next moment.

Everyone was facing out of the car window, and their expressions changed suddenly.

Tunnel outside the car.

Except for the invisible end of the tunnel, and the tunnel lights, there is no car, even if you listen carefully, there is not even a little wind outside, and it is eerily quiet.

For normal times.

At most, everyone felt that there were few vehicles in the morning, so they were the only bus in the tunnel.

can now.

The bus drove in the tunnel for more than ten minutes, but it still hadn't left the tunnel. The weird situation and the quiet tunnel with no one there allowed them to think wildly.

"Don't think about it, maybe it's just the morning time, and there are fewer cars."

It was a young man who spoke.

However, his content seemed calm, but his flustered trembling tone betrayed his emotions at this time.

Anxiety is spreading.

Although the young man comforted everyone, what happened next made everyone unable to calm down.

After realizing the weird situation of the tunnel.

The driver was also panicked, and under repeated urging from everyone, he couldn't help speeding up the car and drove to 80, but even so...

One minute.

two minutes.

three minutes……

After driving at a speed of 80 for three minutes, I still couldn't drive out of the tunnel, and I couldn't see any cars passing by.

at this moment.

Looking at the endless unmanned tunnel ahead.

No matter how big-hearted they were, everyone couldn't calm down. They were all panicked, and panic gradually surfaced on their faces.

Just when everyone's emotions were on the verge of collapse.

"Look quickly!! The exit has arrived!!" the young man shouted excitedly.

I saw the tunnel ahead, no longer the yellow tunnel lights, but glare.

It was the light at the exit of the tunnel.

This scene.

It made everyone excited, and let go of their tense hearts at this moment.

"Haha, we're going out of the tunnel."

"Hey, let me just say, we are suspicious. I guess the driver must have accidentally changed the road just now. Maybe a new tunnel has been built recently..."

The voice is not over.

The bus exits the tunnel.

At this moment, the discussions in the bus came to an abrupt end.


Screams followed.

Everyone was terrified.

As the bus exited the tunnel, everyone looked at the scene outside the tunnel in horror.

The sky was dark.

The road has turned into a dirt road in the country, with dead grass and abandoned graves on both sides.

A cemetery!

Horror appeared on everyone's face. This was not the scene outside the tunnel they were familiar with at all. The outside of the tunnel should be full of tall buildings, how could it be a rural cemetery.


You must know that this is the urban area of ​​Wenling City, even if the driver drives the wrong way, it is impossible to lead to the countryside.

The key is.

Everyone stared in horror at the sky outside the car window.

It was dark and dim.

it's dark.

What a joke, they only entered the tunnel for more than ten minutes in the morning, how could it be midnight when they came out.

Ghost hitting the wall? !

Hit a ghost? !

At this moment, the anxiety broke out in an all-round way, and everyone was terrified, no matter whether they were young people, women, or office workers, they could not suppress the panic.

But before they could calm down, something even more frightening happened.

"Driver, why are you stopping the car!! Drive fast!! Drive out of this place!! Don't stop!"

The middle-aged woman yelled, and she noticed that the car was coming to a slow stop.

However, the driver looked over in a panic.

"It's not me, I didn't want to stop the car, the car, the car is out of my control."

in words,

Everyone noticed that the driver was slamming on the accelerator, but no matter how much he stepped on it, the car seemed to have a new driver. Under the driving of the new driver, the car slowly stopped.


Accompanied by a clear brake sound.

The bus stopped and stopped at this deserted grave in the countryside.


A gust of wind blew outside the window, and everyone felt that it was summer, but the inside of the car was inexplicably cold, making people feel goosebumps.

Seeing everyone looking out of the car window in fear, no one dared to get out of the car.

Outside the car, there was deathly silence.

It was night, and it was obviously the weeds in the country, but there was no sound at all, not even the sound of crickets or frogs in the country, and the sound of heartbeat and breathing could be heard quietly.

This situation.

Everyone was terrified and desperately urged the driver to start the car and leave this place.

But the driver almost broke the key of the car, and almost smashed the gas pedal with his foot, and the car couldn't start anyway.

at this time.

A voice came from behind everyone.

"Master driver, open the door."

When it came suddenly, everyone was taken aback for a moment, then turned around and saw Qiu Xiaolin and the other four daughters walking over with their bags.


No matter how stupid they are, they can tell that Qiu Xiaolin and the others want to get out of the car.

"Are you crazy, you want to get off here?!" The middle-aged woman stared wide-eyed.

The others also stared in disbelief, unable to understand what Qiu Xiaolin and the others were thinking. This is a cemetery, and there is definitely something wrong with it. How could they dare to get out of the car.

Also for this.

The driver thought he was hallucinating: "Are you going to get off?"

Qiu Xiaolin nodded, and was just about to say something, but the young man at the side stopped him:

"Don't open the door, driver. Are you crazy? No matter how you look at this place, there are problems. Get out of the car. What if unclean things come in? You can't go down! What if we all die? I don't want to die. .”

His words instantly reminded everyone.

But before they spoke, Qiu Xiaolin's voice rang out first.

"If we don't let us get out of the car now, we may all die here, because... the unclean things you mentioned have already come, take a look over there."

Qiu Xiaolin pointed to the front of the car.

Everyone followed its direction and looked at it, and screamed all over the place.

"Ghost! Ghost!!"


"There is a ghost!!"

On the country road ahead illuminated by the headlights of the car in front, there are vague figures, a dozen or so figures, with pale skin and pale faces like dead people.

Those figures are not human at all, no matter how you look at them, they look like... ghosts in movies and folklore! !

They didn't notice that when they were eager for the driver to drive, a ghost appeared in front of them, but Qiu Xiaolin and the others, who were well aware of the existence of supernatural beings, noticed the appearance of ghosts early on.

That's why.

They asked to open the car door.

Seeing the ghost walking towards them, at this moment, panic filled the car, everyone was terrified, their faces were pale with fright, and the child in the middle-aged woman's hand was crying loudly in fright.

"Grandma, I'm scared."

The child tightly grabbed the middle-aged woman's sleeve and cried loudly, with fear and horror written all over his face.

To this.

The middle-aged woman suppressed her fear and wanted to comfort her child.

But at this time.

Just as the middle-aged woman was about to speak out, she saw Qiu Xiaolin coming in front of the child, knelt down and rubbed the child's head:

"Don't be afraid, cutie, you'll be fine."

In this panic atmosphere.

Qiu Xiaolin's voice resounded, and everyone heard it clearly. They couldn't help being stunned, and they all looked at them.


They found that Qiu Xiaolin's four daughters were different from others. They didn't have much fear on their faces, and they were much calmer than others. .

"Really, sister, don't lie to me."

The child opened his mouth in a crying voice. Although he was comforted, his fear remained undiminished.

Qiu Xiaolin smiled and nodded:

"Really, my sister is not lying to you, and not only you will be fine, but everyone will be fine."

"Why?" the child subconsciously asked.

face inquiries.

Qiu Xiaolin raised a smile:

"Because... I'm protected by my sister's ex-boyfriend."

The words fell.

Qiu Xiaolin and Zhang Ya looked at each other, nodded slightly, and pressed the door switch.

The door opens.

Qiu Xiaolin and the others got out of the car.

Then, everyone was stunned.

Qiu Xiaolin and the others each took out an armored warrior belt from their bags, pressed the belt to their waists according to the method Zhang Wei told them to use, and then rushed towards the ghosts attacking in front of the car.

"Flame dragon armor, fit together!!"

"Wind Hawk armor, fit together!!"

"Black rhinoceros armor, fit together!!"

"Tiger armor, fit together!!"

laugh! laugh! laugh! laugh!

Four gorgeous and bright rays of light burst out, and the belt sprayed with splendor, covering Qiu Xiaolin and their four daughters.

The shining light dissipated, and the four daughters of Qiu Xiaolin who were running turned into gorgeous and cool armors.


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