Stronger Than The Old Heavenly Master, You Say He Is A Newcomer?

Chapter 158 Zhang Wei Is Your Roommate... So Energetic?

In the operating room.

at this time.

It has been a while since Zhang Wei led the old men Qiu into the portal.

Look at the portal that bursts with divine light.

Qiu Xiaolin, Lu Lianxue, and Zhang Chao were all a little anxious.

"How long has it been? Zhang Wei hasn't come out yet." Lu Lianxue frowned.

"Zhang Wei will be fine." Qiu Xiaolin was a little nervous.

Can't help it.

Lu Lianxue and the others asked Wu Nian who was on the side. If they want to say that the Buddhist family knows best about salvation and rebirth,

However, Wu Nian smiled wryly and shook his head:

"Since the two worlds of Yin and Yang are separated, Jiuyou is a place that non-born people go to. Generally speaking, strangers are not allowed to go there. The little monk has never been there."

"Generally speaking? It means Wu Nian, do you know that there have been strangers entering Jiuyou?"

Zhang Chao captured the key point in Wu Nian's discourse.

No thoughts and no concealment:

"My little monk has indeed read it in the classics, and I talked with my uncle not long ago that Jiuyou is a place where people who are not born go, but it doesn't mean that people who are not born can't enter. There is a profession among ghost exorcists. , specifically to go here.”

"They are called Yin Zouren, and they go to the underworld to communicate life and death. Maoshan technique, asking rice in Chumaxianli, and inviting ghosts are actually somewhat similar to Zou Yin."

"Besides, there are some powerful exorcists who have been to Jiuyou. For example, the chief of Zhenlong Weisheng who is known as the strongest and weakest today. According to my uncle, he has been there once..."


Just as he was talking, Wu Nian glanced at him, and a rare surprise appeared on his calm face:

"Amitabha, Buddha bless, Zhang Wei is back."

Other people who are always paying attention to the movement in the portal have also noticed the situation of the portal.

Just see the door.

On the desolate Yellow Spring Road, a figure came along.

He was smiling and waving at them:

"Wuhu, brothers and sisters, I'm back. Is it a surprise or a surprise? Come and say hello."

The words fell.

Zhang Wei stepped out of the portal, and the portal behind him closed with a bang, disappearing, as if he had never appeared before.

"What are you talking about..."

Zhang Wei asked jokingly, when he came back from Jiuyou, he saw everyone talking and the worry on their faces, so he couldn't help but change the subject.

Just haven't waited for him to ask.

A beautiful figure jumped into Zhang Wei's arms.

That was Qiu Xiaolin.

The moment she saw Zhang Wei, Qiu Xiaolin's previous worries, tension, gratitude and other emotions all vented out at this moment, crying and lightly hitting Zhang Wei's chest.

Zhang Wei's eyes were soft, and he reached out to rub Qiu Xiaolin:

"Little Mantou, I'm fine. Speaking of which, you rushed forward with Mary Su's plot operation, which shocked me. Now it's a big audience."

As he said that, Zhang Wei pouted his lips, signaling Qiu Xiaolin to look at Wu Nian and the others.

can be seen.

Zhang Chaozheng looked at Zhang Wei and Qiu Xiaolin with a grin, with a gossipy face, while Wu Nian clasped his hands together and silently recited Amitabha Buddha, as if he was a monk who would ignore evil.

As for Lu Lixue...

She also looked at Zhang Wei and Qiu Xiaolin with a smile.

It's just that the careful Qiu Xiaolin still noticed that Lu Lianxue moved a few steps forward from where she was standing just now. Obviously, when Zhang Wei came out just now, Lu Lianxue also wanted to pounce on her, but she saw that she pounced on first, and finally stopped step.

Qiu Xiaolin's beautiful eyes looked forward, no one knew what she was thinking.

Blushing, he patted Zhang Wei:

"Aren't I worried about you, Xiaoweizi? Cough, by the way, what happened to Xiaoweizi's grandpa?"

Qiu Xiaolin changed the subject.

His words come out.

Everyone can't help but look at it, this is what they are most concerned about.

Zhang Wei grinned: "I have passed the Naihe Bridge, and Grandpa Qiu has brought back his life. As for you asking about other things, I am inconvenient to say, because after all, it is Jiuyou, a place where no one can enter. I said If there are too many taboos, it will cause trouble."

"Haha, it's okay, we understand."

Zhang Chao nodded, naturally understanding the taboo.

Wu Nian clasped his hands together, and rarely smiled:

"Amitabha, it's gratifying to congratulate the old benefactor of Qiu, it's enough to know that."

Lu Lianxue also smiled sweetly:

"This is the result that a hero like Mr. Qiu should have. Great, it finally succeeded."

Qiu Xiaolin and his family bowed to everyone gratefully, thanking Zhang Wei and the others for their help. Without their help, Mr. Qiu would not have fulfilled his wish, nor would he have such a result.

To this.

Zhang Wei smiled and waved his hands and replied:

"You don't need to thank us, this is the help of the whole Daxia, and this is also the "Daxia respect" that Mr. Qiu deserves. Don't forget the kindness of the martyrs. The nine-year compulsory education is very clear, haha."

Zhang Chao and the others also echoed with a smile:

"Yes, haha, if I don't do this, my political, moral and Chinese teachers in primary, junior, high and high schools will beat me to death."

"Amitabha, I agree."

"You guys are so funny, but I agree, hehe."


Since it is still in the operating room of the hospital, the medical staff cannot be troubled.

Zhang Wei and the others didn't stay long.

In addition, there is still a need to report the matter of Mr. Qiu to the Department of Health and Dao. Lu Lianxue and the others all left and had to go back and report.

"Wait, Xiaoxue, are you free waiting?"

Qiu Xiaolin called Lu Lianxue to stop.


Lu Lianxue was stunned for a moment, she didn't expect Qiu Xiaolin to stop her, logically speaking, shouldn't it be Zhang Wei who stopped her? But before she could ask any more questions, Qiu Xiaolin took the lead and whispered something in his ear.


Under Zhang Chao's suspicious eyes, Lu Lianxue's face turned red, and she immediately hesitated.

At this moment.

Lin Tong said: "Lianxue, I can report it alone, you can accompany Miss Qiu."

In his opinion, Qiu Xiaolin should be sad and needs someone to comfort the old man just left, and Lu Lianxue is her friend, who can just help comfort her.


Lin Tong kindly said:

"How about Zhang Wei, do you have something to do later? How about you also accompany Miss Chou."

Unlike Lin Tong, Zhang Wei is not full of brains and only muscles, he is not stupid, as early as when he left the door, he noticed Lu Lianxue's move to pounce, and also noticed Qiu Xiaolin's whispering, Lu Lianxue's face flushed It's fleeting.

He vaguely guessed the reason, knowing that now is the time for girls to talk about their thoughts, even if he is the instigator, he can't join in.

Then he said wittily:

"I'm busy. I'm very busy. I'm not only looking for Mr. Qiu today, but I also have an appointment with Junfei, and I want to be his wingman."

Qiu Xiaolin chuckled, and she could see what Zhang Wei meant, so she glanced at Zhang Wei and said in a low voice:

"You're smart, hee hee."

Zhang Wei grinned.

After another chat, everyone left the hospital.

On the way out of the hospital.

When mentioning being a wingman, Zhang Chao became interested instantly, and asked curiously:

"Zhang Wei, do you want to pick up girls? Okay, you introduced someone to your roommate, but you didn't introduce it to me. I didn't make blood alliance with you, so I don't have the right to be your brothers. Why don't we Let blood be an alliance now."

Said Zhang Chao made a gesture to bite his finger.

Zhang Wei laughed and cursed and patted Zhang Chao on the back:

"What are you talking about, don't you have that employer's daughter?"

"Hey, don't mention it, it's over. The employer's daughter looks down on us. If this continues, I feel that I will die alone. I can't find anyone. I can only fall in love with a female ghost."

Zhang Chao continued:

"So Zhang Wei, if you have a girl, hurry up and introduce us, I need a woman, a woman!!"

While talking about Zhang Chao, he was doing a circular movement of the waist forward and backward.

Zhang Wei laughed and said bluntly:

"I think you're hot, but to be honest, I'm not going to pick up girls, I'm really serving as Junfei's wingman. He's been chasing a girl recently. It's very difficult, and he needs my help."

"Difficult to do? How to say?"

"He's chasing a young woman."

Words come out.

Zhang Chao was taken aback for a moment, then called out:

"My Cao?! Zhang is so...exciting for your roommate?!"


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