Stronger Than The Old Heavenly Master, You Say He Is A Newcomer?

Chapter 137 This Belt Was Given By Our Big Daddy

The captain said with an undisguised expression of pain.

He has been in the ghost exorcism circle for more than 30 years, and he has never heard of any ghost exorcist who can transform into an armored warrior.

When personnel from the Department of Health encounter supernatural events, they need to write a report, which is similar to the establishment of files by the police.

but now.

He doesn't know how to write a report.

I wrote today to exorcise ghosts, and before I even made a move, the armored warriors wiped out the ghosts first?

The captain is sure that if he writes it up like this, the next day his superiors will come to recruit him to go up, and he will be slapped in the face by the boss' report.

And the boss has to say, 'Why are you so nervous, look at what report you wrote, armored warrior? When you write fairy tales, what about playing? ! '

In the end, someone was called by the boss, who forced me to do a mental examination.

"Huh? Expelled? Not at all."

The young man was puzzled, he could hear the meaning of the captain's words, and couldn't help asking:

"Captain, don't ghost exorcists have such a job as transformation?"

The captain replied leisurely:

"Invite ghosts and gods to get on their bodies, so that I have the power of ghosts and gods. I have seen them, and I can even use them. But asking cartoon characters to get on their bodies, isn't this nonsense? Then I'll hire a **** god, I will directly Isn't Dijia fragrant?"

The young men and women stared in embarrassment, as if it was true.


The young man opened his mouth and was about to speak.


A scream rang out.

The three young men suddenly looked at it, and their expressions changed suddenly: "Not good!"

The screams came from the bus.

I saw when they were talking.

The ghost was beaten back by Qiu Xiaolin and the others, and most of them died in a short time. Seeing that Qiu Xiaolin hacked another one to death, there was a scream from behind, and a ghost appeared on the bus and took the child hostage.

"There is also a red-clothed ghost-level ghost?"

Feeling the yin energy on the ghost, the captain's face darkened, and he recognized the ghost's strength.

I never thought of it.

There was actually a red-clothed ghost hidden among these ghosts.

In fact.

The red-clothed ghost never thought that he would do such a thing as kidnapping a child, but he had no choice but to do so.

Originally, it drove these ghosts to capture the people on the bus for its own enjoyment, but in the end, the idea was full and the reality was very skinny. Four armored women appeared, and its ghost companion was severely injured by them.

The key point is that those armored men are too strong. If they work together, they are definitely not opponents.

But the red-clothed ghost didn't intend to escape.

without him.

It took a fancy to Qiu Xiaolin and the others' belts. As a red-clothed ghost, it could feel the power of the belts. It was the belts that gave ordinary people like Qiu Xiaolin and the others a terrifying power.

Don't think about it.

That belt must be an exorcism item.

It is greedy, if it gets these ghost exorcism items and refines them into ghosts, its strength will definitely increase greatly.

Think about it.

It grabbed the child with one hand and the middle-aged woman with the other, making a ghostly sound:

"If you don't want them to die, stop it for me."

"Damn it, I was stolen from the back row." Zhang Ya cursed.

Qiu Xiaolin and the others were still careless. It was the first time they participated in exorcising ghosts, and they didn't have much experience. They were so excited to beat the ghosts that they didn't notice that there was a ghost lurking behind them.


Because the children and young people were in the hands of the ghosts, they couldn't help but stop, looking for opportunities to save people.

However, they haven't waited to think about countermeasures.

The voice of a ghost in red clothes came from the car:

"If you don't want this child to be strangled by me, throw me your belt!"

His words come out.

The three captains in the distance changed their colors, especially the young men and women.

"No, captain, you can't let that ghost get the belt. It's the source of the armored warrior's power. If the ghost takes it, it might be able to transform into an armored warrior."

"What did you say?" The captain changed color, and his face sank instantly.

Just waiting for the captain to take action.

Qiu Xiaolin's voice sounded.

"Okay, here's the belt for you, don't hurt the child, the child is innocent."

Qiu Xiaolin really spoke.

As she spoke, she took off her belt and threw it at the red-clothed ghost.

The whole process was done without the slightest sloppiness, and was extremely decisive. The red-clothed ghost and the captain were momentarily absent-minded.

【Ding! The red-clothed ghost was stunned, so simply give it to me? 】

[Host obtains system points +30]


When the belt was thrown at his feet, the red-clothed ghost couldn't react. This was too decisive, didn't he bring any bargaining skills?

Although doubtful.

But the red-clothed ghost didn't have much doubts, because ghost exorcists are like this, and they cherish the lives of ordinary people too much. It's not like he hasn't encountered such a situation before.


The red-clothed ghost picked up the belt that looked as plain as a toy on the ground, his face full of excitement.

Although this thing looks like a toy, it knows it's fierce.

Seeing that it was about to do the same, they forced Qiu Xiaolin and the others to throw over three more belts to exorcise ghosts.

But at this time.

The captain couldn't sit still and rushed out.

"Don't give it a belt!"

The captain and the others rushed out holding the mahogany sword.

"Secretary of Health?!"

The ghost in red changed color, recognized the identity of the captain and the others, especially felt the strength of the captain, it was frightened, the top tiger guard? !

The captain ignored the expression of the red-clothed ghost, and said in a deep voice:

"You can't give them the belts, so leave the red-clothed ghosts to us to deal with. We belong to the Department of Health and Dao."

To this.

The red-clothed ghost's expression was gloomy, knowing that it was impossible for him to get the three ghost-exorcism belts, let alone take it, his life might be lost here.

next moment.

without hesitation.

The red-clothed ghost threw out all the people in the car, attracting the captain's attention, turned around and ran away with his belt on.

"Where to run!"

The captain shouted and chased after him:

"Zhao Xuan, you stay here to protect the citizens, and I'll go chase the ghosts."

The words fell.

The captain rushed out and quickly disappeared from sight.


Not long.

Tunnel entrance.

As the ghost domain disappeared, Qiu Xiaolin and the others left the ghost domain.

"Ah? That belt doesn't belong to you?" Zhao Xuan's eyes widened.

After talking just now, Zhao Xuan and the others discovered that Qiu Xiaolin and the others were not exorcists, but ordinary people.

"Yes, it was given to me by our daddy."

Zhang Ya said.

Although the other party belonged to the Department of Health and Dao, she didn't dare to say Zhang Wei's name, for fear of harming Zhang Wei. After all, the heart of defense is indispensable.

Qiu Xiaolin and the others did the same, only saying that it was a gift from an elder father.


Zhao Xuan and Lin Feng looked at each other, and both saw confusion in each other's eyes.

Is this the relationship between godfather and goddaughter? Who is that big daddy? He actually sent out such a powerful ghost exorcism tool casually.

Curious though.

They didn't ask much, knowing that the other party would not speak.

Think here.

Lin Feng felt a little regretful: "Although the ghost exorcising tools are given by your dad, don't be so decisive, they can transform into armored warriors, ah."

His words come out.

In exchange for Qiu Xiaolin and the other four daughters with strange expressions.

"Um, what's wrong." Lin Feng was taken aback.

Zhang Ya complained: "Our elder father told us that if the ghost wants the belt, he must give it without hesitation. Originally, we planned to give the ghost all four belts. It's better for you to rush out and not let us give them."

Lin Feng, Zhao Xuan: "????"

at this time.

The captain came over from a distance, with an apologetic expression on his face:

"I'm sorry, I didn't catch that ghost, and the belt was taken away by it."

Qiu Xiaolin smiled: "It's okay, just take it away, it's not a big problem, as long as the others are okay, sir, you are from the Department of Health and Dao, right, then I will leave the rest of the work to you, let's go first."

They don't plan to stay for a long time, because they are afraid that Zhang Wei's information will be exposed if they are asked too many questions, and because Zhang Ya's birthday is today, they don't plan to waste time here.

Looking at Qiu Xiaolin and the others without any regrets, they turned around and were about to leave.

The captain was dumbfounded:

"Hey, wait, don't you guys leave a phone call? If you recover the belt later, I'll call you back."

To this.

Qiu Xiaolin shook her head and raised a smile in response:

"No need, that belt... Our daddy told us before, it's useless for a ghost to take it, on the contrary, it's life-threatening."

The captain stood there, unable to recover for a moment.


When the situation is learned from the mouths of young men and women.

The captain's mouth twitched.

Such a powerful exorcism tool, if you don’t want it, don’t you want it? You must know that ghost exorcising props can be refined into ghosts if given to ghosts. Even if they are given by Daddy, then there is no need to say no to them as if they were toys. Are all the women who are kept so capricious.


After a week of this doubt, they finally understood why.

That was a week later.

They encountered the red-clothed ghost again.

Facing the captain, they hunted down.

The red-clothed ghost decisively took out the ghost-exorcism belt, and after a week of sacrificial training, the ghost-exorcist belt has turned into a ghost.


The captain and the others were stunned.

The red-clothed ghost sneered and pressed the belt to his waist.

next moment.

The belt let out a bg.


"What happened!"

"What happened!"

"What happened…"

"Free yourself."


"Go my ~~~ way"

"Kamen Rider Zhenzhen"

The red-clothed ghost transformed into the Kamen Rider Joan of Arc, and then it laughed wildly, feeling this incomparably powerful power, and took a step...Boom! Including the armor and belt, everything exploded.

The red-clothed ghost stepped forward and was killed on the spot.

The captain and the others were stunned.

I remembered what Qiu Xiaolin and the others said in my mind. Our dad said that the belt can be given to ghosts.


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