Stronger Than The Old Heavenly Master, You Say He Is A Newcomer?

Chapter 157 The Mountains And Rivers Are Safe, Heroes Please Rest Assured

Mount Wutai, the land of Buddhism, Changbai Mountain, the land of dragon veins, and Longhu Mountain, the land of Taoism, and 23 other places.

on this day.

There is a grand sound echoing, the sound is not very old, but it is melodious and floating, as if it is going to spread throughout the whole summer, to the ninth heaven, and to announce to the God of the thirty-third heaven.

Also this day.

Many exorcists and powerful ghosts in various parts of Daxia looked up at the blue sky.

They all saw it.

There are bright rays of light that are invisible to ordinary people, like meteors going upstream, piercing the sky, the rays of light come from different directions, with magnificent power, bearing the power of Great Xia's national destiny, they converge in one direction of Great Xia.

That is the direction of Luxia City.

at the same time.

Luxia City Hospital, operating room.

After Zhang Wei said that sentence to Mr. Qiu, there will be a whole summer, the moment he finished speaking, everyone including Mr. Qiu raised their heads and changed their colors instantly.

I saw a series of magnificent and bright stalwart rays of light.

It seems to pour down from the Milky Way waterfall hanging from the nine heavens, one after another, a total of twenty-three, gathered here, and condensed into a bright golden dragon named "Big Xia".


The dragon's chant resounded through the nine heavens and went straight to the door.

Accompanied by the golden dragon, the dragon chant rushed towards the door, which was covered with the shackles of God. The dragon chant shook the nine heavens, as if it wanted to upload the heartfelt voice representing the "Great Summer" to the nine heavens, and down to the nine secluded worlds, to announce to the underworld—————————————————— Heroes return to hell.

"God, have you seen it? This is the voice of my Daxia."

Zhang Wei roared.

The bright golden dragon 'knocked' on the portal, everyone was shocked, they all saw it...


On that portal, hundreds of chains were breaking, one after another, like dominoes, the wall fell and everyone pushed, and the chains broke.






Fifty articles...


All of a sudden, the hundreds of chains on the portal were broken inch by inch.

Old Man Qiu was stunned, his old body was stunned in place, unable to talk to himself for a long time, but his trembling body proved that his thoughts were not calm.

Immediately afterwards, he felt someone put a hand on his shoulder, and the old man turned his head to look:

"Master, brother."

That was the master and the senior brothers. They were not calm at this time, they were excited, and they whispered with red eyes:

"Did you see that, Zhixing?"

"That's why I used to say that I have no regrets to enter the summer."

"This is the big summer behind us, Zhixing, we are not giving in vain."

It seemed to feel the words of Old Master Qiu and the others.

Daxia Changbai Mountain and other places with three dragon veins, the dragon chant bursts, resounding to the sky, as if to respond to old man Qiu and the others... You used to pay for Daxia, and now Daxia is protecting you.

the other side.

Lu Lianxue and the others were equally excited.

"It's done, it's really done."

They stared at the broken chains, Zhang Wei's figure pushing the door, Rao Wu Nian's paralyzed face, they all showed a touch of excitement and excitement.


It didn't take long for them to cheer up, and a whisper came:

"It's not enough."

That was Zhang Wei speaking. He was looking at the door being pushed in front of him, and there was still a chain on it.


Just when Zhang Wei was thinking about whether to use a miracle.

The fat man who had been in the dark, he also noticed the unbroken chain, his eyes flickered, and he finally sighed:

"Zhang Wei, what are you doing with such a big battle, it makes me feel passionate too."

"However, such a moment is enough to be included in history, and I, the villain, should also be recorded in it. Let me also participate."

The voice fell.

Fatty hit him with all his strength.

The surging yin energy was like a tsunami, rolling like a river, and turned into a great dragon of yin energy, which came from afar and fell from the sky. Under the surprised eyes of everyone, it bombarded the chain of the portal.

This scene.

Lu Lianxue and the others were stunned.

Zhang Wei, however, glanced at one direction without any trace, which was the direction where the fat man was, and the corners of his mouth could not help but curl up.

【Ding! The unknown ghost sighed, even if I am a villain, I still have a patriotic heart. 】

[Host obtains system points +200]


Accompanied by the sound of shattering, the chain that finally bound the door broke.

See this scene.

Zhang Wei shouted and exploded with all his strength, adding the newly added 200 system points to himself, and pushing the dusty closed door.

【Ding! Use ability 'miracle']


It was like two mountains being pushed away, causing a deafening roar.

The two closed doors were pushed, and under the push of Zhang Wei, they opened slowly.

"It's about to open, it's about to open."

Lu Lianxue and the others were nervous, their palms were sweating, and they all saw that Zhang Wei was already sweating profusely, soaking his clothes with sweat, but he didn't realize it, and pushed the door hard.

Although the door is slowly opening.

But they were not excited at all, some were just nervous, because the portal was opening, but the more Zhang Wei pushed it open, the slower and slower the portal opened, as if it was not two portals, but two mountains, pushed to The back door, the two large doors are getting heavier and heavier.

Against God, how can it be so easy to deal with.

Even with the help of Jinlong and Yinlong, the portal was still unable to be completely opened, and the portal remained in a half-open state, and Zhang Wei could no longer push it a little bit.

To this.

Lu Lianxue and the others couldn't sit still any longer, they rushed up to push the door with Zhang Wei, even if touching the door would cause them more trauma, they didn't care.

"Move me!!"

Zhang Chao yelled, his face was full of reconciliation, but even though he rushed to help and tried his best, the door still didn't move at all.

Lu Lianxue's eyes were red, and she cried anxiously while pushing:

"It's already reached this point. Are you going to waste all your previous efforts? God, you are so cruel."

Zhang Wei didn't speak, he put his hands on the door and pushed hard, he was waiting, waiting for the so-called miracle...

And just as he was trying to push the portal.


Together with Zhang Wei, Zhang Chao and the others were all stunned, and suddenly found that there was an extra pair of hands resting on the door.

Do not.

Not only on this side of their portal, but also on the other side of the portal, there is an extra pair of hands against the portal, trying to pull the portal open.

The sudden situation made Zhang Chao and the others stunned for a moment, subconsciously looking sideways, they were stunned for a moment, their noses were sore and their eye sockets felt red.

It was a person exuding white light.

The clothes on their bodies proved their identities, they were the people of Daxia.

And on the other side of the portal.

The costumes of those people are the same as those of Qiu Qingshan and the others. They are former heroes of the War of Resistance!

A miracle happened...

This is the 'will of the Great Xia', and the Great Xia Land of Nuo Da felt what happened here, and the will of the Great Xia Land has condensed into tens of millions of 'Great Xia People'.


The door moved.

Although Zhang Wei and the others couldn't push it, what if it was the people of Daxia?

This scene.

It was seen by the chiefs of the twenty-three places.

On Changbai Mountain.

The stalwart middle-aged man laughed loudly: "God, can you stop it, we Daxia people, if one is not enough, then the power of a country will be enough."


Accompanied by a roar.

Driven by Daxia's countless wills, Zongtian was hard to stop, and the door was completely opened.

Dusty door.

At this moment, the light is dazzling and exudes sacredness.

"Grandpa Qiu, let's go."

Standing in front of the wide-open door, Zhang Wei grinned, revealing a mouthful of white teeth. Beside him, there were tens of thousands of Daxia people, all smiling at Old Man Qiu's forehead.

Old Man Qiu was shocked when he saw it.


Including Mr. Qiu, Qiu Qingshan and the others heard it all.

Twenty-three voices echoed in my ears.

At the same moment, the chiefs of the twenty-three places in Daxia bowed their hands and saluted in the direction of Luxia City, and said in unison:

"This prosperous world is as you wished, thank you for your dedication, so that we can enjoy peace, and please the hero to step into the underworld with peace of mind."

It wasn't until Qiu Qingshan and the others walked into the portal and waved at Old Man Qiu that Old Man Qiu came back to his senses.

Looking at the master and seniors in the portal, as well as the former comrades-in-arms beside him, Mr. Qiu smiled with red eyes.

his forehead.

into the portal.

Maybe God was also shaken and moved. The moment Mr. Qiu walked into the door, Mr. Qiu changed, his figure was no longer old, and he turned into the time when he was 17 years old.

That was the age when he and Qiu Qingshan participated in the war of resistance.

Seeing the master and senior brothers walking towards him in brilliance, their faces were still full of smiles, and the senior brothers were still so sunny...

The young old man Qiu seemed to have returned to the past, saluted them and shouted:

"Chou Zhixing, a militiaman from the thirty-seventh militia regiment, apply to rejoin the army!"


In order to prevent God from obstructing them, Zhang Wei stepped into the gate together and led Master Qiu and the others to Huangquan.

In Zhang Wei's roar.

"The heroes of the Great Xia are entering the underworld, please give way to the ghosts and monsters ahead!"

They stepped into Huangquan Road.

faintly visible.

Wherever they passed, the flowers on the other side of the road were blooming, gorgeous and gorgeous, and it seemed that even this Nine Nether Land was sending them off.



Not long into the future.

In a rich family in Daxia.

at this time.

The wealthy extended family is gathered to look at a baby in the arms of a woman.

can be seen.

The woman put the baby on the ground, and there were many things on the ground, including abacus, brushes, flags, RMB and so on.

This is the baby's first birthday draw.

There is a custom in Daxia. When the child is one year old, put some symbolic things and let the child catch it by himself. What he catches symbolizes that the child will achieve success with the symbolic things in the future.

For example, the baby catches the writing brush, because the writing brush is a symbol of literati. If the baby catches the writing brush, it means that the baby may become a literati in the future, or have great achievements in literature.

With the baby being lowered to the ground.

"What do you think Zhixing will catch? I guess it's RMB."

"Haha, you think that Zhixing is as obsessed with money as you are."

Many people spoke.

And then under everyone's gaze.

The baby named Zhixing crawled straight to a flag with a five-star red flag printed on it, and grabbed it.

this moment.

His innocent eyes curved into a smile, and he let out a baby's childish laughter, happily playing with and waving the flag in his hand.


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