn't help thinking about the past.

I still remember.

When she first learned about Suolongjing, she was quite curious about Suolongjing, so she went to check to see if no one had touched Suolongjing, and if Suolongjing was touched, would something bad happen.

Check the results.

I really found some records for Lu Lianxue.

According to her search.

About 83 years ago, during the war, the enemy army occupied the area of ​​Beixinqiao. Because of the need to build a barracks, they expropriated the location of Beixinqiao Suolongjing.

At that time, the local people believed in Suolongjing and resolutely prevented the enemy from destroying the well, but the enemy didn't take it seriously, and they didn't believe in the legend of Suolongjing at all in their culture.

So the leader of the enemy army brought people to lock Longjing, and ordered to break the chains that locked Longjing as soon as he arrived.


A strange situation happened. The chain that locks Longjing in Beixinqiao is obviously rusty, but it is unexpectedly strong.

Without any choice.

The enemy army commander could only order to pull out the iron chain, fill the well, and build a house on it.

They forced the local people to pull, but the local people did not dare. The enemy army commander was angry and threatened to pull with a samurai sword. The local people had no choice but to send a squad to bite the bullet.

Yet when they zip the chain.

After pulling out a full tens of meters, the chain still couldn't be pulled out, and it became more and more difficult to pull.

to this end.

We can only send one more squad to pull it, and finally add it to a company.


A total of more than 100 people pulled the chains. After more than half an hour, the chains were pulled back and forth for a total of several hundred meters, but they were still not finished.

Weird situation.

The local people were even more frightened and did not dare to pull anymore. The enemy army commander did not believe in evil and fired a shot and threatened them to continue pulling.


After pulling for a few more minutes, Suo Longjing started to move...

Without warning, a stream of thick black water rushed up from the well, and there was also a loud noise, like thunder, rumbling.

Accompanied by the black water, there is also a foul smell, like a corpse-like putrid smell.

The people who pulled the chains were terrified, dropped the chains, turned around and ran.

This scene.

Not to mention them, even the enemy army was frightened, especially the enemy army commander, who was so frightened that he could not speak for a long time, and ran away.

since then.

Although the enemy army still built a barracks, they deliberately bypassed the Suolongjing.

But things didn't end there.

According to the reports of the surrounding residents at that time, since that day, the well continued to emit black water day and night, and it also made a loud noise, and the surrounding people dared not approach it.

out of curiosity.

Some residents ventured to look into the well.

And without exception.

The residents who went to see it all said that they saw different kinds of strange objects, and they were so frightened that they crawled and ran wildly.

for a while.

No one dares to approach here again.

Until a few months later, a huge flood that had not been seen in 100 years broke out here, and many people died. Everyone was furious and believed that it was caused by pulling the chain of Longjing lock.

To this.

Whether the enemy believed it or not, they were afraid of public opinion and were forced to order people to return all the chains to Suolongjing.

So far, Suolongjing in this place has become quiet.

Until 20 years later.

With the arrival of the new era.

Roads are being built and rebuilt in various places. Due to the need to widen the roads, Suolongjing and the temple where Suolongjing is located are in the way. The construction contractor ordered the temple to be demolished and the well filled to widen the road.

But I was stopped by the old people who experienced the incident 83 years ago, saying that there would be some problems if I couldn't move.

Immediately afterwards.

Just like in the past, as the workers pulled out the chain, there was another rumbling sound in the well, and then the black water surged up, and a stench like rotting corpses gushed out.

The workers were so frightened that they threw back the chains, and calm was restored.

In the end, the workers could only cover the wellhead with big stones and build a road on it.

The well was in the center of the intersection that year.

It looked as if the well was moved and nothing happened.

But in the second year after the well was moved, this place suffered another major flood that was rare in fifty years.

Also after the flood.

I don’t know why, the head of the contractor brought the workers over, diverted the road that had been built, bypassed Suolongjing, and the workers also repaired the wellhead of Suolongjing, and circled it again, not allowing ordinary citizens near.

This is the second time that Longjing's lock has been touched.

In the next 10 years, no one touched the well again.

Until 10 years later, this Suolongjing was once again targeted.


A similar scene happened again.

Black water, a stench like rotting corpses, and terrifying loud noises reappeared.

And compared to the previous two times, this time is even more serious!

Because the person who pulled the chain at that time used a car to pull the chain, and the chain pulled out was the longest.

However, even if you use a car to pull it.

The chain is still not finished, as if the chain is endlessly long.

Also when pulled to a longer length than before.

Horror repeated itself.

It was no longer black water, but a dark red well water gushed out suddenly, spraying a full three or four meters high, scaring the person who pulled the chain at that time and threw the chain back again, and then calmed down.

According to the memories of the old people at that time.

Those people were so frightened that they lost control of their urine, and everyone dispersed. Only the local residents knew the seriousness and quickly sealed the mouth of the well with stone slabs.


The old man watching the well muttered and prayed: "No accident next year! No accident next year!"

Too bad prayers didn't work.

Something really happened in the second year, and this time it was even more serious, and there was a bigger flood than the last time.

The so-called thing but three.

The chain was moved three times in a row, and strange things happened.

since then.

No one dared to lock Longjing again.

Lu Lianxue recalled.

at this time.

Facing Lu Lianxue's questioning.

Zhang Wei nodded and said bluntly:

"Yeah, just now I was talking about Sen Luosi with Zhang Chao, and Zhang Chao and Wu Nian told me that Suolongjing has a relationship with Sen Luosi."

Also at this time.

Zhang Chao echoed:

"I was visiting the Department of Health's forum before, and there was an anonymous person who posted a post. He suggested that there might not be some so-called evil dragon under Suolongjing, but a great terror being imprisoned."

"And... this great terror has something to do with Sen Luosi."

"I didn't really believe it at first, so I told Wu Nian about it."

"In the end, Wu Nian told me that it's not impossible."

"Because...he looked through the information of our local Department of Health and Dao before and found that the ghost king of Senluosi who was wanted by the Department of Health and Dao, the last time it appeared was in our local Suolongjing."

"Furthermore, the ghost exorcist of the Weidaosi saw with his own eyes that the ghost king of Senluosi must have gone to the Suolongjing on purpose, because he saw that the ghost king jumped into the Suolongjing."


(ps: The content of this chapter is purely fabricated, please do not combine it with reality.)

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