Stronger Than The Old Heavenly Master, You Say He Is A Newcomer?

Chapter 145 Dear Madam Tailor, For Zhang Wei, I May Be Later

Just do it.

The fat man turned around and was about to snatch the box from Auntie Qilinwei.

But before leaving, he glanced at Zhang Wei and the others standing at the entrance of the hospital, and looked straight at Zhang Wei:

"Sure enough, I was right to hesitate to attack Zhang Wei over and over again. Zhang Wei, your strength is hidden. Fortunately, I sneaked here today to join in the fun, otherwise I would be fooled by you."

not long ago.

Fatty is in the e-sports hotel he rented, and he is going to find out about Li Junfei and Zhang Wei.

He had just logged into the lol account, and he was stunned for a moment, looking towards the direction of Luxia City Hospital, where he felt a terrifying yin energy, which was the intensity of yin energy only possessed by ghost king-level ghosts.

In his own place, a ghost king came.

How could the fat man stand by and watch? According to what he said, I am a villain, and it is unreasonable for me to be rushed home by other villains.

Without hesitation.

Fatty went to check the situation.

But on the way, before he arrived, he felt a powerful force again. It was not Yin Qi, but the power that belonged exclusively to the exorcist.

"A ghost exorcist comparable to a ghost king?"

The fat man looked surprised:

"Good guy, is there a ghost exorcist fighting against the ghost king? No, I have to go quickly. This kind of thing that hurts both sides and then makes a profit is very suitable for me to do, but the breath of this ghost exorcist is a bit familiar."

With the excitement of not taking advantage of the bastard, the fat man hurried away.

Then...he was dumbfounded.

"Zhang Wei?!"

The fat man dropped the parasol in his hand to the ground in shock, staring wide-eyed at the hospital in the distance, where he was fighting the Ghost King.

Isn't that frankly Zhang Wei? !

I Cao ah? ! Wait, Zhang Wei has ghost king level strength!

When you see Zhang Wei's appearance clearly.

After confirming that it was Zhang Wei, the fat man was dumbfounded in place, and he was even more dumbfounded when he saw Zhang Wei and the Ghost King fighting over a hair clipper.

"Not at all, for a hair clipper..."

The words are not finished yet.

Fatty's complexion changed, noticing the change in Zhang Wei's strength, he seemed to understand why the big fight was for a hair clipper.

"Qi, Teacher Qitama??"

The fat man opened his mouth wide in shock.

What kind of hair clipper is this? It can’t be Zhang Wei’s ‘limiter’, just like the Saitama-sensei in the anime. Saitama-sensei accidentally lifted the limiter, so he is invincible.

It's not that he thinks too much, but the facts are right in front of his eyes, and the fat man can't be allowed to think too much.

Zhang Wei's hair is getting shorter... His strength is increasing exponentially.

No matter how you look at it, you are the same as Saitama-sensei.

The bald head also becomes stronger, and is invincible!

Feeling the changes in Zhang Wei's strength, although Zhang Wei has not surpassed himself yet, the fat man is still terrified.


In his opinion, Zhang Wei will surpass himself sooner or later. After all, he still has a lot of hair. Needless to say, once his head is bald, his strength is likely to be invincible.

Fatty vowed to make a decision:

"No! Wait for a chance and take Zhang Wei to have your hair done."

"Before that, don't kill Zhang Wei, just let it go, tailor, it's not that I don't want to kill Zhang Wei, it's that he is too strong."

Think so.

The fat man didn't know why, but he felt inexplicably happy:

"Well, I won't kill him for now. I'll talk about it when I become stronger. After all, I can't be counter-killed like other villains. I want to be the most compelling villain."

He could see that Zhang Wei's method of becoming stronger was not the lifting of the seal, it should be some kind of special hole card method, and cutting his hair should be an opportunity.

But even though it is a hole card, Zhang Wei can still be used if it is not full. To be on the safe side, it is better not to move Zhang Wei, and observe first.

Think here.

The fat man picked up his phone and sent a message to the tailor:

【Dear Tailor Madam, I may be late for Zhang Wei's work. 】

[Don't ask why, the question is that Zhang Wei is too strong, this guy can actually deal with the ghost king, can you believe it? Anyway, I believed it, because I saw him unscrew the head of a ghost king with my own eyes. 】

[You don't know, I subconsciously touched my neck while watching that scene, and my back felt really cold. 】

【So I decided to observe again and find an opportunity to start, so it's settled. 】

[By the way, lend me some more money, I'm running out of funds, and I recently bought two more figurines, alas. 】

Not long.

A message from the tailor:

[Fatty man of the grass mud horse, are you fooling the ghost, Zhang Wei can kill the king of ghosts? Why don't you say that Zhang Wei is the real Dragon Guard. 】

[I want evidence! Prove that what you said is right, otherwise, when I finish my work in the Northeast, I will see if I don't kill you, including your animation dolls. 】

message sent.

It seemed that the tailor had been expected to say so.

Without further ado, the fat man sent her a video.

The video is only 10 seconds long, and it shows Zhang Wei catching up with the ghost king wrapped in a thunderbolt, and then wringing off the ghost king's head.

And when the head of the ghost king was twisted off, the fat man was still subtitled, an arrow pointed to the head of the ghost king, and the word "evidence" was written on it. As the head of the ghost king flew out, the arrow pointed all the way to the head of the ghost king, and the word "evidence" followed all the way , for fear that the tailor could not see where the Ghost King's head flew.

The video is sent for three seconds.

The tailor sent a message:

[Okay, then I will give you some more time. 】

In addition to this message, there is also a transfer message, which is the money transferred to him by the tailor, which is 1 million.

Look at the money in the account.

The fat man murmured: "Now I understand why everyone likes to be adopted. This feeling is so addictive┭┮﹏┭┮"

in words.

He stared at the box in the hand of Aunt Qilin not far away:

"It's fine to take it if you have money, and someone will give me equipment for me. This villain is for me... Sigh, two words, forceful."


the other side

at this time.

Aunt Qilinwei came to the side of the road after walking out of the hospital, and got into the car he drove.

Because the ghost king's head has already been obtained.

It's in a good mood.

Turn on the stereo in the car, listen to the music, and drive on the highway.

On the way, she called the Secretary of Health and told him that she had got the ghost king's body and was transporting it back. She said to her on the phone, "Okay, then send it here quickly, and pay attention to safety on the way."

The aunt replied and hung up the phone.

She couldn't help thinking that Zhang Wei and Zhang Chao had lost the head of the ghost king they had talked to before.

"Make a fuss over a molehill, how can I lose it when I'm around, these two little guys really know how to play..."

The words are not finished.

The aunt's pupils shrank suddenly, and she stepped on the brakes on the highway.

She found that the surrounding environment had changed, and she was pulled into the ghost realm, and a figure appeared in front of the road, standing on the road blocking her way forward.

"Ghost King?!"

Feeling the terrifying Yin Qi emanating from the figure in front of him.

That Yin Qi was too strong.

It was the Yin Qi she had encountered so far, and it was so cold that even though she was a ghost king-level Qilin guard, she was terrified and felt her soul tremble.

really showed up.

A ghost king.

Still an extremely powerful ghost king.

Seeing the terrifying figure approaching her car step by step, he said softly:

"Hand over the ghost king's head in your car."

The aunt's eyelids jumped wildly, and the appearance of Zhang Chao inexplicably appeared in her mind. It was Zhang Chao with a smile, and said to Zhang Wei, "Even if the Department of Health and Justice loses his head later, the Department of Health and Justice will not turn his face and deny anyone."

Thinking back.

The aunt felt a pain in the ass, this shit...he must have opened his mouth.

The ghost in front was too powerful, she knew that with her own strength, she couldn't keep the ghost king's head, and the ghost king's head would definitely be lost.


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