Stronger Than The Old Heavenly Master, You Say He Is A Newcomer?

Chapter 132 The Corpse Brought Out Of The Well, The Door Is Sealed

Zhang Chao's voice was not loud, but when Lu Lianxue heard it, it exploded in his ears like thunder.

Lu Lianxue stood up in shock:

"What did you say? Sen Luosi's ghost king jumped into Suolongjing? Zhang Chao, are you kidding me?"

It was not Zhang Chao who responded to her, but Zhang Wei.

Zhang Wei signaled Lu Lianxue to sit down:

"Squad leader, what Zhang Chao said is true. I just searched the Xiawei Daosi forum, and there is indeed such a post."

Lu Lianxue took the forum post found on Zhang Wei's phone and read it.

As Zhang Chao said before.

It was an article posted by an anonymous person [Surprise! Is there Sen Luosi in Suolong Well? ! 】s post.

The content of the post is short, and it is said that the anonymous person suspects that the "things" under Suolongjing are related to Senluosi, and it is very likely that they are not necessarily members of Senluosi. From this, it is inferred that Senluosi was established earlier than the archives record longer.

See here.

Lu Lianxue raised her head in doubt:

"No, I remember that there are rumors that there is something under the Dragon Well. Some said it was a dragon, and some said it might be some kind of horror. This anonymous person said that it was a member of Sen Luosi."

"But Zhang Chao, what you said just now is that the ghost king of Sen Luosi jumped into the lock Longjing, and the staff of the Department of Health and Dao saw it."

"The Department of Health and Dao was established after the establishment of Daxia. Didn't the ghost king jump into the Longjing Dragon Well in the past few decades?"

"Suo Longjing existed at least a few hundred years ago, the time is wrong."

face its doubts.

Zhang Chao, who was eating barbecue, raised his head and showed a strange look:

"Miss Lu, you are having an affair with Zhang Wei, Zhang Wei reacted the same as you just now."

At this moment.

Zhang Wei smiled and said:

"I learned about the matter before, and I was as puzzled as you, the squad leader. Later, Wu Nian and Zhang Chao told me that the reason why they also agree that Suolongjing and Sen Luosi are related is not because the ghost king jumped into the well."

"It's what happened after the ghost king jumped into the well."

Zhang Wei said and looked at Lu Lianxue:

"The ghost king is a member of the Senluo Division that the Guardian Department has been tracking down."

"After discovering that the ghost king had jumped into the well, the Department of Health and Dao sent experts to guard the Dragon Well all day long."

"According to the archives of the Department of Health and Dao."

"After ten days of squatting, just when Wei Daosi thought that the ghost king was dead in the well, the ghost king came out, and came out with a corpse."


Lu Lianxue stared in surprise.

Without waiting for her to ask, Zhang Wei said mysteriously with a smile:

"Yes, a corpse, and it's a corpse that you are very familiar with, monitor. You told me about it before."

"Huh? I told you about the corpse before? When did I tell you? Why can't I remember?"

"It was told to me on the first day I went to the Northeast."

As Zhang Wei said.

Lu Lianxue was even more confused:

"No, I remember that on the first day you went to the Northeast, I contacted you once, and that time you asked me about the iron coffin zombie... Wait?!"

As if thinking of something.

At this moment, Lu Lianxue's beautiful eyes widened suddenly, and she cried out in shock:

"Zombies in Fengmen Village!!!"

She remembered very clearly that Zhang Wei approached her because of the Iron Coffin Zombie, and she told her specifically about the Fengmen Village Zombie at that time, in order to let Zhang Wei know how powerful the Iron Coffin Zombie is.

Think about it now.

Zombies are not just corpses!


The Zombie incident in Fengmen Village and the Dragon Well incident where the ghost king jumped into the lock, both happened in the past. Even if there is no specific time, Zhang Wei has already mentioned this, no matter how confused Lu Lianxue is, she can react.

The corpse brought out by the Ghost King that Zhang Wei mentioned is definitely related to the zombie in Fengmen Village! !

this moment.

Lu Lianxue's breathing became short of breath:

"Zhang Wei, that corpse, isn't it a zombie from Fengmen Village?!"

This time, Zhang Wei didn't try to be tricky, and just nodded:

"After Zhang Chao and Wu Nian read the post and the file, out of curiosity, they went to check the records of the Department of Health and Dao about the corpse."

"They found that the appearance of the zombies in Fengmen Village was very close to the time when the ghost king jumped into the well."

"Then I told Zhang Chao and Wu Nian just now that you, the squad leader, told me that Sen Luosi once attacked the prison of the Department of Health in order to save the zombies in Fengmen Village."

in words.

Zhang Wei paused, his eyes flickering:

"They agree with me. The corpse brought out by the Ghost King from Suolongjing is very likely to be the zombie of Fengmen Village."

"And if that's the case, then the post on the Department of Health's forum is highly credible."

Also at this time.

Zhang Chao spoke:

"At the beginning, Wu Nian told me about the file, and Wu Nian and I found out that the Fengmen Village incident was close to the well jumping incident. We speculated that the two might be related."

"Because the zombies of Fengmen Village destroyed Fengmen Village, and killed and injured many exorcists. Why did the exorcists only imprison the zombies of Fengmen Village? It stands to reason that he hadn't reached the level of ghost king at that time. Wouldn't it be enough to kill him on the spot? After all, the crime is heinous."

"But if it was brought out by Suolongjing, then we can understand why the Department of Health and Dao is detaining the zombies in Fengmen Village."

"And Zhang Wei also said that Sen Luosi attacked the prison to rescue the zombies, which is more credible."


Lu Lianxue was stunned, her beautiful eyes widening.

It wasn't until Zhang Wei's sudden words that Lu Lianxue came back to her senses.

Zhang Wei was thinking while eating the barbecue, suddenly raised his head and said:

"I remember that there is more than one Suolongjing. If Zhang Chao and your Suolongjing's 'things' are corpses, what about the others?"


until morning.

Zhang Wei discussed with them all night.

Looking at the gradually graying sky, Zhang Wei stretched his waist:

"Brothers, I stayed up all night without knowing it. Congratulations, we are one step closer to sudden death."

Zhang Chao and the others laughed when they heard this.

It is rare for Lu Lianxue to make a dirty joke, covering her mouth with a smile:

"Yes, since I met you Zhang Wei, my body is getting worse day by day, and I stay up late every day."

At this moment.

Zhang Chao picked up his phone and checked the time:

"Wori, it's already 7:30, no, we can't talk anymore, Zhang Wei and Wu Nian have to leave first, I made an agreement with my employer to help him deal with ghost matters today."

"Then go ahead and call me when you're done with the ghosts. I still owe you a meal." Zhang Wei said.

"it is good."

Zhang Chao responded, pulled Wu Nian to say goodbye to Zhang Wei and rushed to the hospital

Watching off Zhang Chao and Wu Nian.

Zhang Wei turned to Lu Lianxue and said, "Squad leader, it's getting late, I'll take you back."


Lu Lianxue did not refuse, after all, Zhang Wei said last night that he would be responsible for sending her back when he came out to the party so late, even though it was daytime now.

heard the words.

Zhang Wei got up to go to pay the bill, and then sent Lu Lianxue back.

But it was an instant to get up.


As if feeling something, Zhang Wei's body shook suddenly, and he suddenly looked in one direction, his eyes flickering.

"What's the matter? Zhang Wei, what are you looking at?"

Lu Lianxue noticed that Zhang Wei was strange, and looked in his direction, but there was nothing to see except the houses.

To this.

Zhang Wei leisurely replied:

"Look at the armored warrior."

In the words, Zhang Wei kept his eyes on that direction, which was the direction of Wenling City.


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