the other side.

Luxia City, night market barbecue restaurant.


Lu Lianxue cried out in doubt.

She looked in the direction Zhang Wei was looking at again, looked back and forth, and said with a confused look:

"Look at the Armored Warrior? Where? Zhang Wei, are you dazzled? Why didn't I see the Armored Warrior?"

Zhang Wei smiled, he couldn't explain the reason, so he found a reason casually:

"I guess it's my eyesight."

Lu Lianxue chuckled, and joked Yan Ran:

"So, staying up late hurts your body. You see, you're hallucinating. Why don't Zhang Chao follow you before Zhang Chao goes far, just in time to go to the hospital for an examination. I suspect that you have kidney failure."

Zhang Wei replied: "Squad leader, you actually said that I have kidney deficiency, I have broken my defenses, my mentality has collapsed, and I am going to be depressed."

"Haha, it's not impossible." Lu Lianxue responded with a smile.

Zhang Wei heard the words and said slowly:

"As for, monitor, you have to know how much it hurts a girl, especially a beautiful girl, to tell a guy that you have kidney deficiency. You can say that we men have less hair and are short, but you can't say that we have kidney deficiency. the dignity of our men."

Lu Lianxue smiled until her eyes bent into crescent moons, and she smiled sweetly:

"Pretty girl? Can I think, Zhang Wei, you are praising me for being beautiful?"

Zhang Wei replied:

"No, how can I praise you, this Lu Lianxue who is the flower of the third class of the computer major of Luxia University, who is also the flower of the department and the school flower, please be more reserved."

Lu Lianxue smiled even more, and slapped Zhang Wei with a smile:

"Sure enough, what Xiaolin said is correct, you just have a good verbal skill."

As soon as his words came out.

Zhang Wei was taken aback for a moment, then solemnly nodded:

"Yes, I admit this, I'm very good at speaking."

Lu Lianxue smiled and said: "Although our words and characters are the same, how do I feel that we are not talking about the same topic, Zhang Wei, I suspect that you are engaging in pornography, and the tire marks on my face are the evidence."

Zhang Wei smiled, and then asked out of curiosity:

"By the way, squad leader, you still talk to Xiaoman... Xiaolin. Why didn't Xiaolin tell me what happened?"

He doesn't know.

In the last comic exhibition, Lu Lianxue and Qiu Xiaolin both liked anime, so they not only chatted a lot at the comic exhibition, but also made friends with each other afterwards, and often chatted about anime and other topics.

Seeing Zhang Wei mentioning Qiu Xiaolin, Lu Lianxue blinked her beautiful eyes and said with a smile:

"Why, you are interested in talking about Xiaolin, but I won't tell you what we talked about, the private topics that girls talk about, boys can't ask, daba~"

in words.

Lu Lianxue suddenly recalled the time when she was chatting with Qiu Xiaolin and the others.

Because she became good friends with Qiu Xiaolin, Qiu Xiaolin pulled Lu Lianxue into the four-person discussion group of sisters in their dormitory, and Zhang Ya and the others often used Zhang Wei to tease Qiu Xiaolin, and once even talked about Zhang Wei for this.

that time.

Zhang Ya booed in the group, asking Qiu Xiaolin and Zhang Wei for the first time, Qiu Xiaolin couldn't stand Zhang Ya's booing, and replied, "It's nothing, it's just soft and hard foam, figure gymnastics", but she was chased by Zhang Ya and the others Ask, I explained the first time in detail, it was after eating seven yuan Malatang...

Think here.

Lu Lianxue couldn't help but blushed, glanced at Zhang Wei secretly, and murmured softly:

"I didn't expect you to play very well."

"Huh? Squad leader, what did you say?" Zhang Wei didn't hear clearly and turned around to ask.

"It's nothing." Lu Lianxue dodged Zhang Wei's gaze, her face flushed.

Zhang Wei, who didn't know why, thought that Lu Lianxue was talking bad about herself, so she habitually joked with nasty jokes:

"Squad leader, you don't really think I have a kidney deficiency, do you? Just kidding, I don't have a kidney deficiency. If you don't believe me, I will treat you to a seven-yuan Mala Tang some other day to let you know how good my kidney function is."


As soon as his words came out.

Lu Lianxue's face blushed instantly, and her mind was full of imaginary images. She and Zhang Wei were doing synchronized gymnastics for two, just like what Qiu Xiaolin said, all kinds of difficult gymnastics moves.

Fortunately, they were chatting, and they had already arrived at the apartment downstairs.

"I'm home, Zhang Wei, I'm going back to bed, and you go to bed early, too."

Lu Lianxue covered her face and said, not to let her blushing be seen.

After hearing this, Zhang Wei continued jokingly replied:

"Okay, remember to dream about me, monitor, hahaha."

"I dreamed about your size, and I'm making nasty jokes again, I won't tell you anymore, I'm going back." Lu Lianxue felt her face getting hotter, and hurried upstairs without saying a word.

Zhang Wei, who didn't know why, smiled, watched Lu Lianxue go upstairs, and then turned and left.

He didn't notice.

Not long after I walked away.

A small head poked out from the apartment downstairs, it was Lu Lianxue, her beautiful eyes twinkled, and her little face was flushed, peeping at Zhang Wei as he left.

the other side.

Zhang Wei walked on the road, rubbed his chin and muttered:

"I do stay up late these days. I don't know if I will suffer from kidney deficiency. Counting the time, I haven't checked my health for a long time."

Because he died once in his previous life.

Zhang Wei pays more attention to his health than others, and goes to the hospital for regular checkups.

Calculating the time now, it is almost time for regular inspections.

"It just so happens that Zhang Chao and Wu Nian are in the hospital, so I'll go find them when I wake up, and have a physical examination by the way."

Zhang Wei said to himself, picked up his mobile phone and was about to call Zhang Chao and the others, and told them that he didn't have to look for him after they were busy, and he would look for them later.

Just when he clicked on WeChat.

Ding dong.

A WeChat notification sounded.

Someone sent him a WeChat message.

Swipe to see the message, the person who sent the message on WeChat - "Sand Sculpture Dad"


Zhang Wei was stunned for a moment, he didn't expect his father to send a message.

[Sand Sculpture Dad]: Son thief, do you know what day tomorrow is?

Look at this message.

Zhang Wei clicked on the calendar and looked at it, only to find that tomorrow is his father's birthday. Zhang Wei suddenly realized, no wonder his father would send a message, how dare he love his birthday.


Zhang Wei enters the information.

【Zhang Wei】: I know, it's your birthday, Dad.

[Sand Sculpture Dad]: If you know it, don’t give me a hint, hinting at the eyes jpg

【Zhang Wei】: Dad, happy birthday.

[Sand Sculpture Dad]: That's it? Just this happy birthday?

【Zhang Wei】: How about I say one more thing? happy birthday dad

[Sand Sculpture Dad]: Happy your mother, rub it! No money, no happiness.

【Zhang Wei】: Dad, money, I transferred Alipay to you just now, didn't you receive it?

Its message is sent.

next second.

[Sand Sculpture Dad]: Hey, hello son thief, dad loves you, when will son thief come back.

[Sand Sculpture Dad]: Son thief, I took a look at Alipay, why didn't I receive it, did you really send it?

【Zhang Wei】: Oh, I made a wrong turn and turned it to my mother

【Sand Sculpture Dad】: Then your mother is really happy

[Sand Sculpture Dad]: You rebellious son! !


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