Stronger Than The Old Heavenly Master, You Say He Is A Newcomer?

Chapter 147 Xiao Lin's Grandfather Is Not Dead? Not A Ghost Either?

Facing the question to himself, Zhang Wei fell silent.

Li Junfei was even more sure that he had guessed correctly. The breakup between Qiu Xiaolin and Zhang Wei was related to Grandpa Qiu Xiaolin. Even though Zhang Wei didn't answer, his performance was self-evident.


In order to verify the conjecture, Li Junfei couldn't help asking again:

"Brother Wei, if you don't speak, I will acquiesce on your behalf. Does Grandpa Xiao Lin break up with you?"

this time.

Zhang Wei looked up and finally nodded.

The breakup between him and Qiu Xiaolin was nothing shameful, and there was nothing inconvenient to answer.

Feeling the gazes of Li Junfei and other roommates.

Zhang Wei's eyes revealed memories and he opened his mouth slowly:

"how to say."

"Brother Wei, did you kill Grandpa Xiaolin?" Li Junfei asked.

"We did break up with me because of her grandfather." Zhang Wei continued.

"Brother Wei, did you kill Grandpa Xiaolin?" Li Junfei replied.

"It is also because of the breakup that I asked you to remind me about her grandfather on May 6th. I am really sorry."

Zhang Wei recalled.

To this.

Li Junfei blinked and replied:

"So Brother Wei, you really killed Grandpa Xiaolin?"

"If the incident with her grandfather hadn't happened, Xiao Mantou and I wouldn't have broken up."

"So, Brother Wei, you did kill Grandpa Xiaolin?"

Li Junfei spoke.

The corner of Zhang Wei's mouth twitched, unable to recall any more, he put his arms around Li Junfei's neck and cursed with a smile:

"Junfei, I'm so stupid to kill you. It's hard for me to express my feelings once. You ask four times over there."

"Hey, I'm just curious."

Li Junfei chuckled:

"So Brother Wei, did you kill Grandpa Xiaolin?"

Zhang Wei patted Li Junfei on the head:

"Kill your sister, how could I kill Xiao Mantou's grandfather, what are you thinking, am I so cruel, and besides, why kill her grandfather if I have nothing to do, her grandfather is not a ghost."

"Brother Wei, you misled me. You said Grandpa Xiaolin was the reason for your breakup. After thinking about it, you killed Grandpa Xiaolin to make Xiaolin break up with you."

Li Junfei said.

Thinking of Zhang Wei's last sentence, he couldn't help but wonder:

"Grandpa Xiaolin isn't dead? Isn't it a ghost? Brother Wei, why did you and Xiaolin break up because of her grandfather?"

"Don't tell me it's the kind of Mary Su plot."

"What do you mean?"

Zhang Wei knew the meaning of Mary Su's plot, so he couldn't help being curious about what Li Junfei imagined.

Li Junfei didn't hold back, and said bluntly:

"It's why grandpa is at the helm of a big family. For example, the founder of a listed company, whose assets are incomparably rich. When Grandpa Xiaolin learned that you were dating Xiaolin, he felt that you were a poor boy and not worthy of being his son-in-law."

"And Brother Wei, you understand that Grandpa mobilized the power of the family to whip and suppress you, and Xiaolin had no choice but to break up with you."

"This can also explain why Brother Wei you want me to remind you on May 6th."

"Because it's grandpa's birthday, the birthday banquet of the head of the big family is very important, so every time you want to congratulate grandpa on his birthday at the birthday banquet, you should also show grandpa that you love Xiaolin, I hope grandpa can accept him .”

"Of course, what I said is a bit exaggerated, but it should be similar, that is, Xiaolin's family is very rich and can live in the first class of Tang Chen."

Li Junfei's words were unanimously agreed by the other roommates.

I think Li Junfei's guess is very reasonable.

Zhang Wei couldn't see the meaning of their expressions:

"Junfei, you and Xiaolin were neighbors when you were young. If she is rich, why are you neighbors?"

"Not necessarily, maybe Xiaolin wants to experience the life of ordinary people like us. Aren't domestic love TV dramas so old-fashioned, so brother Wei, did I hit the mark." Li Junfei said.

Zhang Wei shook his head and said bluntly:

"There is nothing wrong with what you think, Xiao Mantou's grandfather is not like that."

"Forget it, let me tell you."

Fearing that Li Junfei would make wild guesses and talk nonsense, Zhang Wei told the truth:

"The reason why Xiao Mantou broke up with me is because I made her and her grandfather never meet again."

It's not loud.

But they all heard Li Junfei in the gossip, and they were all stunned.

next moment.

"Ah?" Li Junfei and the others were all taken aback.

Then Li Junfei looked at Zhang Wei strangely: "What do you mean, we can't see each other again? Fuck! Brother Wei, you still said that you didn't kill Xiaolin and her grandfather. Don't you make Xiaolin and her grandfather forever separated from each other?"

But soon Li Junfei was puzzled again:

"That's not right, Brother Wei, didn't you say that Xiaolin's grandfather is still alive? What's going on? Since he is alive, why did you say that Xiaolin can't see her grandfather?"

Zhang Wei did not hide:

"Because I made her grandpa miss Xiao Mantou."

"What the hell?"

Li Junfei was taken aback when he heard that, then the corner of his mouth twitched:

"Brother Wei, are you so vicious? You haven't married Xiaolin yet, so you're trying to drive a wedge between grandparents and grandchildren."

"I thought it was Marysu, brother dare to be afraid, you are the reverse Marysu, are you the 'big family helm'?"


Li Junfei planned to ask more about the situation.

Although he knew the reason why Zhang Wei and Qiu Xiaolin broke up, he still had many questions.

Why did Brother Wei let her grandfather see Xiao Mantou?

Why would her grandfather listen to brother Wei's words, but not see his own granddaughter.

Waiting for doubts made Li Junfei curious.


Zhang Wei interrupted Li Junfei, he picked up his phone and checked the time, it was now 8:30 in the morning.

"Let's not talk about it, today is Xiaomantou's grandpa's birthday, I have to buy some birthday presents."

in words.

Zhang Wei took off the tattered clothes he had beaten with the ghost king in the hospital, put on a new set of clothes, and even dressed up specially. No matter how he looked, he looked like he was seeing his parents, so he dared not be too negligent.

his actions.

Li Junfei and the others could tell that this was because they didn't want to give Qiu Xiaolin a bad impression.

Just when Zhang Wei changed his clothes and was about to go out.

Li Junfei came back to his senses and stopped Zhang Wei:

"Brother Wei, I'll go with you. I'm the best at picking birthday gifts for the elderly. My family celebrates my grandparents' birthdays. I bought all the birthday presents."

Both Qiu Xiaolin and Zhang Wei are good friends of Li Junfei.

He was really curious about the situation of the two of them, and planned to follow Xiaolin to see her grandfather, and ask Zhang Wei on the way.

Zhang Wei did not refuse:

"Okay, let me tell you Junfei first, you can help me choose gifts, don't pick expensive ones, Grandpa Qiu doesn't like expensive ones, last year I bought expensive gifts in the past, and he often reprimanded me."

"Okay, Brother Wei, don't worry. I know the simplicity of the older generation. After all, they are different from the peaceful era we lived in. They came from the war-torn era, and they don't like extravagance and waste the most."

Li Junfei grinned:

"By the way, Brother Wei, where does Grandpa Qiu live? It's strange to say, I live next to Xiaolin, but I've never met her grandpa."

Zhang Wei casually said:

"It's normal that you can't see Grandpa Qiu. Grandpa Qiu has never left the place where he lives. He only lived in a nursing home a few years ago."

"That's right. The older generation loves their hometown more. It's not a special case. They don't like to travel far. It seems that Grandpa Qiu is as simple as my grandparents."

Zhang Wei nodded in agreement and said with emotion:

"The older generation is like this. They are so simple that they don't like to throw things away. They think that they can be used if they are repaired or left alone. Then they keep piling up a pile of useless old things. Let alone this, I almost forgot, Jun Fei, don't tell Xiao Mantou that we are going to find Grandpa Qiu."


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