Zhang Wei was guessing, thinking about asking Grandpa Qiu later, or looking for a chance to ask the seven ghosts at night.

at this time.

Zhang Wei frowned suddenly, as if feeling something, he looked aside.


Wherever it looks, there are childish voices.

"Mom, Grandpa, I'm going to see Grandpa Qiu, why don't you let me go to see Grandpa Qiu, I feel very comfortable staying with Grandpa Qiu, and my body doesn't feel painful anymore, woo woo woo."

It was a little boy.

He was dragged by his mother and grandpa.

Mom squatted down patiently and rubbed his head:

"Yuyu, Grandpa Qiu has a bad memory and can't remember yours. It's not good for you to visit Grandpa Qiu more, and the nurses and aunts also said that Grandpa Qiu's family doesn't let others see Grandpa Qiu more."

The little boy's grandfather also persuaded:

"Yuyu is good. Brother Qiu is not in good health. If you play with Brother Qiu, you will tire Brother Qiu. How about Grandpa playing with you?"

"Besides, Yuyu, you are not in good health, and you are still sick. You want to play with Brother Qiu. What if Brother Qiu gets sick?"

The little boy looked a little unhappy after hearing this with tears in his eyes, but he still coughed and nodded.

"Then let's go, I can't let Grandpa Qiu get sick like me."

Zhang Wei looked at the little boy with surprise in his eyes.

Is this cursed?

Through the eyes of heaven.

He found that the little boy had a black energy that was invisible to ordinary people, and he was obviously cursed by a ghost.


Zhang Wei walked towards the little boy.

Looking at the other party's pale face and coughing from time to time, he looked sick to outsiders, but only he knew that the child was cursed by a ghost.

"Little friend, is that Grandpa Qiu you're talking about?"

Zhang Wei pointed to Mr. Qiu who was sitting on a stone chair in the distance.

After getting the other party's nod, Zhang Wei immediately found a topic to talk to the little boy, his mother, and grandpa.

Not long.

After questioning, Zhang Wei learned about the little boy.

It is said that the little boy fell ill before coming to the nursing home. Later, when he came to the nursing home with his mother to visit his grandfather, he met Mr. Qiu, and the little boy Yuyu found that staying with Mr. Qiu would not cough, but his body was still very comfortable.

So when they come to the nursing home these days, they will always find old man Qiu to play with, but the nurses follow Zhang Wei's wishes, and after Yuyu often contacts old man Qiu, he will not be allowed to contact him.

Because of Yuyu's illness and the fact that old man Qiu is old, Yuyu's mother and grandfather dare not let him stay with old man Qiu for too long, for fear of being sick and infecting old man Qiu.

"Yuyu, are you sure you stopped coughing if you stayed with Grandpa Qiu? Is it so miraculous?"

Zhang Wei smiled and pretended to ask casually.

Yuyu nodded heavily:

"Big brother, really, I really feel like playing with Grandpa Qiu, I don't cough, but I cough again when I go home, cough cough."

Zhang Wei rubbed Yuyu's head on his forehead, and seeing that he was coughing again, he picked up the mineral water in his hand and handed it to Yuyu:

"Yuyu, you cough, drink some water."

That was the mineral water he bought for himself and Mr. Qiu. After all, he lied to Mr. Qiu to buy food, so he couldn't go back empty-handed. He just bought mineral water for Mr. Qiu to take medicine.


Zhang Wei gave Yuyu his own mineral water.

【Ding! Blessing mineral water 1000 system points]

A system notification sounded in my mind.

After Yuyu also drank the water, his obviously pale face became much redder, and the ghost curse was lifted by Zhang Wei.

Among this.

Zhang Wei Ruoyou stared at the seven ghosts in the distance, they seemed to have noticed Yuyu's change, and turned their heads to look over, with doubts in their eyes.


Zhang Wei was basically sure that Yuyu's ghost curse was not caused by those seven ghosts. On the contrary, the reason why Yuyu would not cough when he was close to Mr. Qiu was probably because the seven ghosts helped solve his ghost curse.

As for the person who cast a curse on Yuyu, there are other ghosts.

"Big brother, your water is good, I don't feel like coughing anymore."

"Drink more if it tastes good. Drinking more water is good for your health."


After a few more conversations, Yuyu's mother learned that Zhang Wei was here to see Mr. Qiu, so she didn't dare to delay his visit to the old man, so she dragged Yuyu away.

To this.

Zhang Wei thanked him for his kindness, but before leaving, Zhang Wei found an excuse to look at the toy in Yuyu's hand.

"Yuyu, are you a Dijia Transformer?"

"Yeah, big brother, do you know Tiga too?" Yuyu made a Tiga cross gesture.

"Haha, of course I know, Yuyu, do you like Ultraman Diga very much?"


Yuyu raised the Dijiao barbaric transformation device in his hand: "When I grow up, I will also become a light, save the world, and maintain world peace."

Then Yuyu looked at Zhang Wei:

"Big brother, do you also like Ultraman Tiga?"

"I like it, not only like it, but I will tell you a secret quietly, big brother, I am the incarnation of Tiga."

"Ah? Really? Big brother, are you Dijia?" Yuyu blinked her innocent big eyes.

"Really, I didn't lie to you. The transformation device in your hand is the best proof. In fact, I found you by following my transformation device."

"Is this your transformation device from big brother?"

With a surprised face, Yuyu lowered his head to look at the Dijia transforming toy in his hand.

Zhang Wei said with a smile:

"Yes, Yuyu, tell me, where did you get your transformation device, did your parents buy it for you?"

"Yes, my mother bought it for me at the toy store."

"That's right, it was me fighting the landlord with the proprietress of the toy store. I lost all my money, even my transformation device to her. Now she put the transformation device in the store and sold it to you."

As he spoke, Zhang Wei looked up to the sky and sighed.

With his emotional appearance and the previous words, the naive Yuyu believed it to be true, and handed the transformation device in his hand to Zhang Wei:

"Nadijia, I will return the transformation device to you, otherwise you will not be able to transform."

This scene.

Beside Yuyu's mother, grandfather, and nurse Li big sister were also stunned, and the three of them stared at Zhang Wei and took the transformation device with a smile.

The corners of their mouths twitched.

Hold! Those who are on the horse have seen children looking for a "three-year start", and the first time I saw it was to grab the Ultraman transforming toy.

I thought this young man was a good guy, but he turned out to be so bad that he didn't even let his toys go.

What's wrong these days, is it because children are worthless? Changed to abducting children's toys? But is it really okay for you to blatantly deceive children's toys in front of our faces?

Just when they were speechless.

Zhang Wei took over the transforming device, and an astonishing scene appeared in an instant.

The Tiga Ultraman Transformer toy has a glow on its surface, the light is very similar to the light of Tiga's last blow, and it is fleeting. At the same time, a hazy figure of light appears on the Transformer, and it disappears in the blink of an eye.

【Ding! Bless Tiga Transformer Toy 1 System Point]

The light is not bright, it disappears in a flash.

No one around saw it, but Yuyu and Yuyu's mother who were present all saw it.

"Fuck!" Yuyu's mother yelled.

With wide eyes, he looked at Zhang Wei like a ghost, with incredible eyes.

She bought this transforming device, she knows better than anyone else, this transforming device is equipped with a light bulb, it is impossible to emit this kind of light, and it can also be full of special effects to appear a 3D stereoscopic image, and a hazy light figure appears .


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