Stronger Than The Old Heavenly Master, You Say He Is A Newcomer?

Chapter 156: Protect Me, Great Xia Heroes Step Into The Underworld

He looked at the master and brothers in front of him.

Old Master Qiu cried, feeling that he had no regrets. He was able to meet his master and senior brothers before they disappeared, and finally realized that the master and senior brothers had been with him all along.

They embraced and wept.

Obviously, they have been together for more than 90 years, but they only met again after more than 80 years.

It's just too late to say something to Qiu Qingshan and the others. When they meet again, they have too much to say, but they haven't waited to say anything.


Qiu Qingshan and the others changed their colors and noticed that Mr. Qiu was gradually becoming transparent.

they know.

This is the old man Qiu who is about to disappear. His life in this life has been used up, and he, who will no longer have an afterlife, will disappear in this world in the near future.

Also at this time.

Zhang Wei and the others drove out the doctors and nurses present. After they broke into the operating room, they didn't just watch the old men reminiscing about the old days. out.

Follow the doctors and nurses out.

Zhang Wei and Wu Nian all took action.

The sky filled with yellow talismans gushing out like a spring, flying out of Zhang Wei's pocket, suspended in all directions, and lingering around old man Qiu, as if to isolate old man Qiu from this world, to seal God from taking his life.

"Namo Amitabha~"

Wu Nian clasped his hands together, and a string of Buddha strings appeared in his hands. The sound of Buddha was played lightly, and a page of Buddhist scriptures followed closely behind him.

Lu Lianxue, Zhang Chao, and Lin Tong were not idle, and they all recited Taoist scriptures together.

The long Buddha's voice reverberated.


It was as if the heaven and the earth were listening, listening, the divine light was blooming, and the yin and yang were filling the air.

Immediately under everyone's gaze.

Behind Mr. Qiu, just like the old couple when Zhang Wei and Wu Nian rescued the old couple together, a radiant portal appeared.


Different from the old man's portal.

Even though they already knew it, Lu Lianxue and the others were unavoidably startled when they saw Mr. Qiu's family.

that portal.

The gate was tightly closed, covered with black shackles and iron chains, tightly sealing the gate to death, not to mention opening it, even the gate was completely sealed.

"Don't bother me, Xiaoweizi, thank you for helping me, but this is the price of God..."

Mr. Qiu was surprised by Zhang Wei's ability, and also saw the behavior of Zhang Wei and others.

he sighed.

He wanted to speak out to stop Zhang Wei's behavior. He didn't want to harm Zhang Wei and them because of himself. After all, he was punished by God, and he knew the price. Zhang Wei's behavior was against God.

But before he finished speaking, Zhang Wei's voice came and interrupted him.

"How will you know if you don't try it, Grandpa Qiu, if you can change your life against the sky and save Grandpa Qingshan and the others, then today we can also conquer the sky!"

The words fell.

Zhang Wei took a step forward and met the door that was sealed by the shackles.

【Ding! Bless the host with 16580 system points]

boom! ! !

With a powerful aura blooming, Zhang Wei made a desperate attempt to bless the system points with all his system points, coupled with the 'synchronization' system points that existed forever in his own synchronization, he went all out to meet that portal, to push away the dust-sealed portal that was shackled by God.

this moment.

The dusty and shackled door was shaking, as if knowing what Zhang Wei was going to do, which aroused the wrath of God and sent out a deafening thunder.

Not just the operating room.

Rumble! !

In the sky outside the hospital, the sun was shining brightly the last second, and a thunderstorm resounded in the clear sky, and billowing dark clouds floated in and gathered here.

for a while.

Many people in Luxia City raised their heads.

"Huh? Is it raining?"

The security guard standing at the entrance of the hospital looked up at the sky, a little surprised, why it suddenly rained when the sky was clear just now.

"What the hell kind of weather is this? Don't cry, it's just thunder. Don't be afraid."

The one who spoke was a young man leading a black dog.

He is now in a park not far from the hospital.

There are many people walking their dogs here, and it is a good place where many dog ​​owners like to walk their dogs.

But now.

All the dogs on the lawn of the park were barking wildly. The dog owners present were all amazed. They knew their dogs well, and they could tell that the dogs were not barking, but barking out of fear.

this day.

Everyone in Luxia City looked up at the sky.

Rumble! !

The weather in Luxia City today is very changeable, with dark clouds covering the sky, dry thunder constantly resounding, thunder piercing through the sky, illuminating the entire Luxia City, and immediately there was a downpour and a strong wind.

No one knew that the reason for all this came from a portal.


Accompanied by the vibration of the door, as Zhang Wei pushed the door open with both hands, the door vibrated violently, the chains on it clanged, and the vibration made the iron locks scream like the earth shaking and the mountains shaking, the sound was so loud that it was deafening .

Just listen.

Zhang Wei coughed up blood in an instant, and Wu Nian, Lu Lianxue, Zhang Chao, Lin Tong and others who shot him also coughed up blood and suffered heavy injuries.

God's wrath is fully manifested at this moment, and mortals who go against the sky, even if they just push the door, are not allowed to profane.


Zhang Wei was not afraid, and shouted:

"Keep reading, don't stop, the door will disappear if you stop."

Although he vomited blood and suffered severe injuries, he never took a step back, his gaze was firm and unshakable, his hands rested on the door, and despite the clanging and vibration of the chains, he remained unmoved.

Wu Nian continued to recite scriptures on their foreheads, and they knew very well that Zhang Wei, the one who pushed the door, was the worst compared to the serious injuries they suffered.


The portal was shaking, in Zhang Wei's roar.


In the dust-covered door of God's shackles, a chain broke! !

Sparks suddenly appeared, under the shocking attention of everyone, Zhang Wei continued to push the dusty portal, and endless yellow talismans, tens of thousands, kept bombarding the portal.


An iron chain in front of the gate broke, and was shaken by Zhang Wei, pushing it away and breaking apart.


No thought, they were shocked and unbelievable.

In fact.

It's not just them.

The fat man hiding in the dark was also stunned, staring blankly at the figure of Zhang Wei pushing the door:

"This guy……"

Not long ago, the fat man found out that Zhang Wei was going to the hospital. Out of curiosity, he followed up secretly. As a result, he found out the situation and couldn't help being weird. This guy Zhang Wei is even more villainous than himself. He is even tougher than God.

Although it is said that now is the best chance to kill Zhang Wei, seeing Zhang Wei pushing the door and learning about Mr. Qiu, Fatty did not do it. The reason is very simple. This kind of heaven-defying thing is rare. necessary.

at the same time.

As the first chain broke, the second chain also broke.

Lu Lianxue and the others were very excited when they saw this, but Zhang Wei couldn't be happy.


After breaking from the second chain, it stopped at the second chain.

Zhang Wei looked at the door in front of him, there were more than two chains on it, there were hundreds of them.

"Are you going to use a miracle?"

Zhang Wei's face darkened, although he was thinking in his heart, Zhang Wei didn't use it, because he knew it was not the time, because he still had a backhand, and he was waiting for the backhand to arrive.

And it seemed as if he heard his heart, when he said this.

Zhang Wei seemed to be feeling something, looked at the sky, and the corners of his mouth couldn't help but curl up... Here we go, backhand.

at the same time.

Seeing Zhang Wei coughing up blood, the old man Qiu was still pushing the door, and he said in a trembling voice:

"Little Weizi, forget it, enough is enough, you have done enough for me, God is not something you can shake..."

Zhang Wei interrupted his words before he finished speaking:

"Only us is not enough, but who said it is only us."

"Huh?" Grandpa Qiu was stunned.

To this.

Zhang Wei pushed the portal and grinned:

"Grandpa Qiu, we are not the only ones helping you, but the whole Great Xia."

sound up.

At the same time, there were twenty-three places far away from Luxia City.


the capital.

Department of Health Headquarters.

A young man stood in a square. He looked as if he was only in his twenties, but his eyes were vicissitudes, not like a young man should have, as if he had experienced more than ten years of vicissitudes.

now. All kinds of rare and precious ghost exorcising objects are placed all over his body, each of which is worth a thousand gold, and now the young people are the center of the formation, and they are arranged in a dense formation.

That was Shengxuan, the strongest and weakest true dragon guard in the history of Great Xia.

As if sensing something.

Sheng Xuan opened his eyes and murmured:

"Although I'm afraid of ghosts, I'm not afraid of God."

Sound for a moment.

A monstrous tornado broke out in this place, like a typhoon of level 12, destroying everything. It was Sheng Xuan, who released the power of the real dragon guard.

Accompanied by its power, the formation burst out with monstrous power, which gathered into a bright light invisible to the naked eye, broke through the nine heavens, and soared into the sky if it wanted to go straight to the thirty-third heaven.

watch carefully.

The direction of the bright light is... Luxia City!


Northeast, Changbai Mountain, on a mountain peak.

This is where the dragon vein of Daxia is located, and it is the head of the North Dragon Dragon Vein, one of the three major dragon veins.


A middle-aged man stood there with a majestic appearance. If he was born in ancient times, he would be an emperor.

He was looking at a direction, his eyes were like torches, as if he wanted to see clearly the direction he was looking at through a long distance, and that direction was Luxia City.


The middle-aged man didn't know whether he was talking to himself or to whom, the thick voice echoed in this mountain peak, and echoed in the place where the head of the North Dragon Vein was located.

"Heroes sacrificed their lives to go to the national calamity, in exchange for my Great Xia Bai Shichang."

"Nowadays there are heroes who are suffering. If we don't do our best to help the whole country, how can we comfort the loyal heroes?"

The words fell.

I don't know if the power of the middle-aged man is too strong, or if Longmai listened to his narration and prevented the heroes from dying tragically.

The mountain shook violently.

At this moment, the dragon veins of this Great Xia seemed... the dragon raised its head.

In the dark, there is a dragon's chant that resounds through the nine heavens and goes straight to the sky. It wants to tell the gods and echoes in the thirty-three heavens.


A light shot up into the sky.

That is the power of the middle-aged man alone, and it also includes the guardianship of the dragon veins, guarding the heroes of Great Xia.


Daxia, Mount Wutai.

can be seen.

At this moment, the main hall of Wutai Mountain is full of Buddhist monks, surrounded by an old man with a Buddha head, chanting Buddhist scriptures.

The wind blows by.

The melodious Buddhist sounds blew up with the wind, and turned into golden Buddhist scriptures floating one by one. At this moment, the Buddhist sounds of Wutai Mountain lingered, bursting out a blazing Buddha light invisible to the naked eye.

The light is too bright.

Accompanied by the murmur of the old man with the Buddha's head, at this moment, it seems that this is no longer a temple, but Xitian Leiyin Temple.

"Amitabha, please forgive me and let me, a hero of the Great Xia, go to hell."


Great summer, Dragon and Tiger Mountain.

There is an echo in this moment.

"There has never been a strong family and country that fell from the sky in the world, and there is no quiet time that is taken for granted. It is the sacrifices of the heroes and heroes that made us what we are today."

"They chose to fight for the country when their lives were the most splendid. Now the mountains and rivers are safe and the country is peaceful and the people are safe. As the descendants of us, the descendants of the shade, the heroes are in trouble, how can we stand by and watch."


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