
It was 10 o'clock in the morning, and the sun shone down, and it happened to shine on the back of the old man, making his shadow long and reflected on the pool in front of the stone chair.

The pool is sparkling.

Look closely, the goldfish in the pool are swimming in the shadow of the old man on the water, as if they want to take shelter from the shade of the shadow. At this moment, the Xia wind blows past, rippling the pool and blowing the white hair of the old man.

However, these old people seemed to have gotten used to it, and looked up at the blue sky blankly, not knowing whether they were in a daze or thinking about something.

"Brother Wei, is that Grandpa Qiu, huh? Brother Wei?"

Li Junfei stared at the old man, and asked lightly, only to find that Zhang Wei was staring at the old man in a daze.

Zhang Wei didn't recover until he called out again.

"Brother Wei, what's wrong with you?"

"It's okay, but now I understand a little bit why Grandpa Qiu made Xiao Mantou sick."

in words.

Zhang Wei kept his eyes on the old man, and when he looked closely, his eyes were bright, and in addition to reflecting the old man by the pool in front of him, there were also seven figures reflected in his eyes.

Those seven figures stood quietly behind the old man, watching him silently.

at this time.

The nurse who led Zhang Wei came up, as if he didn't see the seven people, he went straight through them and came to the old man.

"Master Qiu, Zhang Wei is here to find you."

The nurse said softly to the dazed old man on the stone chair.

After talking several times in a row, the old man turned his head and tilted his head blankly: "Zhang Wei? Who is it?"

"Grandpa Qiu, it's me, Xiaoweizi."

The nurse was about to respond, but Zhang Wei's voice came from behind him.

Zhang Wei walked up to the old man and leaned over with a bright smile: "Grandpa Qiu, don't you still remember me, Xiaoweizi."

The old man was slightly puzzled.

As he stared at Zhang Wei's face facing the sun, Grandpa Chou's dazed eyes finally regained some brilliance, and a smile appeared on his old face:

"Ah, it's you, Xiaoweizi."

Grandpa Qiu patted the stone chair beside him, beckoned Zhang Wei to sit down, and said with a little blame:

"Didn't Xiao Weizi tell you to come here once a year? You only came yesterday, why are you here again today?"

Words come out.

Zhang Wei, the nurse at the side, whispered: "The old man's Alzheimer's symptoms have become more and more serious recently, and he basically doesn't remember things most of the time."

Zhang Wei nodded slightly while listening.

He knows it.

As early as two years ago, the old man suffered from Alzheimer's disease, which is why he was in a nursing home.

Alzheimer's disease, also known as senile dementia, patients with Alzheimer's disease will gradually decline in cognitive function. Simply put, it is memory loss, not only forgetting their own memory and name, but even serious, even walking, language, etc. Basic abilities are forgotten.

Despite the advances in medicine today, even so, medicine is still unable to treat Alzheimer's disease.

This disease is painful, both for the patient and the patient's family members. The patient will gradually forget everything, who he is, and everything he knows, including his relatives, even if they are in front of him. stranger.

Listening to Grandpa Qiu's words, Zhang Wei knew that Grandpa Qiu's memory was stuck on last year's birthday, and the memory of the next year was forgotten.

We must know that last year was not so serious.

If it gets more serious, maybe it won't be long before Grandpa Qiu will forget his relatives and friends, and before he dies, he will even forget who he is.

I sighed in my heart.

Zhang Wei smiled and said:

"It's not that I want to hate Grandpa, so I came to take a look. It's okay, just two days will not get in the way."

"That's all right, just talk to me."

Seeing Zhang Wei's arrival, Mr. Qiu was in a good mood. He pulled Zhang Wei to sit down and chatted about homework.

Zhang Wei talked patiently. Although many of these household items were asked last year, the old man had already forgotten and asked again.

for a moment.

As if thinking of something, old man Qiu gently patted Zhang Wei's hand and asked:

"Xiao Weizi, how is Xiaolin's girl recently? How are you doing?"

"Little Mantou is doing well, but recently he has gained weight again, and his face has become rounder."

"That's good, that's good, that girl Xiao Lin has a stubborn temper sometimes, you have to be more patient." Mr. Qiu smiled and nodded.

Just when Mr. Qiu was about to say something.

The nurse checked the time and found that it was time to take the medicine. He went up to tell Zhang Wei and motioned Zhang Wei to help feed the old man the medicine. After all, the patient didn't even know he was sick.

And Mr. Qiu is special.

He still thought that he was not living in a nursing home, but that he was still living at home.

Zhang Wei nodded, and casually found a reason:

"By the way, Grandpa Qiu, are you thirsty or hungry? Let me go and buy you something to eat. Speaking of which, I haven't eaten yet, so we just happen to eat together."

"You boy, that's all right, let's go."


Zhang Wei got up and pretended to go shopping, but actually went to get medicine with the nurse.

But before leaving.

Zhang Wei's gaze was imperceptible, and he landed on the seven figures behind the old man.

He couldn't feel the evil spirit from the opponent, so he could be sure that these seven figures were not evil spirits.


In addition to doubting that the seven ghosts followed the old man, he was even more puzzled that the clothes the seven ghosts were wearing seemed to be... military uniforms, not the military uniforms of this era, but more like the period of the Republic of China.

Because they don't know the intentions of the seven ghosts.

In addition, it is not completely clear whether the seven ghosts have something to do with the old man making Xiaolin sick.

Zhang Wei didn't attract the attention of the seven ghosts, and didn't let them know that he could see them. Anyway, they didn't seem to hurt the old man. After all, if they really wanted to, the old man must have died long ago.

On the way to get medicine.

In order to determine whether the old man messed with dirty things in the nursing home, or before, whether it has something to do with the nursing home.

Zhang Wei asked the nurse at the side:

"Big sister Zhou, can I ask a question, is there any rumor of a ghost in this nursing home?"

"Ah? No, Mr. Zhang, why do you ask that?"

"No, I just heard that the nursing home was built on the cemetery, so I was curious. By the way, when was the nursing home built? I think it's a certain year. It can't be built in the Republic of China, right? I heard that there will always be wars, could this be a battlefield or something like that?"

"Mr. Zhang, your question is very strange."

Although the nurse Li Big Sister was puzzled, she answered truthfully:

"The nursing home was not built in a cemetery, and it hasn't been built for that long, only about 20 years ago, and I haven't heard that it is a battlefield."

"Then is it possible that soldiers died here decades ago?"

"How is it possible? It is said that this place was rebuilt from the land of the former villagers. My family used to live near here. I have never heard of my father's generation saying that any soldiers died."

Zhang Wei raised his forehead when he heard the words, and made up his own hearsay reason to get away with it, so as to avoid causing panic and suspicion to Li's big sister.

Immediately afterwards.

Zhang Wei continued to ask:

"Li big sister, Grandpa Qiu has been here for the past two years, has anything strange happened in the nursing home? Don't get me wrong, Grandpa Qiu has always been naughty. I'm afraid it's a prank by Grandpa Qiu."

"No, nothing strange. The only ones who are blamed are Mr. Zhang and you. You insist on letting Mr. Qiu live alone, and you have to change the nurses every now and then, so as not to let Mr. Qiu have too much contact with one person for too long."

Under the conversation between Zhang Wei and Li big sister.

Zhang Wei is basically sure.

Those seven ghosts have nothing to do with the nursing home, and they probably followed the old man before they came to the nursing home.

When will that catch up?

Thinking of the costumes of those ghosts, it is obvious that those ghosts have been dead for at least decades, and considering the old man's age, he should have been quite young a few decades ago, Zhang Wei couldn't help being weird, maybe... he was provoked at that time Bar.

If that's the case, doesn't it mean...the seven soldier ghosts have followed the old man for decades?

Think here.

Zhang Wei murmured suddenly: "I remember Grandpa Qiu told me that he seemed to have been a soldier before."

He recalled the first time Qiu Xiaolin brought him to meet Mr. Qiu.

At that time.

Xiaolin introduced Mr. Qiu to Zhang Wei. He said that Mr. Qiu was a soldier. It is said that he had participated in the Anti-Japanese War before. Later, the old man also said that he had been a soldier.

Zhang Wei still remembers how proud he was when the old man said he had been a soldier.

"Are those soldiers comrades of the old man?"


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