Stronger Than The Old Heavenly Master, You Say He Is A Newcomer?

Chapter 144 Fat Brother Wants The Praying Mantis To Catch The Cicada And The Oriole Behind?

In the hospital ward.

at this time.

After solving the ghost king, Zhang Wei and the others sat in the ward, and Zhang Chao was telling the employer's daughter that the ghost had been dealt with for her.

The intention is to leave space for Zhang Chao and his employer's daughter to be alone.

After sitting for a meeting, Zhang Wei found an excuse to go out to buy supper and left.

Get out of the ward.

There are quite a lot of people in the corridor, besides nurses and patients, there are some other people.

Three of them came towards them.

"Squad leader, Team Lin."

Zhang Wei recognized the person who came, and was not surprised. After all, the ghost king was involved in this supernatural event. You must know that the ghost king is not an ordinary ghost. Once such a ghost appears, the Department of Health will be alarmed and will send people over as soon as possible.

As soon as the Department of Health and Dao received the message from Zhang Chao and Wu Nian, he immediately mobilized his staff.

Squad leader and Lin Tong, as members of the Luxia City Health Department, are naturally one of the staff. Although they are not strong enough to deal with the ghost king, they still need to deal with the panic among the hospital staff caused by the ghost king's appearance.

"Zhang Wei, where is the ghost king?"

When Lin Tong came up, he couldn't wait to ask.

"Here it is." Zhang Wei picked up a box in his hand and patted it.


He opened the box, and inside it looked like a ghostly head.

"Hiss! What a ghost king."

Feeling the lingering yin energy on the ghost's head, Lin Tong took a breath, and looked at Zhang Wei with horror:

"Zhang Wei, are you sure you killed this ghost king? Didn't you lie?"

Zhang Wei smiled on his forehead:

"Yeah, why lie to you? If you don't believe me, ask Wu Nian. Wu Nian is a monk and never lies."

As soon as his words came out.

Lin Tong and the three of them were in shock.

They didn't come back to their senses until Zhang Wei's inquiry came.

"Team Lin, squad leader, don't just say 'take a breath, the Dou Zong powerhouse is so terrifying', why don't you tell me about the aunt next to you?"

Lu Lianxue chuckled when she heard the words.

Lin Tong also came back to his senses, with a hearty laugh to cover up his abruptness, and hurriedly introduced to Zhang Wei that the middle-aged old lady beside him was the Qilin Guard of the Department of Health and Dao, and was of a level capable of dealing with ghost kings.

Aunt Qilin Wei also spoke at the right time:

"Hi Zhang Wei, I think Master Wu Nian and the others should have told you in advance, I am a member of the Department of Health and Dao, and I am in charge of recovering the ghost king's corpse."

"Of course, the premise is that you agree with us to take back the ghost king's body. After all, you killed it. You have the right to dispose of the ghost king's body."

Zhang Wei nodded.

After killing the ghost king before, Wu Nian and the others told him that the corpse of the ghost king is very precious. It is not only useful for exorcising ghosts, but also can be refined into magic weapons. It is a very powerful 'tonic' for ghosts.

to this end.

The Department of Health and Dao will always recover the corpse of the ghost king. Of course, it is not compulsory, and it needs to obtain the consent of the person who killed the ghost king.

In addition, the Department of Health and Justice is not for nothing.

They will give the person who killed the ghost king something of the same value and exchange it at equal value.


Zhang Wei handed over the ghost king's head to his aunt Qilinwei.

He doesn't know how to refine weapons, holding the ghost king's head can only be used as a collectible for him, he might as well give it to the Secretary of Wei Dao in exchange for something that he uses.

"Mr. Zhang Wei, thank you for killing the ghost king and protecting the citizens from poisonous hands."

Aunt Qilin Wei took the box and continued:

"I don't know what you want to exchange, Mr. Zhang Wei, money? Exorcist magic weapon?"

"Can it only be exchanged for money or a magic weapon to exorcise ghosts?" Zhang Wei asked.

Aunt Qilin Wei shook her head:

"Of course it's not just these, as long as it is of the same value as the ghost king, you can exchange it, such as antiques, calligraphy and paintings, and other valuable things."

"in addition."

"In addition to exchanging money and exorcising ghosts, you can also exchange authority, such as exchanging the temporary status of the Secretary of Defense. How should I put it, it is similar to the ancient guest minister and enshrinement."

"With this identity, you can exercise some of the authority of the Department of Health and Dao. For example, you can view some files of the Department of Health and Dao, transfer some personnel of the Department of Health and Dao, etc."

"The specific status and rights are given, based on the conversion of the ghost king you killed."

"What I have said is only part of it."

"You can actually make a request. As long as it can be done by our Department of Health and Dao, and it is within the same value range as the ghost king, and it is not illegal or unethical, our Department of Health and Dao can help you complete it."

is talking.

In the ward behind Zhang Wei, Zhang Chao came out.

He heard the movement at the door, and seeing Zhang Wei's pensive look, he quickly reminded:

"Zhang Wei, you don't need to exchange for something now."

"Since the Department of Health has taken back your ghost king's head, the transaction will be valid at any time. It's not too late to tell the Department of Health after you have decided what you want."

in words.

Zhang Chao grinned, patted Zhang Wei on the shoulder and vowed:

"Our Department of Health and Dao pays attention to credibility. If we take your head away, even if the transaction starts, even if the Department of Health and Dao loses your head later, and you haven't thought about something, we will not turn our backs and deny you, and will continue to complete the transaction. .”

"Stop, stop, stop, Zhang Chao, you have a crow's mouth." Zhang Wei joked with a smile.

Zhang Chao laughed when he heard the words, he knew that he

"Well, well, the ghost king's head can't be lost. This aunt can deal with the ghost king. With her protection, unless there is another ghost king, I can't lose it."

"And another ghost king, is it possible? How can it be so unlucky, and besides, the ghost king is not so easy to meet."

"Auntie, I'm right."

Aunt Qilinwei smiled and responded noncommittally:

"That's true. The ghost king is not an ordinary ghost. Thousands of ghosts may not produce a ghost king. I don't know what you think about it, Mr. Zhang Wei."

"I haven't figured it out yet. I'll tell you what I want after a few days."

Zhang Wei is outspoken.

Aunt Qilin Wei handed Zhang Wei a business card:

"All right, here is my business card. If you have made up your mind, you can call me and tell me, or you can directly contact Captain Lin Tong and ask him to report to the Department of Health and Dao."

Another simple exchange of words.


Aunt Qilin Wei made no secret of her curiosity and praise for Zhang Wei.

Unexpectedly, Zhang Wei was able to deal with the ghost king at such a young age.

But she didn't ask Zhang Wei how to deal with the ghost king, nor did Wu Nian Zhang Chao and the others say that everyone has their own secrets, especially ghost exorcists, they won't ask easily.

Just need to know that Zhang Wei is a good guy.

"It's getting late, everyone, I'm leaving first."

The aunt looked at the time.

She came here for emergency support, not from Luxia City. Now that she has the ghost king's head, she has to go back and transfer it to the headquarters of the Department of Health for safekeeping.

Everyone didn't notice...

Not far from the hospital, on the roof of a tall building.

The location of the tall building is very good, and you can overlook the panoramic view of the hospital from the rooftop.

at this time.

On the rooftop of a tall building, stood a chubby figure. His skin was fairer than women's. He was holding a parasol, looking down at Qilin Wei, the aunt who walked out of the hospital.


His eyes fell on the box in the hands of his aunt Qilin Wei.

It was the box containing the ghost king's head.

for a moment.

The chubby figure murmured:

"The ghost head of the ghost king level is a good thing. It should make me a villain stronger. Why don't you grab it? Anyway, it's Zhang Wei's, Zhang Wei's is mine, and mine is Zhang Wei... Bah, bah, bah Bah, never mind, as a villain, if you don't snatch it, it's out of character, grab it!"


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