Stronger Than The Old Heavenly Master, You Say He Is A Newcomer?

Chapter 153 Changing Fate Against The Heavens Is Against God

The voice rang.

Mr. Qiu couldn't restrain himself anymore. After 90 years of waiting, he didn't tell anyone, but today he met a "stranger". Waiting and longing speak out.

Tears dripped on the lunch box, soaking the white rice.

The old man seemed to be completely unknown, as if he had Alzheimer's disease again, and he forgot that there was someone around him, but he always remembered the past, trembling his shoulders and muttering over and over again:

"Master, when are you coming back?"

"Third senior brother, I have eaten your braised pork, but you haven't come back."

"Brother, Master, I miss you so much, can I still have the opportunity to practice martial arts and calligraphy with you?"

Talking to himself over and over again.

The old man's eyes were already red, and his face was soaked with tears.

But he didn't know it.

At this moment...

There were seven figures standing behind him, they also looked at the old man with red eyes and tears in distress.

Among them, the leading figure shed tears:

"Zhixing, we are here, we are here."

A blind figure there was also wiping tears:

"Seventh Junior Brother, we are back and have always been by your side... I'm sorry."

Their voices echoed in my ears.

Zhang Wei was silent.

Even if he didn't ask, he still knew who the seven figures behind Grandpa Qiu were, they were his master and six senior brothers, and they were also his father and brothers.

They couldn't come back, and died in that era of artillery fire.

And at the same time.

Zhang Wei also understood.

Why did Grandpa Qiu not like to go out, why did Li Junfei never see Grandpa Qiu.

Just because Grandpa Qiu was afraid, he was afraid that once he went out, if the master and senior brothers came back, he would not be able to find him, so he guarded the small place of the martial arts hall by himself for more than 90 years.

Just so that one day I can see the master and senior brothers walking towards him in brilliance, still smiling, and the senior brothers are still so sunny...

"Grandpa Qiu."

Zhang Wei called out to Mr. Qiu, this time he didn't try to hide it anymore, and focused on the seven figures behind Mr. Qiu.

its move.

He was noticed by the seven figures behind him.

They froze.

"Can you see us?" Master Qiu Qingshan was startled.

Zhang Wei nodded slightly.

But now there is no time to explain to them, the important thing is to let old man Qiu meet them, use his system order, so that old man Qiu can see them, and end the 90-year wait of old man Qiu.

However, just when Zhang Wei called out to hate the old man.

I don't know if it's because I miss too much.

or what.

Before Old Man Qiu raised his head, a look of pain appeared on his face in vain, and before he could respond to Zhang Wei, he passed out.

"Grandpa Qiu!!"



Zhang Wei's pupils shrank suddenly, and he quickly supported Mr. Qiu who had fallen from the stone chair.

It screamed loudly, and was noticed by the surrounding nurses.

Soon a nurse rushed over and worked together with Zhang Wei to carry Mr. Qiu into the nursing room of the nursing home.

Not long.

The ambulance blared.

Old man Qiu was taken into an ambulance and sent to the hospital for treatment.

Without hesitation, Zhang Wei called Qiu Xiaolin and Qiu Xiaolin's parents who were coming to celebrate the old man's birthday. He was not an idiot, and knew very well that Alzheimer's disease would not cause people to faint suddenly, and there must be other causes.

Now that he has learned about Old Man Qiu's past, he does not intend to let Qiu Xiaolin and Old Man Qiu see each other again. Anyway, with the blessing of his own system point, it should not put Qiu Xiaolin's family in any danger.


Luxia City Hospital, in front of the operating room.

at this time.

Mr. Qiu is in the hospital for emergency treatment.

Outside the operating room, Zhang Wei obtained the consent of Master and the others, and he told Qiu Xiaolin's family about Mr. Qiu's past.

Qiu Xiaolin's family cried, especially Qiu Xiaolin had already cried to tears.

Later, with the help of Zhang Wei, Qiu Xiaolin and the others met the master and the others. The ancestors met after more than 90 years.

for a while.

Outside the operating room, Mr. Qiu's family members who have become ghosts, and Mr. Qiu's descendants are waiting for Mr. Qiu's surgery together.

"I don't even know about these things about Dad, alas."

While waiting, Qiu Xiaolin's father spoke, with a distressed face on his face. In his memory, his father always had a kind face, and often told him about his service in the army, but never said waiting in front of him.

Qiu Xiaolin wiped her tears and comforted her father beside her:

"Dad is fine. When grandpa comes out, grandpa will be able to see grandpa and the others."

in words.

Qiu Xiaolin pursed her lips and said:

"And even...even if grandpa is gone...he can be reunited with grandpa and the others. No matter what, grandpa doesn't have to wait any longer, right, grandpa, Zhang Wei, huh? What's wrong with you, why this expression."

Qiu Xiaolin found that Zhang Wei, master and senior brother had different expressions when faced with her questioning.

"Let me tell."

Watching the master and senior brothers hesitate to speak, Zhang Wei saw what they meant. They didn't know how to express it, and they were afraid that what they said next would make them hard to accept.


Zhang Wei looked at Qiu Xiaolin's family:

"Little Mantou, do you remember what I told you before, Yin and Yang are separated, and ghosts and humans go their own way."

Qiu Xiaolin nodded:

"Remember, Xiaoweizi, you said that people and ghosts are yin and yang, so people and ghosts can't stay together for a long time in normal times. People will be hurt by the yin energy of ghosts, and ghosts will also lose their yin virtues. It's not good for people or ghosts."

Having said that, she suddenly seemed to realize that Qiu Xiaolin was looking at Master and the others.

Knowing that Master and the others had actually been by Grandpa Qiu's side all the time, she thought it was because of Master and the others that she got sick after staying with Grandpa for a long time.

After all, Master and the others are ghosts with yin qi. I was still a child at that time, and my body was immature. I couldn't stand the yin qi, and the yang qi would be damaged and I would get sick.

But now it seems that is not the case.

If I was sick because of Master and the others, then why is there nothing wrong with Grandpa Qiu? You must know that Grandpa Qiu has been with Master and the others for 8-90 years, but Grandpa has always been healthy.

"Is it because... grandpa has merit and virtue?"

Qiu Xiaolin was puzzled.

In addition to telling her that people and ghosts have different paths, Zhang Wei also said that merits add to the body. Grandpa Qiu was a soldier in the Anti-Japanese War. Soldiers like Grandpa Qiu, firefighters, nurses, etc., who serve the people, have merits added to the body. , I am not afraid of ordinary ghosts.

To this.

Zhang Wei nodded and shook his head:

"It's true that Grandpa Qiu has meritorious deeds, so he is not afraid of ordinary Yin Qi, but in fact, Xiao Mantou, Grandpa Qiu will make you sick, not because of Grandpa Qingshan and the others, but for other reasons."

"Grandpa Qiu has a problem with his fate. Do you remember what I said, before Grandpa Qiu was called back to the martial arts gym by Grandpa Qingshan, he once prayed to God, hoping that Grandpa Qingshan and the others are safe."

"Remember." Qiu Xiaolin said, her body froze suddenly, realizing something.

And then Zhang Wei's words sounded, verifying the answer she was least willing to get.

Zhang Wei said slowly with his forehead:

"Actually, it was not just a prayer. Grandpa Qiu himself unintentionally changed his fate for Grandpa Qingshan and the others. He used his own life to make Grandpa Qingshan and the others survive that danger, but it was only that one time."

"Since ancient times, there has been a theory of changing fate against the sky, including astrology and numerology. For example, if you commit the Tai Sui this year, you need to wear a red string to pass the Tai Sui, etc."

"But it's different from committing Tai Sui. Changing one's fate against the heavens is going against the heavens... There is a price."

"Grandpa Qiu's price is his life, and our lives are not only in this life, but also in the afterlife."

"Because Grandpa Qiu traded his own life for Grandpa Qingshan and the others. It would be detrimental to stay with someone like him who has no afterlife. If he breaks a taboo, even if he has merit, it won't do."

That's all for words.

Zhang Wei was silent, feeling as if his throat was stuck with carbon, but he still spoke with difficulty:

"Grandpa Qiu is dead. His life is gone long ago, so he doesn't have much time. If he dies, he won't enter reincarnation, and will completely...disappear in thin air."


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