That night.

Luxia City Hospital.

After Zhang Wei came out of the CT room, he finished a set of physical examinations.

Zhang Chao came up from the side: "Zhang Wei, are you done?"

Not long ago, after Zhang Wei sent red envelopes to his father Zhang Pinghe in the morning, he went back to the dormitory to sleep and slept until night before waking up. Then he came to the hospital and invited Zhang Chao to have a full-body physical examination.

Zhang Wei nodded:

"It's all done, let's go and find Wu Nian."

His words speak out.

Zhang Chao hurriedly pulled Zhang Wei up to the elevator.

Seeing this, Zhang Wei smiled: "I can't tell, Zhang Chao, do you like that employer's daughter so much? We have only left for a short time, and you are so eager to see her."

Zhang Chao rolled his eyes: "I'm not in a hurry, I'm afraid that Wu Nian will abduct my daughter-in-law. It's not like you don't know how handsome Wu Nian is."

Looking back on the appearance of no thoughts.

Zhang Chao bluntly replied:

"Wu Nian's face is paralyzed, he doesn't put his hands together, and he sits there as a cold and handsome man, you don't know how painful it is for me to travel with Wu Nian every time, and wherever I go, the rate of turning back is always high. "

"Basically, any girl passing by has to look back at Wu Nian."

"The key is not only to watch, but also to take the initiative to throw yourself into my arms. I once wanted to give myself a high-end grade. La Wunian went to Starbucks to drink coffee. Do you know what happened?"

"After only sitting for an hour, there are three girls who came to Wu Nian to add WeChat, I'm so envious, the chickens are all purple."

Zhang Wei laughed loudly:

"Not to mention, Wu Nian's image is indeed very good. If I were a girl, I would also add WeChat."

"Isn't it? The point is that this dude doesn't know how handsome he is. He's so pissed off. If you give me Wu Nian's face, I'll make at least seven of them in one night."

Zhang Chao gritted his teeth as he spoke, and accelerated his pace a few more steps.

To this.

Zhang Wei patted Zhang Chao on the shoulder:

"Calm down, if that girl is really fascinated by Wu Nian's appearance, then it's not worth your pursuit, it's obviously the appearance association."

"Also, I think Wu Nian is also trying to match you up. Didn't you notice? I originally asked you to come for a physical examination, but Wu Nian offered to accompany me. You are lucky. A Taoist monk will serve as your wingman, but you still foolishly refuse. Come with me."

"Ah? I'm sorry, you didn't say it earlier." Zhang Chao's eyes widened and he realized it later.

"How can I tell you, the employer's daughter is right next to her, should I say in front of her, 'Zhang Chao, you stay to be the employer's daughter, we can't be light bulbs', please, she just died of her ex-boyfriend, let me say that , she must not kill me."

Zhang Wei said, hooking his shoulders to Zhang Chao:

"Don't worry, it's just a missed opportunity. You are now entrusted by your employer to protect his daughter and drive out ghosts for his daughter. During this period of time, you are looking for opportunities to get along with her."

Zhang Chao's eyes lit up and he gave a thumbs up:

"It makes sense. As expected of you, I now understand why you were able to chase such a beautiful girl as Qiu Xiaolin."

"Where is it, it's an award." Zhang Wei waved his hand.

"By the way, Zhang Chao, have you and Wu Nian found the ghost who attacked the employer's daughter? If you find it, you have no excuse to get along with him. You can't kill the ghost and deliberately conceal the report."

"That must not be concealed. Although I, Zhang Chao, like girls, I will not do such unkind things."

Zhang Chao said, rubbing his temples:

"I haven't found that ghost yet, but it should take a day or two to find it soon."

"Wu Nian and I have already brought her the Maoshan amulet. The spell that the ghost cast on her has been broken. It must know now, and it should come to find it. Then Wu Nian and I can kill it."

"Oh, it hurts so much. If this ghost comes here, Wu Nian and I will kill it, and this list will be over. How can I chase after it?"

That's all for words.

Zhang Chao hurriedly prayed: "I hope that ghost can be stronger and let Wu Nian and I deal with more difficult things, so that I can have time to develop a relationship with her."

The words fell.

They reached the door of the ward.

Just when Zhang Wei and Zhang Wei just opened the door of the ward and stepped in.

Chi chi chi.

Seems like a bad electrical connection.

As if feeling something, the pupils of Zhang Wei and the others shrank suddenly, and they rushed out of the ward to look at the corridor of the ward.

I saw...

In the tens of meters long corridor of the ward, the lights all the way from far to near, one after another flickering, like dominoes, the lights all the way are not well connected.

I don't know if it's an illusion, but they vaguely saw it.

Da da da……

A gloomy ghost came walking in the corridor. Wherever it passed, it seemed like a huge mouth of a dark abyss, swallowing the corridors of Nuo Da's ward one after another. The lights went out one by one, and the corridors plunged into darkness one after another.

The appearance of the ghost was not hairy, but the yin energy it exuded was so terrifying that it made Zhang Wei and the others feel as if they had fallen into an ice cave. The kind of bone-chilling coldness could freeze the soul.

"Ghost King?!"

Feeling the yin energy of ghosts, whether it is Zhang Chao, Wu Nian, or Zhang Wei, all change color.

ghost king.

That is the ghost king.

Although it was the first time he saw the ghost king, when Zhang Wei saw the ghost, he instinctively realized how powerful the ghost was, and it definitely reached the level of the ghost king.

Zhang Chao's next words also confirmed Zhang Wei's conjecture.

"Ma De, I just pray for some strong ghosts, there is no need to give me a ghost king directly."

Zhang Chao looked desperate.

Zhang Wei looked over after hearing the words: "Zhang Chao, you must have opened your mouth. Didn't you say that the investigation and deduction of ghosts are no more than red-clothed ghosts?"

His words come out.

The corners of Zhang Chao and Wu Nian twitched.

Not to mention that Zhang Wei was puzzled, they didn't expect this. It stands to reason that an ordinary girl was cursed. The probability of this situation being related to the ghost king is too small, but they didn't expect it to happen to them.

Although wondering.

The situation did not allow Zhang Wei to think too much about them.

The ghost king has already appeared and is walking towards them step by step.

"Zhang Wei, can you deal with the King of Ghosts?" Chao Zhang looked at him for help.

Zhang Wei is the strongest in the field, having reached Qilinwei, and Zhang Wei is the only one who can subdue the King of Ghosts.


How could Zhang Wei not know what Zhang Chao meant, and replied with a speechless expression:

"I reached the Qilin Guard, but I didn't say I could suppress the Ghost King."

"Amitabha, Zhang Wei, haven't you contracted a ghost king of a willow tree recently? You can ask the willow tree benefactor to help us." Speaking of the ghost king, Wu Nian suddenly remembered that Zhang Wei told them yesterday that he had contracted an old willow tree ghost king.

"Yes, yes, please call that old man Liu Shu out."

Zhang Chao hurriedly said.

It just didn't wait for Zhang Chao to be happy and saved.

Zhang Wei was a little embarrassed, and said that Mr. Liu Shu was not around, so he let him go on a trip for a month.

Wu Nian: "..."

Zhang Chao raised his forehead in despair: "Send!! Zhang Wei, you are making it difficult for the old man to travel, but at this time, I thought you looked so calm because of the presence of the old man. I dare you to look down on life and death." The watch..."

Both Zhang Chao and Wu Nian found out that when the ghost king appeared, Zhang Wei never panicked, his expression seemed calm, and he believed that Zhang Wei was calm because of the old man Liushu.

at this time.

Don't wait for the word expression to be finished.

Zhang Wei's voice sounded.

I saw Zhang Wei frowned and stared at the ghost king who was walking step by step, and noticed that the ghost king was sneering at them. Obviously, the ghost king felt the strength of the three of them.

He said leisurely:

"Although Mr. Liu Shu is not here, it doesn't mean that I have nothing to do with the Ghost King."

in words.

Under the gaze of Zhang Chao, Wu Nian, and the King of Ghosts.

Zhang Wei took out an electric hair clipper that he carried with him from his pocket.


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