Stronger Than The Old Heavenly Master, You Say He Is A Newcomer?

Chapter 142 For A Hair Clipper, Two Terrifying Figures Fought

Not long.

Zhang Wei straightaway felt as if a terrifying beast had awakened in his body, roaring into the world.


Then some more hair was pushed.

He broke through to the ghost king level in one fell swoop.

Also at this moment.

A gloomy roar came out.

The ghost king discovered Zhang Wei's "hair secret", and the moment he learned of the situation, he rushed over without hesitation, trying to stop Zhang Wei and strangle Zhang Wei in the "completely unsealed seal".

boom! !

The gloomy wind swept wildly, and this floor was like a blizzard, with extremely cold wind blowing, the whole hospital building was covered with frost, and even the flowers, plants and trees outside the hospital were frozen in frost at this moment, and there was no wind and violently swayed.

The ghost king showed his power.

It was obviously a scorching hot night, but at this moment, this place entered the extremely cold winter.

I saw Ghost King spread his fingers and grabbed the hair clipper in Zhang Wei's hand.


Zhang Wei whispered, continuing to shave his head with one hand, while the palm of the other hand burst out with lightning, dazzling and dazzling, and he could faintly see that there was a rune on his palm.

It was one of the common exorcisms.

Five Thunder Palms!

But it's different from Lu Lianxue, Zhang Chao, and Wu Nian.

At this moment, Zhang Wei showed his strength.

The lightning in his palm was even more blazing than when he cast the 'Large Version of the Five Thunders Curse', as if there was a sun in his palm, burning and blooming.

at this moment.

The corridor of the ward with the lights off, under the light of the thunder in Zhang Wei's palm, was as bright as day, and the light rushed out of this floor, and the light came out from all the glass windows, almost illuminating the entire hospital.

Where the light of thunder has passed.

The yin and frost melted, and the flowers, plants and trees came back to life again.

The ghost king was slapped back with a palm.

This scene.

Shocked people's hearts, shocked the ghost king.

【Ding! The ghost king is astonishing, ghost king-level Qilinwei! 】

[Host obtains system points +150]

Can't go wrong.

The young ghost exorcist in front of him has reached the strength of a ghost king comparable to him.


The ghost king looked at Zhang Wei, he still had a lot of hair, and he was still shaving his head...

【Ding! The ghost king is horrified, is he still shaved? Zhuo! 】

[Host obtains system points +150]

The shaving is already comparable to his own ghost king-level strength, but it is obvious that the other party has not finished shaving, so it means that the other party can still become stronger.

Think here.

The ghost king felt his scalp tingling.

If this is the case, once the opponent's head is shaved, how strong is it?

【Ding! The ghost king shuddered and roared, I must keep his hair, it can't be shaved off, no! ! 】

[Host obtains system points +180]


The ghost king rushed up again, trying to snatch the hair clipper from Zhang Wei.

Never before.

It was full of fear of haircuts, and it never thought that a haircut would kill it.

Same time.

The ghost king also launched the ghost domain, pulling Zhang Wei's entire hospital into the ghost domain.

You must know that the ghost domain is not just the effect of ghosts hitting the wall, ghosts are also powerful in the ghost domain, that is their domain.

To this.

Without fear, Zhang Wei shaved his head and said to Zhang Chao and Wu Nian beside him:

"You protect the employer's daughter, and others. I'll go meet this ghost king."

in words.

Zhang Wei took a step forward and punched the ghost king.

In the not-so-big dark corridor, there was an instant of lightning flashing and Yin Qi surging like waves. Every time the corridor was illuminated by lightning, Zhang Wei and the ghost king could be seen fighting in the corridor.

The two seem to have a flash.

Every time the corridor lights up, they will appear in different places in the corridor, facing each other, dazzled, like a sci-fi movie full of special effects.

But look carefully.

It made people dumbfounded again.


This fight full of special effects is... a ghost and a person, and two terrifying figures are facing a hair clipper over there, robbing frantically, and fighting violently.

And every now and then.

Among them, the ghost exuding the cold will growl:

"Don't shave!"

"Stop it for me."

"Give me the clipper."

"Damn it, don't shave it."

That look.

No matter how you look at it, it looks like two horrible existences are fighting for a haircut. One of them is a ghost.

"Grandma is right, you can't cut your hair in front of the mirror in the middle of the night, it will really attract ghosts."

Some people in the hospital were terrified and afraid to speak out.

I saw the nurses, patients, etc. on this floor. They hid in the corner and shivered, watching Zhang Wei fight with the ghost king in horror.

When I saw what Zhang Wei and the Ghost King were robbing...

While being confused, they all, without exception, thought of a folk custom that you can't cut your hair in front of the mirror in the middle of the night, because it will attract dirty things.

Without exception.

They unanimously decided that they would never cut their hair at night in the future, and even the timid ones decided that they would have to look at the almanac and choose an auspicious day to cut their hair to avoid being watched by ghosts.

It's not just them who are dumbfounded.

Zhang Chao and Wu Nian, who are exorcists of ghosts, were also stunned.

"This, this, Zhang Wei didn't lie to us."

Zhang Chao was dumbfounded, and murmured as if he had seen a ghost:

"That hair clipper really allows him to deal with the ghost king, but isn't it bought for nine yuan?

He suddenly thought of a possibility.

At this moment, Wu Nian clasped his hands together and said:

"Amitabha, it's not the hair clipper. It should be Zhang Wei's hair problem. The hair clipper just allows him to cut his hair. Zhang Chao, look at Zhang Wei. The more he cuts his hair, the stronger he becomes."

Zhang Chao's head agrees with Wu Nian's view, because he also has this view.

How can it be a fool to enter the new star list? Zhang Chao quickly saw that Zhang Wei became stronger and his hair became shorter and shiny.

Realize this.

Zhang Chao's eyelids jumped wildly, and he swallowed a mouthful of saliva:

"The shorter the hair, the stronger? Wu Nian... You said that if Zhang Wei shaved his hair and became a bald head, he wouldn't be directly invincible."

Wu Nian heard the words, looked at Zhang Wei who was continuing to shave his head while fighting with the ghost king, and immediately responded with clasped hands:

"Amitabha, it's not impossible... huh? Zhang Chao, why do you think so much about this little monk?"

is talking.

Wu Nian seemed to have sensed it, looked sideways, and saw Zhang Chao was staring at him with a strange gaze, the more he looked, the more his eyes narrowed, and his face became weird.

He also followed his own inquiry.

Zhang Chao seemed to have discovered something, and exclaimed in surprise:

"It turns out that Wu Nian you are so good, is it because you are bald, Zhuo!".

Wu Nian froze for a moment: "Uh..."

He touched his bald head subconsciously, and understood Zhang Chao's gaze. He was not looking at himself, but looking at his bald head.

Can't help it.

Wu Nian didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and wanted to refute, but he touched his bald head, and looked at Zhang Wei, who was getting stronger and stronger with the shaved head, and he fell silent.

For a while, he couldn't find any reason to refute Zhang Chao's fucking idea.

Because that's what it looks like.


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