Stronger Than The Old Heavenly Master, You Say He Is A Newcomer?

Chapter 136 This Is Not A Cartoon, It's A Documentary

Ghosts: "???"

Qiu Xiaolin and Zhang Ya: "????"

After Zhou Xiaoqian and Lin Ping shouted, Li Gui, Qiu Xiaolin, and Zhang Ya were all stunned.

【Ding! Li Gui is confused, isn't this the line of Sailor Moon? And what the hell is Ulla? 】

[Host obtains system points +50]


Those ghosts who knew about armored warriors were dumbfounded.

A woman turned into an armored warrior? The main body... Sailor Moon? ? Ulla? ?

Zhang Ya covered her face.

Xiaoqian and Xiaoping, I told you to watch more animations instead of listening to them, but now it’s alright, this is a beautiful girl warrior transformed into an armored warrior for you? This is it.

Zhou Xiaoqing and Lin Ping were also a little embarrassed. They usually don't like to watch cartoons, and the only ones they watch are the Sailor Moon ones they watched when they were young.


Qiu Xiaolin and the others glanced at the child.

can be seen.

The child was also stunned, watching the Black Rhinoceros pose in the Sailor Moon pose with a dazed expression on his face.

But without waiting for him to doubt, the corner of the young man's mouth twitched and said:

"Isn't this line from Sailor Moon? What's the matter?"

The child looked up: "big brother, what is Sailor Moon."

As a child born in the 10th generation, the child has never watched the old animation Sailor Moon, so he looks at it with big watery and curious eyes.


The young man gave a brief introduction to the child, saying that the Sailor Moon is a warrior similar to an armored warrior, and also upholds justice, but this is a warrior from the Sakura Kingdom.

Hearing this, the child's eyes lit up:

"So, that Black Rhino's sister is Sailor Moon?"

The young man was startled when he heard the words, and just about to say something, the child's voice continued.

I saw the child excitedly said:

"Oh my god! Dad is right. A man is good enough to catch any woman. Emperor Xia is so powerful that he can even catch up with beautiful girls from foreign countries."

"Grandma, look, Emperor Xia is so powerful. Sailor Moon is the wife of a warrior in armor. Emperor Xia is good at hooking up. He is indeed our Great Xia's righteous warrior."

Talking about the child, he gestured excitedly and shouted at Qiu Xiaolin and the others:

"Come on, Sister Fengyingxia! Come on, Sister Sailor Moon, defeat the supernatural beast."

"Come on, come on, Yanlongxia, Fengyingxia, Dihuxia fightg!"

This night cemetery.

The immature child's voice echoed leisurely.

Ghosts: "..."

Those ghosts who know armor warriors want to curse people, supernatural beasts, you sister, we are ghosts, ghosts!

They know what supernatural beasts are. They are villain monsters in Armored Warriors. Obviously, children regard them as supernatural beasts, since they are all monsters anyway.

next moment.

Under the child's innocent cheering.

Qiu Xiaolin and the others rushed towards the ghosts again, beating them unilaterally under the blessing of the system point.

at this time.

They were all focused on beating the ghosts, and the people in the car were also focused on them, and the ghosts were the same, they couldn't be distracted, and they had no time to care about being beaten.

Everyone and ghosts didn't notice.

Not far away.

The three of them seemed to have been petrified, they stood dumbfounded, staring at Qiu Xiaolin and the others.

They are two men and one woman.

They are members of the Wenling City Health and Dao Department.

Not long ago, they routinely went to a horror house in Wanda Plaza. It appeared to be a horror house, but it was actually the resident of the Wenling City Health Department. When they passed by, they felt yin.

Knowing that ghosts appeared nearby, they turned around and came here without saying a word.

as predicted.

They discovered Ghostland.

Fortunately, the ghost domain is not very powerful. In order to avoid casualties, they quickly entered the ghost domain.


As soon as they entered, they saw the scene in front of them.

"Hey, what's the situation? Have we entered the ghost realm? Or have we crossed over?"

"Captain, have we crossed?"

Among them, a young man and a woman stared blankly at the battle ahead with dazed faces.

Isn't this Nima an armored warrior? !


The night sky in Huangquan is full of stars, shining brightly, and the moon is bright and clean.

On the barren cemetery, a battle is taking place.

Armored Warriors vs. Fierce Ghosts.

I was stunned for a long time, until I heard a cry.

They saw that Eagle Man shouted 'Wind Piercing', and then released Eagle Man's cool move 'Wind Piercing', piercing and killing a ghost.


The ghost screamed miserably, and his figure exploded into a cloudy sky.

They just came back to their senses.

Feeling the yin qi bursting towards his face, the young man from Wei Daosi opened his mouth slightly:

"I, Cao, am I really an armored warrior?!"

It was also at this moment that with the death of the ghosts, the ghost domain constructed by their communication trembled and became unstable. They finally confirmed that they did not pass through. .


The two young men and women of the Department of Health and Dao looked at the captain beside them together:

The young man said bluntly:

"Captain, do ghost exorcists have a faction of armored warriors?"

The young woman covered her mouth and shouted proudly:

"My God, Captain, you told us before that ghost exorcists have various professions, such as corpse exorcisers, paper makers, credit knife makers, etc. What kind of ghost exorcist professions are those armored warriors?"

Captain: "...I don't know either. It's the first time I've heard that there are ghost exorcists who transform themselves. By the way, Lin Feng and Zhao Xuan, what are the armored warriors you're talking about?"

The middle-aged captain didn't know Armored Warriors. After his teammates explained, he suddenly knew about Armored Warriors.

for a while.

The captain was stunned, hesitantly said: "Are you kidding me? Those armored men are cartoons?!"

He was a little confused, did the cartoon come true?

To this.

The young male and female guards looked at each other, although they were reluctant to believe it, but the facts were in front of them.

Can't help it.

The young man stared blankly at the battle ahead, and murmured:

"I always thought Armor Warrior was a cartoon, but I didn't expect it to be a documentary."

Also at this time.

The young woman suddenly came back to her senses and said, "Well, captain, are we going to watch a show here? Why don't we go up and help?"

Focusing on Zhen Zhen, they almost forgot that they and others were members of the Department of Health and Dao, who were responsible for dealing with ghosts, and the ghosts in front of them were their duties.


The young man was taken aback when he heard the words, then pointed forward with a wry smile:

"I said Xuanxuan, are you sure we need to take action? I'm right, captain, huh? Captain? What's wrong with you?"

The young men and women looked at the captain beside him.

They found that the captain's expression was inexplicably complicated, and he looked like he was in pain.

Immediately afterwards.

Concerned about teammates.

The captain looked at them, hesitated and said:

"I'm fine, I don't need to go up to help, those... armored warriors probably don't need our help."

"Okay, what were you thinking just now, Captain? Hey, are you thinking, those armored warriors are very handsome, do you want to change your job, from Taoist priest to armored warrior, to be honest, I am the same want."

"I'm not thinking about it, I'm just thinking about how to write this report."

The captain said and looked at the young men and women:

"Lin Feng, Zhao Xuan, you said that my report said that armored warriors killed ghosts...will you be dismissed as crazy?"


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