Stronger Than The Old Heavenly Master, You Say He Is A Newcomer?

Chapter 146 The Truth About Zhang Wei And Qiu Xiaolin's Breakup?

Just when the aunt's egg hurts.

The fat man had already walked to the front of the car, his hand went straight through the door, opened the door of the passenger seat, and took away the box on the passenger seat.

It seems that the aunt is ready to move.

The fat man raised his head, but the other party couldn't see his face because he was covered in Yin Qi:

"Don't try to grab it. You should know that you can't beat me. Compared with losing your life, I think you, a righteous master, should know how to weigh it."

The aunt was startled when she heard this.

But in the end she narrowed her eyes and said in a deep voice:

"If you can't fight, you have to fight. You can't take away the things of the Department of Health and Dao."

"That's why you righteous people have brain problems. If you can't beat them, why do you beat them? Losing things is more important than losing your life? It's just a head."

The fat man shrugged.

He was not surprised by the aunt's behavior.

boom! !

next moment.

The aunt made a move, her fingers were glowing, she drew a talisman in the air in the blink of an eye, and patted the fat man.

The talisman is bright, dazzling and sacred.

As if its light passed by, all the evil monsters would retreat three feet.

However, the fat man was not afraid, he just slapped the talisman abruptly and smashed it into pieces.

The other hand grabbed the box on the passenger seat.

Seeing this, the aunt changed color, gritted her teeth and rushed out, pulled out a willow branch from her waist, and pulled it towards the fat man.

This scene was shocking.

Even though the willow branch was only one foot long, the distance between the two was 10 meters. After the fat man took the box, he stepped out 10 meters away.

But at this time.

The moment the willow branch is thrown out, it will grow when it sees the wind.

It turned into a thick willow branch, dancing all over the sky, as if it was not a willow branch, but a willow branch, exuding the sacred green willow light of exorcising evil spirits, whipping and entwining towards the fat man.

"A magic weapon made from centuries-old willow branches?"

The fat man was surprised, but only surprised, and his expression was not even half moved.

While putting down the suitcase in his hand, he supported his forehead and said:

"Oh, it seems that today I, the villain, can't do anything if I don't make a move."

in words.

That willow branch turned into thousands of whips.

But the moment he got close to Fatty, it was like thousands of swords intertwined with each other, colliding with sparks, clanging and deafening.

I saw that the fat man was like a volcano that had been accumulated for an unknown number of years. At this moment, the Yin Qi erupted like a volcano, and the surging, raging Yin Qi blocked all the willow branches that were coming.


The Yin Qi was like the flames of the Nine Nether Yellow Springs, burning thousands of willow branches, the fire could not be extinguished, and it spread to the aunt's side very quickly.

The aunt's face changed in shock, and she played one after another of the void talisman, but it still didn't help, so she was forced to throw away the willow branch to avoid getting caught in the fire.

"how can that be……"

Looking at the burnt willow branches on the ground, the aunt couldn't keep calm.

She knew exactly what that willow branch was. It was not only a hundred-year-old willow branch, but also a lightning-struck wood that had been bathed in lightning strikes. It had the power to make all evil in the world fear, even ghost kings.


This is a magic weapon made of lightning struck willow.

The fat man was not afraid and let it go, he even burned it with his backhand.

Seeing that the fat man picked up the box again and wanted to leave, the aunt's eyes flashed and she was resolute.

boom! ! !

The aunt stepped out, and there was a sudden cracking sound, and the high-speed concrete road was forcibly sunken by her foot. At this moment, her momentum rose, and her clothes and hair, without wind, rose automatically. breath.

this moment.

She is not a middle-aged aunt, but Qilin Wei, a high-level guard who can rival the Ghost King!

"It's kind of interesting, but unfortunately it's not enough."

As the fat man murmured, Yin Qi surged all over his body, like the center of a tsunami, the flames of Yin Qi surged and swept towards the aunt, engulfing her in an instant.

Immediately afterwards.

Not long after.

Yin Qi and the sea of ​​fire surged, and a mahogany sword outlined in the void rushed out, splitting the sea of ​​fire in half.

The aunt rushed out of it.

Although he looked a little embarrassed, he was not injured.


With the mahogany sword hanging beside her, the aunt looked around in a daze.

The front was empty, and the fat man disappeared. During the time when the aunt broke through the flames, he took the opportunity to leave with the box.


The aunt was silent for a while, and looked at the fat man's original place in front of her with a complicated expression.

Although she was not killed by the ghost king in front of her, she still lost the ghost king's head.

Not long.

She picked up the phone and called the headquarters of the Ministry of Health:

"It's me... I, I want to report something, the ghost king's head... was robbed..."


next morning.

Luxia University, student dormitory.

Boom boom boom.

There was a knock on the door.

Li Junfei got out of bed sleepily: "Here it is, who is it?"

"Me." Zhang Wei said.

"It's Brother Wei." Li Junfei opened the door of the dormitory.

Since the ghost king was dealt with last night, in order to prevent any ghosts from attacking the employer's daughter, Zhang Wei and the others chose to stay in the hospital and did not come back until the morning.

"Brother Wei, didn't you say that you just went for a physical examination, why would you go there overnight?"

Li Junfei looked at Zhang Wei's tattered clothes at the door, he laughed and said:

"Are you going to the nurse for a physical examination, or are you checking the nurse's body?"

Zhang Wei clamped Li Junfei's neck with his hands, and laughed and cursed:

"What are you thinking about? It's spring early in the morning."

"Hey, no, no, this is not the friend I gave Brother Wei before, but that Wu Nian, did you introduce my friend? Seeing that you are falling in love with each other, even monks are falling in love, I want to do it too."

"Then you also find one. You don't have a lot of contacts, kid. It's okay. Go after him boldly. I'll be your wingman."

"Brother Wei, you said this. I'm chasing one right now. Brother Wei, you have to help me."


Zhang Wei, who was undressing and about to go to bed, looked over;

"Junfei, are you so fast, you are catching up now? Who is it? Which department, don't worry, since I promised to be your wingman, I will definitely help you."

Li Junfei smiled, and when it came to chasing girls, he became a little shy and said:

"Hey, I was actually chasing after a month ago, but I didn't dare to tell Brother Wei that that girl is not from our department."

"Other schools?"


"Huh? Junfei, you don't know how to have long-distance relationships, do you?"

"That's not true. I'm looking for a local in Luxia City, should I put it...that girl is a bit special."

"What's so special?" Zhang Wei looked curiously.

Li Junfei didn't hide anything, coughed and said slowly:

"That's right, that's right... That girl is a young woman."


Zhang Wei was taken aback for a moment, and then not only Zhang Wei, but other roommates in the dormitory also stared wide-eyed. They were still sleeping, and they heard Zhang Wei chatting with Li Junfei.

When they heard this, they sat up in shock as if they were dying. They were paralyzed on the bed, and they got up one by one.

Just when they were about to get to the bottom of it.

Li Junfei seemed to have remembered something, and hurriedly patted his head:

"By the way, I almost forgot to tell Brother Wei that today is May 6th."

"I remember Brother Wei, you told me before that if it's May 6th, you want me to remind you of today's date."


Zhang Wei was stunned, picked up the phone and looked complicated:

"Is it already May 6th?"

Out of curiosity, Li Junfei leaned over:

"By the way, what date is Brother Wei on May 6th? Why do you want me to remind you, lest you forget it? I remember that today is not Brother Wei's birthday. Could it be Uncle Aunt's birthday?"

Zhang Wei shook his head and said slowly:

"It's not my parents' birthday, it's Little Mantou's grandpa's birthday, alas."

"Ah? Xiao Mantou? You mean Xiao Lin, wait a minute, no, Brother Wei, you asked me to remind you when you entered college last year, didn't you and Xiao Lin separate in high school? Why should you remember Xiao Lin?" Grandpa's birthday."

Li Junfei thought like Sherlock Holmes:

"We broke up, and I still have to remember the birthday of my ex-girlfriend's grandfather... What the hell?! Brother Wei, you won't break up with Xiaolin, it's because of her grandfather."

"That's not right, why did Xiaolin break up with you because of grandpa... unless... Brother Wei, you, you wouldn't kill his grandpa or something? Otherwise, why would you remember his birthday?"

Seeing the change in Zhang Wei's expression, Li Junfei swallowed a mouthful of saliva:

"Brother Wei, I'll just make a joke, you won't really tell me the truth."


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