Time flies.

After coming out of the dormitory, Zhang Wei was not idle. He took Li Junfei to choose a birthday gift for an hour, and immediately called a Didi car to the Nursing Home in Luxia City.

on the way.

Li Junfei still couldn't restrain his curiosity, and jokingly asked Zhang Wei:

"Brother Wei, you said that Xiaolin's grandfather didn't see Xiaolin because of you. What did you do to Grandpa Xiaolin? Lower your head?"

Zhang Wei patted Li Junfei on the head:

"I have no grievances or enmities with Grandpa Qiu. Why do you lower your head? I just said something to Grandpa Qiu, which caused Grandpa Qiu to miss Xiao Mantou."

"Brother Wei, are you sure you just said something to Grandpa Qiu? So you let Grandpa Qiu not see Xiao Lin?"

"Okay and sure."

His words come out.

Li Junfei's cheeks twitched: "Brother Wei, what kind of operation are you doing? He made a man spend 180,000 yuan for me with three words, and you made an old man cut off his granddaughter for you with three words. Fuck, never."

"It's not as exaggerated as you think. I just let Grandpa Qiu see Xiao Mantou, not to sever the relationship between grandpa and grandson."

Zhang Wei said bluntly:

"Although what I said sounds a bit fucked up, I actually did this for Xiao Mantou's sake. After all, if Grandpa Qiu meets Xiao Mantou again, he will die."

The words did not fall.

Zhang Wei didn't wait for Li Junfei to ask, he asked instead:

"Junfei, do you know what is the lone star of Tiansha?"

"I know."

Li Junfei nodded and continued:

"The lone star of Tiansha is a saying that has been circulated among the people since ancient times. According to folklore, the lone star of Tiansha refers to a very vicious and cruel star. "

"Speaking of which, Brother Wei, you told me before that ghost exorcists have a "looker" who specializes in fortune-telling and fortune-telling."

"I remember in the reading, there is also a talk about the lone star of Tiansha, saying that some people have horoscopes on their birthdays and ugly faces. In short, they are lone stars of Tiansha. Such people will bring harm to the people around them."

"It is because of this saying that the ancients called orphans and unlucky people, that is, the lonely star of Tiansha, which is a swear word."


Li Junfei stared at Zhang Wei in surprise:

"Brother Wei, don't tell me, Xiaolin's grandfather is not the lone star of the gods, right?"

Zhang Wei shook his head:

"I don't know if it is, because I was not an exorcist at that time, and I didn't know how to read faces. My dad found a fortune teller to figure it out."

"Actually, Junfei, you don't know. Before I became a ghost exorcist, I didn't really believe in ghosts and gods. I didn't believe in ghosts until the matter of Grandpa Qiu."

"That was back in high school."

"At that time, I dated Xiao Mantou and entered the first year of high school. Xiao Mantou thought it was time, and took me to meet Uncle Aunt, and at the same time to meet Grandpa Qiu whom I hadn't seen for a long time."

"Before this, because Grandpa Qiu lived in a relatively remote place, and Grandpa Qiu never went out, so Xiao Mantou would only visit Grandpa Qiu during the winter and summer vacations."

"and then."

"Little Mantou thinks that I can handle the relationship well with my family, so she often takes me to see her parents and Grandpa Qiu during the holidays."

"Later, Xiao Mantou fell ill. He looked like he had a cold and a fever, but he couldn't take any medicine from the doctor."

"Uncle Aunt took Xiao Mantou to see a doctor. After seeing many doctors, he couldn't see well."

"I'm also in a hurry. I told my parents about the little steamed bun. I wanted to let my parents see if they know any famous doctors and help them. But my father didn't know which tendon was wrong, so I just went to the doctor. Yes. Ask a fortune teller."

"Then my dad told me that Xiao Mantou's illness was not because of her illness, but because of her grandfather's influence."

"My dad said that the fortune teller calculated that Grandpa Qiu has a physical problem. He is not the lone star of Tiansha, but he is also similar to the lone star of Tiansha. If you stay with him for a long time, you will have problems, especially the closer you get to him, the more you will get sick."

"I didn't believe it at first, but later I went to the doctor in a hurry, so I thought about giving it a try..."

"Then my brain got hot, and I ran to talk to Grandpa Qiu about it. Grandpa Qiu agreed with my suggestion. He chose not to see Xiao Mantou later."

"As a result, Xiao Mantou's illness really recovered, and he didn't need to take any medicine. He recovered naturally."

"I didn't believe it at first, until I went to see Grandpa Qiu for Xiao Mantou. After all, I figured it out on my own. I let Grandpa Qiu not see Xiao Mantou. I wanted to make up for it, so I went to see Grandpa Qiu every now and then."

"I myself developed a fever and fell ill."

That's all for words.

Zhang Wei's eyes were gentle, and he recalled that when he was sick and had a fever, Qiu Xiaolin didn't leave her for a whole night in order to take care of herself, and even missed the piano exam:

"I thought I had a fever, but I didn't go to see Grandpa Qiu because I was sick, and the illness got better."

"Since then, I can't believe it even if I want to."

"Since then, Grandpa Qiu knew about my illness, and he didn't let me see him. I can only visit him on my birthday."

Li Junfei looked at Zhang Wei with emotion.

Although Zhang Wei didn't say anything, Zhang Wei and Qiu Xiaolin broke up later.

But he could more or less guess.

I'm afraid Xiaolin knew that Grandpa didn't see her, and because of her brother's temperament, she would definitely not tell Xiaolin about her grandfather's situation. After all, once she did, Xiaolin would definitely insist on seeing her grandpa. More sensitive, otherwise I wouldn't have brought Brother Wei to meet the parents.

However, 80% of them later found out that it was because of Zhang Wei that Grandpa didn't see her, which led to the breakup.

"It's hard for you, Brother Wei."

Li Junfei patted Zhang Wei on the shoulder, jokingly comforted him:

"Brother Wei, the breakup between you and Xiaolin is also quite Mary Sue, and it's still the kind of suspense."

Zhang Wei smiled.

He knew that Li Junfei was comforting himself.

In fact.

He cared more about meeting Grandpa Qiu than he cared about breaking up with emotion. There was no other reason. Now that he had become a ghost exorcist, he knew the other side of the world, which made him sure that the matter about Grandpa Qiu was not superstitious.

You must know that now he has gained a lot of knowledge about ghost exorcists.

Seeing Grandpa Qiu this time, maybe he can find out the reason for Grandpa Qiu's situation.

And that's why Zhang Wei came back from the hospital and was anxious to go to the nursing home when he learned of Grandpa Qiu's birthday.


for a moment.

Nursing home in Luxia City.

Led by the nurses, Zhang Wei and Zhang Wei came to the lawn of the flower garden in the front yard of the nursing home.

at this time.

It was more than 10 o'clock in the morning.

Looking up at the sky, the sky is clear, and the morning summer breeze is blowing by, with a hint of coolness but not warmth.

And on that lawn.

There are many old people in white clothes. Some old people sit on the lawn stone chairs and play Go. From time to time, they are arguing with the old people around them how to play Go. Some are keeping fit under the care of the nurses.

"Mr. Qiu is over there."

The nurse points to a lawn.

Zhang Wei heard the words and looked, and his eyes fell on the figure of an old man sitting alone on a stone chair.


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