Stronger Than The Old Heavenly Master, You Say He Is A Newcomer?

Chapter 154 The Secretary Of Health Implores All The Chiefs To Rob People From God

Qiu Xiaolin and her family were all stunned, as if struck by lightning.

"Grandpa... how could it be like this, no, no..."

Qiu Xiaolin was stunned and went crazy.

She grabbed Zhang Wei's hand, and her beautiful eyes were wet with tears at some point:

"Xiao Weizi, you must have lied to me, right? Don't make such a joke, can you? How could grandpa... You must be joking on purpose, aren't you?"

Despite what he said.

But her trembling hands betrayed her, even she herself didn't want to believe what she said, she knew that Zhang Wei usually likes to joke about nasty jokes, but in this kind of thing, he wouldn't make such jokes .

At the end of Qiu Xiaolin's speech, she couldn't help crying, her eyes were red and her hands were trembling as she grabbed Zhang Wei's clothes:

"How could grandpa be like this? He has never done anything bad, and even served as a soldier to defend his family and the country. Why, why did grandpa never do anything bad, and this is the result."

Qiu Xiaolin wailed loudly.

Seeing the pain of the master and brothers beside me, they don't know this kind of pain. They have been with grandpa for more than 90 years, and this suffering has always been accompanied by it.

If they could exchange their lives to relieve Qiu Zhixing's price, they would not hesitate to do so.

But in reality they can't do anything.

Changing one's life against the sky is against the heavens, and it cannot be cancelled, just by changing one life.

In fact.

Just knowing the result, they also made a plan to accompany grandpa on the final journey, even if he never knew they were by his side, they planned to accompany him silently, and then dissipated with grandpa, not intending to let grandpa Just dissipated alone.


When Qiu Qingshan spoke, he was about to comfort Qiu Xiaolin.

Zhang Wei's voice rang out.

I saw Zhang Wei patted Qiu Xiaolin's back lightly, but his eyes never left the operating room, as if he wanted to see the situation inside through the operating door, his eyes were bright and he said slowly:

"That's right, Grandpa Chou has defended his family and the country. He has never done anything bad in his life. He is always thinking of the country and others. He shouldn't have ended up like this."

in words.

Zhang Wei's eyes were brighter than ever before:

"How can a person who can be blessed by the country's merits and virtues have such a result? Even God can't take away such a life."

It's not loud.

But Qiu Xiaolin, Qiu Qingshan and the others heard it, and there was an inexplicable thunderous deafening.

They were stunned and looked at Zhang Wei.

"Zhang Wei (Xiaoweizi), can you save Zhixing (grandpa)?"

Qiu Qingshan and the others spoke together.

face inquiries.

Zhang Wei exhaled and shook his head lightly: "I don't know if it can be done, but I can try it, I'll make a call."

After leaving these words, Zhang Wei picked up a business card from his pocket, which was the business card of Aunt Qilin Wei.

Jingle Bell.

The phone is dialed.

Zhang Wei suddenly said in a deep voice:

"Regarding the ghost king's head transaction, I have already thought about what I want. I want to unlock the method to change my life against the sky."


the other side.

Department of Health headquarters, cafeteria.

The aunt was eating and sighed from time to time.

Not long ago, she was robbed of the ghost king's head by the fat man. After she came back to report, although the headquarter of the Department of Health and Justice saw the battle process according to the vehicle recorder, she did not blame the aunt because of the terrifying strength of the fat man, but she still blamed herself.

"It's okay, that ghost king is too strong, it's normal for you to be unable to beat him, instead of thinking about this, you should think about finding out the origin of this ghost king."

A middle-aged uncle companion next to the aunt spoke.

If Zhang Wei is here, he will definitely recognize the middle-aged uncle, isn't that the middle-aged uncle Qilin Wei who protected him at the comic exhibition before.

The aunt nodded when she heard the words, just as she opened her mouth to say something.

The phone rings.


The aunt answered the phone and found out that the caller was Zhang Wei, the corners of her mouth twitched. She knew why the other party called, thinking that she was in pain, that the Department of Health had not got anything, and had to pay for it.

But she still smiled and asked Zhang Wei if he had thought about what he wanted.

Immediately afterwards.

When Zhang Wei's voice came, the aunt was stunned:

"Huh? The way to undo the fate-defying change?"

She was surprised, she didn't expect that Zhang Wei would want this 'thing', but after curious inquiry, she understood the reason.

"A veteran of the Anti-Japanese War, who changed his life against the sky to save his father, is he also saving his teammates..."

The aunt changed her face before, and said in a solemn voice:

"I'll convey it to you right now, Mr. Zhang, please wait a moment."

The words fell.

Without any hesitation or carelessness, the aunt didn't even eat, got up and ran to the main hall.

Not long.

When Zhang Wei heard the voice on the phone, he had already changed.

It was a man who spoke.

Although he didn't know who the other party was, Zhang Wei understood that it should be someone with the right to speak in the Ministry of Health:

"Mr. Zhang, thank you for informing us of this matter. Don't worry, our Department of Health and Dao will try our best to help you. If we don't want to deal with the ghost king's head, we will do our best to attack the old gentleman."

After another chat, Zhang Wei hung up the phone.

Also after hanging up the phone.

this day.

The Department of Health and Dao of each province has received an order.

The content of the order is unknown.

Because this order goes directly to the twenty-three chief ministers who sit in the provinces.

for a while.

The Departments of Health and Dao everywhere were shocked. What kind of order can be given to the chiefs, and all the twenty-three chiefs. You must know that they are not only the chiefs, but also the most powerful real dragon guards of the Department of Health.

Not to mention the staff of the Department of Health and Dao, even the senior officials of the Department of Health and Dao in various places are curious, and can't help but ask the highest responsible person in each place what is going on.

Even the Ministry of Health forum is dominated by related posts.

And without exception.

The answers I got were all the same, only one sentence:

"The Secretary of Health implores all the chiefs to rob people from God."


Luxia City Hospital, in front of the operating room.

After talking on the phone with the Ministry of Health, Zhang Wei put down the phone and said to Qiu Xiaolin and the others:

"I have already called the Department of Health and Dao. They said that changing one's life against the sky is irreversible. There is no so-called solution, but they are willing to help and try to save Grandpa Qiu's life."

heard the words.

Qiu Xiaolin's eyes were red again: "Thank you, Xiaoweizi."

Qiu Qingshan and the others bowed to Zhang Wei to thank:

"Thank you, Zhang Wei."

"Regardless of the outcome, Zhang Wei thank you for what you have done for Zhixing."

"On behalf of Zhixing, I thank you, Zhang Wei, really, really thank you."

【Ding! Qiu Qingshan and the others were grateful. 】

[Host obtains system points +70]

[Trigger a special reward, the host will get - one-time ability 'miracle']

[Miracle: A one-time ability. When the ability is activated, an unknown miracle can occur within the same day. The specific miracle is unknown.

Friendly reminder, the activation of the miracle ability does not produce 100% effects, but only increases the occurrence rate of miracles.

Miracles are inherently illusory, impossible to become possible is called a miracle, but impossible is difficult to become possible, so it is called a miracle, and this ability can increase a certain probability. 】


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