Could it be... there really is Ultraman? !

Yuyu's mother looked at Zhang Wei and felt an urge to yell, come on, I met Ultraman, and Ultraman was chatting with my son.

at the same time.

Yuyu's black and innocent big eyes are full of little stars twinkling:

"Big brother, you are really Dijia."

Zhang Wei waved his hand lightly:

"Low-key, low-key, I haven't been Dijia for many years, I'm retired, and now I'm just an excellent sophomore who has completed nine years of compulsory education and asks for leave from school from time to time."

in words.

Zhang Wei handed the transforming toy to Yuyu.

"Since you bought the transformation device, it is yours. Take it and cherish it."

The words fell.

Zhang Wei got up to say goodbye to Yuyu and the others, and went to find Mr. Qiu with the food.

Yuyu's mother and the others froze in place until Zhang Wei left.

A moment of recovery.

They looked at each other and said in unison:

"Didn't that little brother come to abduct toys?"

Grandpa Yuyu looked confused, thinking that Zhang Wei was joking with Yuyu, and then said to Yuyu's mother beside him:

"Xiao Xun, don't you always dislike buying expensive gifts for Yuyu? Why did you buy such an expensive gift for Yuyu this time, and it can still present a three-dimensional light? Are toys so advanced now? Already."

Yuyu's mother hesitated for a while, but still responded:

"Dad... the toy I bought for Yuyu is only 10 yuan, it's not expensive, and it doesn't emit that kind of three-dimensional light at all."

"Huh? What does that mean?"

Grandpa Yuyu was stunned for a moment, his eyes full of doubts.


at the same time.

In the garden of the nursing home.

Zhang Wei came to Mr. Qiu and sat down beside Mr. Qiu with the drugged meal:

"Grandpa Qiu, I bought the rice and eat it while it's hot."

The words just came out.

Mr. Qiu looked at Zhang Wei with doubts, his face was full of confusion:

"Boy, are you talking to me? You know me?"

Zhang Wei was stunned, seeing the expression on Grandpa Qiu's old face, his heart skipped a beat, knowing that Grandpa Qiu was ill.

"Grandpa Qiu, I'm Xiaoweizi."

"Little fear?"

This time, Grandpa Qiu didn't recognize Zhang Wei, and murmured in confusion:

"Young man, who are you? I don't know Xiao Weizi. You must have mistaken him. By the way, where is this? No, I have to go home."

Although Zhang Wei said many things later, he tried to make Grandpa Qiu remember.

However, Grandpa Qiu looked confused, he couldn't remember Zhang Wei at all, he couldn't stop talking about going home, all he wanted was to go home.

"Grandpa Qiu, eat first, and I'll take you home after eating."

There was no way, Zhang Wei could only coax Mr. Qiu to eat before making plans.

Knowing that he could go home, Mr. Qiu became quiet.


Old Man Qiu sat back on the stone chair and chatted with Zhang Wei while eating.


Zhang Wei took the opportunity to ask:

"Speaking of Grandpa Qiu, today seems to be May 6th. I heard it's your birthday? How old is your birthday?"

"May 6th? No, boy, you remember wrongly. Today is May 1st. I am 90 years old this year."

Mentioning his own age, Mr. Qiu put down the spoon in his hand and muttered:

"Oh, I'm 90 years old before I know it, and they still haven't come back to find me."



Zhang Wei tentatively asked: "Grandpa Qiu, are you talking about your son? Uncle Qiu is busy with business, but I just talked to him on the phone, and he said that he will bring Aunt with him at noon later."

Old Man Qiu smiled and shook his head:

"I'm not talking about my son."

"Then who are you talking about, Grandpa Qiu?" Zhang Wei asked.

"It's nothing, just some relatives."

"Grandpa Qiu's relatives? Relatives, then they must be very old. After all, you are 90 years old. Speaking of which, you are 90 years old. You have experienced the years of the War of Resistance. I heard from Xiao Lin that Grandpa Qiu, you You have also been a soldier, have you fought against those little devils?"

As Zhang Wei expected.

When it comes to being a soldier, Grandpa Qiu immediately regained his spirits, with pride on his old face:

"Yes, I was a soldier."

Zhang Wei struck while the iron was hot and continued:

"Then Grandpa Qiu, you are a hero. Without your contributions in the war of resistance, we would not have a good life now."

"What kind of hero is not a hero? I have killed devils, but I have only been a few years, and I have not fought with the big army to the end. I can't compare with the heroes of the war you mentioned."

"You can't say that, no matter how many years you have been in office, you have paid for our Great Xia. Without you fighting with those devils with real knives and guns, there would be no prosperity of Great Xia today."

Zhang Wei said in a deep voice:

"Everyone is born of parents, who would like to see their children die, but you have sacrificed your blood and lives for the future of the motherland, in exchange for a peaceful and prosperous world, you are heroes, and those who participated in the war of resistance, even the big ones Bing, each of them is a famous hero in my heart."

"The contribution of the War of Resistance is not limited to those heroes, there are many, many people. They may not even leave their names when they die, but they are also contributing and fighting the war. They are unsung heroes."

His words come out.

Old Man Qiu was startled suddenly, and rubbed Zhang Wei's head:

"The child said well, be grateful and don't forget the kindness of the ancestors, good boy."

Zhang Wei smiled and nodded:

"Actually, I also thought about joining the army. I wanted to serve in the army and defend my home and country with a group of comrades-in-arms. Unfortunately, my father would not let me. Otherwise, I would be regarded as a colleague like Grandpa Qiu now."

"Join the army to defend the country..."

Grandpa Qiu fell silent when he heard the words, his dim old eyes flashed memories.

Then he looked up and smiled:

"I didn't expect that in this era, there are passionate young men like you. I have been talking about defending the country for so many years."

"Haha, Grandpa Qiu, it's because you move around less. No matter what era there is no shortage of people who defend the country, they may just be silently giving, and we usually don't know that's all."

As Zhang Wei said, he glanced sideways at the seven figures behind Grandpa Chou.

He could see clearly just now.

When they mentioned the War of Resistance and defending their home and country, their expressions all changed.

Can't help it.

Zhang Wei asked Mr. Xiang Qiu:

"But having said that, Grandpa Qiu and your comrades-in-arms, I don't seem to have heard Uncle Qiu say that there are comrades-in-arms who came to visit Grandpa Qiu."

Old Man Qiu fell silent.

Without answering Zhang Wei, his body shook and he sat there quietly.

"Grandpa Qiu, did I say something wrong, I'm sorry, I didn't know that your comrades had already..."

Zhang Wei was about to apologize.

But at this time.

Old Man Qiu shook his head and waved his hands: "I'm fine, I just... miss them."

"It's normal to think of comrades-in-arms, but they are comrades-in-arms who have fought with you, Grandpa Qiu, and have experienced life and death." Zhang Wei said.

Perhaps in the eyes of Mr. Qiu, Zhang Wei is a stranger.

Or maybe it's been in my heart for many years.

Mr. Qiu wanted to find someone to confide in.

After a while, under Zhang Wei's persuasive temptation, he said slowly and tremblingly with red eyes:

"They are not only my comrades in arms, they... are also my brothers, my father."


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