Stronger Than The Old Heavenly Master, You Say He Is A Newcomer?

Chapter 135 Representing The Light And Shadow Village From Justice, Destroy You


There was a dead silence in the bus, even the crying children stopped abruptly, and they all stared at the front of the bus.

Seeing the extreme metallic texture of Qiu Xiaolin's four daughters, the flowing armor shapes of red, blue, black, and orange brilliance, the cool appearance of bursting.

Everyone was dumbfounded.

It wasn't until they turned into armored warriors and charged at the ghost, beating the ghost, that they came back to their senses.

"I'm crazy, what is that?!"

"Ai, Kai, armored warrior? I'm not dazzled, that's the armored warrior."

"What did I see on my horse, armored warrior?!"

Many people were stunned and screamed.

Even the child stopped crying, blinked and excitedly pulled the sleeves of the middle-aged woman. Her innocent eyes were full of little stars, and she shouted excitedly:

"Grandma, look quickly, sister, sister has become a warrior in armor!"

"My sister didn't lie to me!"

"Grandma, the armored warriors are here to save us, grandma, sisters and the others have become armored warriors."

The child was overwhelmed with excitement.

The middle-aged woman was stupefied, rubbing her eyes vigorously, she couldn't believe the scene in front of her and muttered, "This... this... is this armor warrior cartoon real?!"

Although she is a middle-aged woman.

But because she has a grandson, she often watches cartoons with her grandson, and she knows a lot of cartoon content, including the most popular "live-action cartoon" armored warrior in China in her opinion.

You must know that in her era, there were no special films, and some cartoons were at most Journey to the West making troubles in heaven.

Also for this.

She has always wondered why children like to watch this kind of people in leather jackets fight.

But now she understands... the armored warrior is real, he can really fight monsters, and he can even fight ghosts.

It's not just kids who get excited.

The previous youths were also very excited. As boys, armored warriors belonged to their youth.

Now, when he saw the armored warrior, he was very excited.

Just excited, but also a little doubtful:

"The armored warrior is actually real? But why is the armored warrior a woman?"

his words.

The child who was led by the middle-aged woman rolled his eyes.

The child looks at the youth like an idiot:

"Stupid! Do you even need to think about it? The armored warriors are not sisters. They should have borrowed the armored warriors' belts."

"Big brother, have you forgotten? Didn't my sister just say that we have an ex-boyfriend to protect us?"

in words.

The child's innocent big eyes are full of little stars, and innocently added:

"That sister's ex-boyfriend is the Armor Warrior, and he lent her the Armor Warrior belt to protect her and the others."

His words come out.

The young man who knew the Armored Warrior and others were all stunned for a moment, and suddenly recalled Qiu Xiaolin's sentence, "I have my sister's ex-boyfriend to protect me".

The young man said in astonishment:

"But all four of them have belts. Could it be...these four are all ex-girlfriends of that 'ex-boyfriend'?"

The child curled his lips and said:

"How is it impossible? My father said that if a boy is good enough, many girls will chase after him. My sister's ex-boyfriend is an armored warrior. Why can't such a good man have four girlfriends?"

"And maybe...the big brother is Emperor Xia! Otherwise, how could he have four belts, only Emperor Xia can have them."

"Yes, it must be so, the big brother must be Emperor Xia!"

"Grandma, big brother, we were saved by Emperor Xia's ex-girlfriends!"

The young man and the others were stunned.

Although they wanted to refute the child's innocence, when they looked at the 'armored warrior' who was beating the ghosts ahead, they fell silent.

Not only the people in the car were shocked, but also the ghosts.

not long ago.

These ghosts activated the ghost domain, pulled a bus into the ghost domain, and when the people in the bus were terrified, they stopped waiting and prepared to eat these people. After all, people who are afraid are the most delicious.


They have just appeared and are walking towards the bus step by step.

But seeing four female college students getting off the car and rushing towards them, they were all stunned.

what's the situation?

How come we dare to come down after seeing us, is it frightening our brains, or do we want to rush over and die early, so that we can die early and be reborn sooner?

It didn't take long for them to be puzzled, and they were all dumbfounded in the next second.

【Ding! The ghosts are in a daze, what the hell? ! what? ! 】

[Host obtains system points +80]

Wait until they see Qiu Xiaolin and the others' transformations clearly.

Many ghosts were stunned, each of them stared wide-eyed, almost staring away in shock.

Mom! Armor warrior? !

Following Qiu Xiaolin and the others, they transformed and assumed the classic fighting posture of armored warriors.

The ghosts froze.

"So handsome." A ghost murmured

The rest of the ghosts nodded when they heard this, but soon they had no time to talk. They saw the armored warrior rushing towards them.

【Ding! The ghosts were stunned, I wipe, brothers, the armored warriors rushed towards us. 】

[Host obtains system points +80]

next second.

Chi! !

"Wind Eagle Sword!" Zhang Ya yelled.

Blue radiance emanated, and a blue sword appeared in his right hand.


The sword light waved past.


A ghost screamed, was chopped off by a sword, and flew upside down on a grave.

Looking down at the sword wound on his chest, the ghost's blood shot out, Li Gui's face was full of disbelief.

【Ding! Li Gui was shocked, I was slashed by the armored warrior? ! 】

[Host obtains system points +10]

【Ding! The ghosts were shocked, Feng Yingxia cut our companion to blood? ? ? 】

[Host obtains system points +90]

The next moment, a ghost screamed out in shock, the voice was as piercing as a ghost scratching a blackboard:

"This, this, are you really armored warriors?!"

At first when they saw the armored warrior, they thought it was hallucination, or something like a spy, but now it was different. They saw that their companion was really cut by the armored warrior, and the blood shot out.

You know, they are ghosts, how can ordinary people cut them with a sword.

【Ding! The ghosts were extremely shocked, I, Cao, really have armored warriors! 】

[Host obtains system points +100]

In the face of ghosts.

Qiu Xiaolin, Zhang Ya and the others were also stunned for a moment, they didn't expect the ghost to ask this question.

Thinking of a child behind him, he was looking at himself and the others with star-like eyes.

Due to the transformation into armored warriors, under the blessing of strength, they can hear everything around them, including what the children said to the youth, and they also heard it.

Think about it.

In order not to destroy the innocence of children.

Zhang Ya, who has always been eccentric, swung the Fengying sword across and pointed at the ghost:

"I'm not an armor warrior, I just borrowed something from my ex-boyfriend Emperor Xia and turned into Wind Eagle."

As she spoke, Zhang Ya looked at Qiu Xiaolin and the others, her meaning was self-evident.

Xiao Lin, it's your turn to talk, pay attention to your words, there are innocent children watching behind you.

Qiu Xiaolin and the others understood.


Qiu Xiaolin made a gesture: "I represent the Light and Shadow Village from Justice, and destroy you!"

Zhou Xiaoqing: "On behalf of the moon, destroy you."

Lin Ping: "Ula!!"


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