Stronger Than The Old Heavenly Master, You Say He Is A Newcomer?

Chapter 141 The Ghost King Is Crazy, This Head Cannot Be Shaved

Ok? ?

Hair clipper? ? ?

Seeing Zhang Wei take out the hair clipper from his pocket, Zhang Chao and Wu Nian were stunned for a moment, their faces full of bewilderment.

Zhang Chao rubbed his eyes vigorously, and when he was sure that what Zhang Wei took out was a hair clipper, he became even more confused, and the corners of his mouth twitched violently and said:

"Zhang Wei, don't tell me, when you said that there is a way to deal with the ghost king, you mean clipper in your hand?"

Can't go wrong.

Regardless of the appearance of the 'thing', or the buzzing sound from the 'thing' when Zhang Wei pressed the switch, all proved to be a hair clipper, and the buzzing sound was exactly the same as the sound of the hair clipper he heard in the barber shop.

But Zhang Chao still didn't give up, he didn't believe that Zhang Wei lost his mind when he met a ghost king, and took out a hair clipper to deal with the ghost:

Zhang Chao speculated:

"Zhang Wei, your hair clipper is... a magic weapon of the town school?"

The ghost king is so powerful that ordinary ghost exorcising magic tools are useless, but if they want their strength to deal with the ghost king, they can only use town-level magic tools.

"No, this is just an ordinary hair clipper. I bought it on Taobao for 9 yuan 9 two days ago."


Zhang Chao was stunned for a moment, then despaired the next second:

"You are kidding me, how can ordinary hair clippers deal with the ghost king?"

"Oh, are you going to give the ghost king a middle part, so that he can die laughing at his hairstyle in place, and then we can win without a fight?"

Let alone Zhang Chao.

Even Wu Nian looked at it strangely and said with concern:

"Zhang Wei, are you all right? It's all right. Although I can't deal with the ghost king, I can explode the relics later on. I'll delay you for a few minutes. You should take this opportunity and bring more people to escape from here."

Compared to Zhang Wei's claim that the 9 yuan 9 hair clipper in his hand can deal with the ghost king, Wu Nian believes that Zhang Wei is scared and mad by the ghost king.

So is Zhang Chao.

After changing his despair, he said solemnly:

"Wu Nian, I will accompany you to delay the Ghost King. Zhang Wei is strong, so you might be able to escape. You take more people out of here, and remember to burn more paper for me in the future."

To this.

Zhang Wei naturally knew that Zhang Chao and Wu Nian didn't believe in him, so he couldn't help but bluntly said:

"Believe me, I can really deal with the ghost king, just delay for a minute."


Zhang Wei picked up the hair clipper and shaved off his own hair.

Although the experience card is very strong, it takes time to cut hair. Zhang Wei needs Wu Nian and Zhang Chao to help him restrain the ghost king first, so that he can cut his hair to the length that can deal with the ghost king.

This scene.

Seen clearly by Zhang Chao and Wu Nian, the two petrified in place.

Seeing this, Zhang Chao took pleasure in bitterness:

"Come on, I understand, Zhang Wei doesn't want to shave the ghost's hair, but wants to maintain a good appearance before he dies, and shave himself before he dies. He has to look handsome when he dies."

"Zhang Wei, when you finish shaving, hold me back for a minute. I want to shave my head too. I'll shave my head to death. Let's see if I can make the ghost king laugh."

It's not just Zhang Chao and Wu Nian who are confused.

The ghost king was also confused.

I saw the ghost king in the corridor in the distance, it came step by step.

Two days ago, the ghost king sensed that the curse he had put on a woman had been lifted, but it didn't come to take revenge immediately, because it was at the juncture of breaking through the ghost king, and out of caution, it planned to break through the ghost king.

Today it finally broke through to the ghost king and rushed over immediately.

This way, he saw the three of Zhang Wei and felt the age and strength of the three of them.

It didn't expect that the ones who broke its own curse turned out to be three ghost exorcist geniuses. These three ghost exorcists were young, but they were all powerful. One of them, in particular, had reached the level of Qilin Wei, the secretary of the guard.

Think about it.

The ghost king sneered in his heart. Fortunately, he broke through the ghost king, otherwise he might have fallen.

However, he didn't wait for him to think about it.

The ghost king saw Zhang Wei and the three of them from a distance, not only did they not run away, but the strongest among them reached into his trouser pocket and took out something from it.

【Ding! The ghost king frowned, why did the three exorcists see me and didn't run away, I wanted to play cat and mouse to play with them, it's a pity, are you scared stupid? 】

[Host obtains system points +100]

【Ding! The ghost king sighs, this is the strength of the ghost king, even the three ghost exorcist geniuses have to be intimidated by me, hahaha]

[Host obtains system points +110]

【Ding! The ghost king was startled, it's not good! What is he digging for? ! Damn it, does it have a town-level magic weapon? ! 】

[Host obtains system points +120]

But the next second...

See clearly the hair clipper Zhang Wei took out.

Ghost King: "????"

【Ding! The ghost king was stunned. 】

[Host obtains system points +150]

Then the King of Ghosts saw Zhang Wei staring at him with a smile, pressed the switch of the hair clipper, picked up the clipper and began to shave his hair, watching himself vigilantly while shaving.

The ghost king was stunned.

【Ding! The ghost king is extremely confused, what's going on? ? I scare a powerful ghost exorcist... shave your head in place? ? 】

[Host obtains system points +160]

this moment.

Seeing Zhang Wei looking at him vigilantly over there, shaving his head quickly, the ghost king was stunned.

What are you doing here, grooming before you die? ?

Is this the strength of the ghost king? It can scare Qilin Wei so much that he lost his desire to survive, and now he is encoffining himself.

for a while.

The ghost king stopped in his tracks, froze in place, and looked at Zhang Wei in a daze.

But soon.

The ghost king realized something was wrong.

【Ding! The ghost king was surprised, no, is it an illusion, why do I feel that person has become stronger? 】

[Host obtains system points +100]

Feel carefully.

The ghost king's pupils shrank suddenly.

It found that it was not an illusion, Zhang Wei was really getting stronger, and his strength was getting stronger and stronger, showing a geometric multiplier.


The ghost king seemed to have discovered something, and stared at Zhang Wei's shaved hair suddenly, and found that as Zhang Wei pushed the hair clipper, he cut some of his hair, once, and if he cut more hair, his strength would improve even more Strong, the two are directly proportional.

After he came back to his senses, the ghost king was terrified.

It felt a palpitating power from Zhang Wei, which was comparable to the power of a ghost king!

"Don't shave!!!"

The ghost king couldn't sit still any longer, and rushed towards Zhang Wei with a roar.

【Ding! The ghost king was horrified and shocked. For the first time, he felt that cutting his hair was so scary. He believed that the host had sealed his strength with his hair. 】

[Host obtains system points +180]

the other side.

[Using the prop "Strong Attribute Experience Card 'Hair'"]

Accompanied by the system prompt in my mind.

A small countdown appeared in the upper right corner of Zhang Wei's eyes [experiment remaining time, countdown 29 minutes 59 seconds... 29 minutes 58 seconds... 29 minutes 57 seconds...].


The hum of the hair clipper was heard.

Zhang Wei started to shave his own hair. For this hole card, he has not cut his hair until now, and now his hair is long with bangs.

With the push of the hair clipper, the bangs were shortened by half, and Zhang Wei clearly felt a terrifying force gestating in his body. With the hair falling down, that force grew exponentially like sunspots erupting.


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