Stronger Than The Old Heavenly Master, You Say He Is A Newcomer?

Chapter 155 At 11:14 A.M., The Patient Died After Rescue Failed

A cold system prompt sounded in my mind.

Zhang Wei was taken aback for a moment, then a smile appeared in his heart, he really fell asleep and came to the pillow.

"Is it a miracle, the system, you understand me."

Zhang Wei looked towards the operating room door.

at this time.

There was the sound of walking quickly behind him, followed by several voices.

"Zhang Wei."

I saw Wu Nian, Zhang Chao, monitor and Lin Tong all coming.

"You guys are here."

Zhang Wei was not surprised. After calling the Department of Health, he asked the Department of Health to inform the squad leader.

The same is true.

Lu Lianxue and the others received a message from the Department of Health and Dao, knowing about Mr. Qiu, they all put down their affairs and rushed over immediately.

"How is Mr. Qiu?" Lu Lianxue asked with concern, and Zhang Chao and the others also looked over with concern, and the meaning was self-evident.

Zhang Wei shook his head:

"Still undergoing surgery, the specific situation is unknown."

Then Zhang Wei didn't have any ink marks, so he looked at Zhang Chao and the others. He asked the Secretary of Defense to inform Zhang Chao and them to come, but he didn't let them come to the show. The only person present who knew Qiu Xiaolin was Lu Lianxue. Only Lu Lianxue will be notified.

"Squad leader, Zhang Chao, Wu Nian, Captain Lin, if something happens to the old man later, I hope you can help me."

Zhang Wei is outspoken.

"What Zhang Wei said, you can just order us around, don't say anything unnecessary, you understand." Zhang Chao grinned.

Wu Nian clasped his hands together, took the words and said:

"Amitabha, Zhang Wei, you are the benefactor of this little monk. Now, if you want to help someone like Qiu Shizhu, no matter what it is, this little monk is obliged to do so. Please just ask. This little monk swears by the Buddha to help you with all your strength."

Lu Lianxue and Captain Lin also agreed one after another. When they learned about Mr. Qiu, they, like Zhang Wei, did not want such a person who protects his family and country to just disappear into the world.

Without writing on his forehead, Zhang Wei said:

"Wait, if there is any accident with the old man, I hope you will save Grandpa Qiu together and call out the portal of salvation."

As soon as his words came out.

Lu Lianxue and the others were all stunned.

Compared to Qiu Xiaolin and Qiu Qingshan, as professionals, they knew how to change their fate against the sky, especially when they came here, they made a special call to ask their elders.

Can't help it.

Zhang Chao hesitated and said:

"Let us recite the scriptures of rebirth? Can this work, Zhang Wei, didn't you say that the old man changed his fate against the sky, then his door cannot be opened."

Lu Lianxue at the side saw that Qiu Xiaolin and Qiu Qingshan were confused.

She explained for them:

"People will become ghosts after death, and then enter the underworld to enter the six realms of reincarnation. I think you know this, but how do ghosts enter the underworld? Generally speaking, people can go to the underworld to reincarnate on their own after death."

"But apart from going to the underworld to reincarnate on their own, in fact, people can also intervene to forcibly open the door and send them to the underworld to reincarnate."

"This is usually used to deal with ghosts, because those ghosts are unwilling to reincarnate, so they are rescued and sent to the underworld to reincarnate."

"Regardless of self-reliance or transcendence, this is the human world. If you want to go to the underworld, you need to open the portals of the yin and yang realms. That portal is the portal to the underworld."

"If it is normal, after Grandpa Qiu dies, we can call out the portal and send Grandpa Qiu to reincarnate as long as we supersede."

"But Grandpa Qiu changed his fate against the sky. He no longer has a life. Even if the portal between him and the Yin and Yang realms is summoned, the portal will only be closed and locked."

"Because he changed his fate against the heavens to fight against the heavens, and the heavens will not let him pass."

The words fell.

Without waiting for Qiu Xiaolin and the others to ask, Zhang Wei replied:

"I know this. If you change your fate against the sky, even if you call the portal, it will be closed, but so what."

Zhang Wei's eyes sparkled, and he said slowly:

"If it's closed, break it open, if it doesn't work, tear down the door, let Mr. Qiu enter the underworld, go to the other shore, cross the bridge of Naihe, and continue to live!"

Its sound is sonorous.

It echoed leisurely in the corridor, echoing in everyone's ears.

Lu Lianxue was taken aback for a moment, staring at Zhang Wei's face, she couldn't help smiling:

"Crazy idea, but I love it."

Zhang Chao also grinned and laughed:

"Ma De, I feel more and more that it is right to be friends with you. You are a good friend, and even God dares to be tough if you have something to do."

Wu Nian didn't say much, just clasped his hands together and murmured:

"Amitabha, sin and sin, Buddha, please forgive me for breaking the precepts today, but for the sake of revenge for the benefactor, I have to break the law, knocking on the door leading to Yin and Yang, I hope the king of Tibet will not be offended, Namo Amitabha~"

Lin Tong rubbed his chin and smiled, "I now know why Zhang Wei discovered the muscular Taoist system instead of me. You are crazy enough to smash the yin and yang portal. It's quite exciting to think about it. It's a muscle."

Zhang Wei smiled when he heard that.

He was about to open his mouth to respond, but he suddenly froze and looked towards the operating room.

Not just him.

Lu Lianxue, Qiu Qingshan and others who were present in the operating room were all paying attention to the operating room, and they all changed color at the same time.


"Amitabha, what should come is here."

They all felt it.

Inside, a life withered and exuded a ghostly aura.

"Hey, Grandpa Qiu didn't make it through in the end."

Zhang Wei sighed, but his eyes were unprecedentedly firm, and he walked towards the operating room:

"Let's go, I'm fighting for my life with God today."


the other side.

In the operating room.

Accompanied by the ear-piercing beeping sound of the electrocardiogram machine, doctors rescued them one after another, but there was still no fluctuation in the electrocardiogram.

The doctor sighed and looked up at the clock:

"Alas, at 11:14 p.m., the patient died after rescue efforts failed."

The words fell.

He didn't seem to notice that there was an old man standing in front of him, and he passed directly in front of him, handing the scalpel in his hand to the nurse, ready to sew up the patient's surgical site.

That old man looked exactly like Old Man Qiu on the operating table.

That is the soul of old man Qiu.

Looking at his own body lying on the operating table in front of him, Mr. Qiu had a complex expression, but it wasn't that he was sad about his death. He just wanted to cry, and he didn't wait for his master and senior brother, nor could he see Xiaolin and the others for the last time.

Also at this moment.

The old man Qiu, who has become a ghost, looks at the gradually blurred hand, as if it is God's pity in the dark, he knows that he has no life, and there is no way to enter reincarnation.


Knowing his situation, old man Qiu smiled like a child, as if he had returned to his youth:

"It turned out that my prayers were effective at that time. Were master and senior brothers saved because of my prayers? Great, least my life was changed. Master and senior brothers killed a few more devils, it was worth it Ah, haha, let me tell you, master and brother, I can kill devils."

At the time of death, even at the moment when life dissipates.

Old Man Qiu had no fear, only a little joy. He felt that his death was worth it.

His only regret is.

He didn't wait for his master and brothers.

While Mr. Qiu was silently waiting for himself to dissipate, he was thinking about whether his master and senior brother had been reincarnated and what kind of people they had become.

"Hey, who are you, this is the operating room, you can't..."

Outside the operating room, a nurse exclaimed.

Immediately afterwards.

In the operating room, Mr. Qiu, doctors, nurses and others were amazed.

The door of the operating room was pushed open by Zhang Wei.

"Little fear?"

Old Man Qiu stared blankly at Zhang Wei who came in through the door, but he didn't wait for him to be astonished, as if feeling something, he looked at the seven figures beside Zhang Wei.

At that moment he froze.

He felt his nose sore, his eyes turned red, and his throat felt choked:

"Master, brother... Is it you, is it really you?"

Looking at the master, brother and others who ran towards him and shouted "It's us, Zhixing is us, we've been here", Mr. Qiu was obviously 98 years old, but at this moment he couldn't live up to his tears.

He burst into tears, crying like a child:

"Master, Senior Brother, I miss you so much. I have waited so hard and I am so tired. I have finally waited for you."

that moment.

90 years of waiting, 90 years of day and night, regardless of wind and rain, I have waited for more than 90 years.

Old Master Qiu finally arrived, his comrade in arms! He is also his father and brother!


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