Stronger Than The Old Heavenly Master, You Say He Is A Newcomer?

Chapter 133 Play Zhang Wei! Play Zhang Wei! Play Zhang Wei

the other side.

Wenling City. The gate of Wenling University.

Qiu Xiaolin and Zhang Ya left school together early in the morning.

Today is Zhang Ya's birthday, they got up early and planned to go out with Zhang Ya for a day today.

"Yaya, what are you going to do today?"

Walking towards the bus stop, Lin Ping spoke with a smile.

Qiu Xiaolin answered:

"Today is Yaya's birthday. You are the oldest. We will play whatever you want us to do."

"I agree." Zhou Xiaoqing raised her hands.

"I can play however I want? Xiaolin, are you sure?"

Zhang Ya blinked her beautiful eyes and looked over, and after getting Qiu Xiaolin's affirmation, she smiled and said:

"Then I want to play with your Zhang Wei, quickly, call out your Zhang Wei, I want to play with him to death! hiahiahiahiahia"

Lin Ping and Zhou Xiaoqian giggled when they heard it, and they also chimed in.

"Play Zhang Wei! Play Zhang Wei! Play Zhang Wei!"

The three of them teased Zhang Ya.

Qiu Xiaolin seemed calm. Ever since they knew they knew Zhang Wei and their relationship with Zhang Wei, they made fun of themselves a lot, and Qiu Xiaolin was used to it.

Also for this.

Qiu Xiaolin was not, but joked as if thinking of something:

"That's what you said, I'm calling Zhang Wei, but Yaya reminds you, be careful Zhang Wei is not dead yet, you die first."

Words come out.

Zhang Ya and the others heard it, and they looked surprised, as if they had discovered a new land.

"Oh hoo~ Is our father Zhang so fierce?" Lin Ping's eyes were full of curiosity.

Zhang Ya's beautiful eyes flickered:

"Really, I don't think Father Zhang looks very strong."

Zhou Xiaoqing covered her mouth and smiled:

"I don't believe it either. I think it must be Xiaolin protecting the calf and praising her man on purpose. Yesterday Yaya danced several sets of "Compendium of Materia Medica" shuttlecock exercises without panting. With such physical strength, how can Zhang Wei play to death."

Zhang Ya pinched Zhou Xiaoqian's waist:

"Xiaoqian is going to die, you, are you complimenting me or scolding me, but it's true, my physical strength is really good."

in words.

Zhang Ya carefully analyzed:

"I'm not bragging, I have a strong body, and I have also practiced yoga, my body is very resilient, and my legs are split 180 degrees easily. The three of you combined may not be as good as me."

Seeing Zhang Ya and the three of you, I carefully analyzed what you said.

They agreed that Zhang Weilo was no better than Zhang Ya.

Qiu Xiaolin was inexplicably unconvinced in her heart, curled her lips and said bluntly:

"It's because you don't understand how powerful Zhang Wei is."

As soon as the words came out.

Qiu Xiaolin quickly covered her mouth, but Zhang Ya and the others still heard her words, and they all looked over like wolves, with gossip written all over their faces.

"Hoho~ I almost forgot, we've been analyzing here endlessly, and it turns out there's someone next to me who has experienced Zhang Wei's hail of bullets."

"Xiaolin, tell me, how is your battle with Zhang Weilo? What is your winning percentage?"

They did not intend to let Qiu Xiaolin go.

Even on the bus, Qiu Xiaolin took the opportunity to change the subject and asked Zhang Ya where she was going to play.

Zhang Ya replied:

"Let's go play the escape room. I know that there is a new one opened in Wanda Plaza today. Let's go and have a look. Okay, let's get down to business, Xiaolin, let's continue the topic just now."

Zhang Ya pulled Qiu Xiaolin to sit down and tortured her with scorching eyes.

Zhou Xiaoqing, Lin Ping and the others were also gossiping, they didn't intend to let Qiu Xiaolin go, they echoed and asked questions.

Even though they are girls.

But only the girls know that when they were in college, the girls would occasionally chat about embarrassing topics in the dormitory, and even the girls had a good relationship with each other, and the level of enthusiasm in the chat was no less than that of the boys.


Unable to hold back Zhang Ya and the others, Qiu Xiaolin was about to speak.

But at this time.

There was a slight hey on the bus.

Qiu Xiaolin and the others couldn't help being stunned.

"What's the matter?" Zhang Ya also noticed the situation, and found the people on the bus staring out the window, with a puzzled expression and lightly gasped.


Qiu Xiaolin and the others looked out the car window.

"Huh? Is there anything outside the window? Yaya, Xiaoping, Xiaoqian, what are they looking at? Why can't I see anything?"

Qiu Xiaolin said.

Outside the window is a mountain tunnel.

What Qiu Xiaolin knew about this tunnel was that it was the only way to the place they wanted to go. They often went out to play, and they had passed this tunnel many times, so they were very familiar with the scene inside the tunnel.

can be seen.

The tunnel outside the window was brightly lit, and the yellow light illuminated the entire tunnel.

"I don't know. I didn't see it either. Is there something wrong with this tunnel?"

Zhang Ya responded to Qiu Xiaolin with doubts.


She got up and asked the passers-by in the front seats.

Since it was early in the morning, there were not many people on this bus. Including Qiu Xiaolin's four daughters and the driver, there were a total of thirteen people, including young people, middle-aged women, and office workers.

"Excuse me, what are you looking at? Has something happened?"

Qiu Xiaolin asked them.

Those passers-by heard it one after another:

"We're looking at the tunnel, Miss, haven't you noticed?"

"Huh? What did you notice?" Qiu Xiaolin was puzzled.

One of the passersby, an office worker, pointed out the window: "It's been ten minutes since we entered the tunnel just now, and we haven't exited the tunnel yet. Is the tunnel diverted?"

Reminded by this passerby.

Qiu Xiaolin and the others were all stunned for a moment, and suddenly realized the situation.

"It seems so true. I remember that we entered the tunnel just now. After calculating the time, we should have exited the tunnel."

They remember.

This tunnel is not too long, even if the bus drives slowly, it will take three or four minutes to get out of the tunnel.

You should know that there is no traffic jam now, the tunnel is unimpeded, and there are no cars around. The driver can drive at the highest speed in the tunnel, and basically get out of the tunnel in two minutes.

But now...

Qiu Xiaolin checked the time. It was 7:28. Logically speaking, at this time, they should have at least exited the tunnel, because they were expected to arrive at Wanda Plaza at 7:40.

They are not the only ones who are puzzled.

As other passers-by gasped, everyone on the bus noticed the situation.

One of them, a middle-aged woman with a child, asked the driver:

"Master driver, why haven't you exited the tunnel yet? The tunnel has been diverted? Why did it take so long?"

"Yeah, why haven't you driven out for so long?"

"Master driver, when did the tunnel divert, or did you drive the wrong tunnel?"

Others also asked questions one after another.

Ask questions in front of the crowd.

The driver also looked blank: "I didn't make a mistake. There is a tunnel nearby. How could I make a mistake? I haven't heard that the tunnel has been diverted, and this is the one I've been driving."

He pointed to the tunnel and said:

"I've been driving this tunnel for ten years. I can't make mistakes or look at it wrongly. It's this one. It's weird. Did I drive it slowly? It's not right, my speed is 60. "

The driver looked at the dial of the car and the surrounding scenery to make sure that the speed of the car was not slow.

in words.

More than a minute passed, but they still did not exit the tunnel.

Even if the heart is big.

Everyone realized that something was wrong, and felt uneasy in a daze.

He also followed the driver's words.

The people in the car panicked, and someone urged the driver to drive faster to see if he could get out of the tunnel earlier.

"Driver, hurry up and see if you can..."

The words are not finished yet.

A word suddenly sounded behind him, interrupting his voice.

That was Qiu Xiaolin.

Seeing that she knew the situation, she couldn't help but look at Zhang Ya and the others, and they could see each other's eyes. They were different from others, and they had seen the other side of the world.

Can't help it.

She looks out the car window.

And at this sight, she suddenly shrank her pupils, and said in a moment of horror:

"Hey, Yaya, have you noticed that from just now to now, it seems that there are no other cars in the tunnel except us?"

Her voice is not too loud.

But everyone in the bus heard it.

Without exception.

Everyone trembled violently.


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