Stronger Than The Old Heavenly Master, You Say He Is A Newcomer?

Chapter 159 Your Family Sisi Is Expensive This Year?

Zhang Chao's eyes widened, and it took a long time before he spoke:

"The ancients are right. Like attracts like, and people are divided into groups. There is no normal person who can be forced to be a roommate with Zhang Wei. You are only a sophomore, and you start chasing young women. Wu Nian, look, The world is hot and cold, the world is hot and cold."

in words.

Although Zhang Chao was cursing, his face was full of excitement.

It was also at this time that Wu Nian, who was playing with his mobile phone with his head down, heard the words, and looked up:

"Amitabha, Zhang Chao, is your name a little monk?"

Zhang Chao: "..."

Hearing Wu Nian's words, Zhang Chao glanced at Wu Nian's phone subconsciously. Although he didn't see the content of the phone screen clearly, at least he saw that it was a WeChat chat interface. No need to think about it, he knew what Wu Nian was doing. This was chatting with a girl .

I still remember that a few days ago, Zhang Wei made a bet with Wu Nian, and then introduced Wu Nian to a female sea queen. Since then, in order to prove that he is not close to women, Wu Nian chatted with his mobile phone from time to time.


Zhang Chao twitched his mouth, rolled his eyes and said:

"Come on, you are also an abnormal person, wrong, abnormal monk, don't I have a normal person around me, gift crab."


After chatting with Zhang Chao and the others for a while, Zhang Wei called Li Junfei, made an appointment to meet at the meeting place and took a taxi to leave.



A coffee shop in Luxia City.

"Brother Wei."

Li Junfei walked into the store, looked around, and soon found Zhang Wei by the window.

Just sat down, because Li Junfei and Zhang Wei went to the nursing home together, and knew about Mr. Qiu's condition, after asking about Mr. Qiu's condition, Li Junfei felt relieved.

At this moment.

Zhang Wei waved his hand:

"Let's talk about Junfei, what about you, didn't you come with you?"

"No, she will come later. By the way, brother Wei, why didn't you bring the squad leader or Xiaolin? Didn't you agree that each of you should bring your female companions? It's less embarrassing to pretend to have a party like this."

"Hey, Xiao Mantou and the squad leader are busy. It's okay. I called a companion to fill up the number of people."

Zhang Wei took a sip of coffee and continued:

"Speaking of which, Junfei, you are sure that you want to chase young women. Although it is a little exciting to put into practice what you saw in the movie, but this is not very good, it will destroy people's families."

"That's not right, you shouldn't be able to do such a thing with your temper."

"Is that young woman a widow?"

Li Junfei chuckled:

"Brother Wei, you understand me. I definitely can't do such things as destroying the family. Sisi... Cough, she is not a widow anymore, her husband is not dead, but she is going to get divorced these days."

"Of course, it's not because of me that Sisi got divorced. It's because of her husband's problem. He was recently sentenced for murder."

"Then her husband still hit Sisi, and the sentence happened, so Sisi went to the court to file for divorce."

"It was only when I found out about this last month that I decided to pursue it. Otherwise, I wouldn't dare to pursue it. After all, we can't do such immoral things that destroy the family."

Zhang Wei interrupted Junfei Li:

"Wait, wait, speak slowly, Wori, Junfei, you have a lot of information, husband murdered? Domestic violence? By the way...does that young woman have children??"

Although Zhang Wei did not say the last word.

But from the expression on Zhang Wei's face, Li Junfei could already see what he was going to say... I wish I could be a father.

Li Junfei almost spit out the coffee in his mouth:

"Brother Wei, what are you thinking? Sisi has no children, but I heard that one of them died in infancy before. It is said that it was because of this that Sisi had a bad relationship with her husband and filed for divorce. I heard Sisi meant that her husband harmed her. dead child."

Every carbon-based creature likes to listen to gossip, and Zhang Wei is no exception:


Li Junfei didn't give a shit:

"Actually, I don't know very well. After all, I don't want to ask too much about the death of a child. I just heard that Sisi mentioned that she had a one-year-old child. She suspected that her husband killed the child, because the child died before the death. It was taken out by my husband."

"Although the police investigation said that the child died of heart failure, Sisi decided that her husband was the cause of death. After all, her child had been checked and there was no disease at all. How can she be completely exhausted?"

"It's probably like this. I don't want to ask more questions. I can only be a listener. Brother Wei, you understand."

Zhang Wei nodded in understanding.

It's inconvenient to ask too much about this kind of family affairs, especially if I want to 'take advantage of it'.


Zhang Wei asked the question he wanted to ask the most, jokingly asked:

"Well, can I ask, is your family Sisi Guigeng this year?"

Li Junfei laughed out loud:

"Gui Geng, your sister, Brother Wei, Sisi is not an old lady, she is 28 years old, but she got married relatively early, she got married at 25 years old."

"That's okay. The female junior is holding gold bricks, and you are only holding a few pieces. I thought you were carrying a box of gold bricks."

The words fell.

Li Junfei was just about to respond, but the door of the coffee shop was pushed open. He took advantage of the situation and his eyes lit up:

"Brother Wei, Sisi is here."

His words come out.

Zhang Wei followed the trend and looked towards the door of the coffee shop.


A woman of average appearance walked in. She was dressed very simply and quietly. Although she wasn't dressed in fashion, it could be seen that she was well maintained. She didn't look like she was 28 years old at all, but she looked like someone in her early 20s. girls.

Zhang Wei frowned. When he saw the woman, he followed her hand and found that she was not the only one who came in, and she was holding a child in her hand.


Looking at the child, Zhang Wei gasped slightly.

at the same moment.

Li Junfei waved at the woman, and both the woman and the child looked over.

"Tiga big brother!"

The child cried out, go back

Li Junfei was stunned, feeling the child's gaze, and looked sideways at Zhang Wei:

"Dijia??? Brother Wei, do you know each other?"

"I know, of course I know, I met in the nursing home today, Yuyu met again."

Zhang Wei smiled.

The woman Li Junfei called Sisi held the child in her hand, which was actually Yuyu who met in the nursing home not long ago.

Not only Li Junfei was stunned, but Sisi was also stunned:

"Yuyu, do you know him?"

"I know him, he is Tiga's big brother, Ultraman warrior! Titan of light!"

Yuyu held up the Ultraman Tiga Transformer in his hand, and made a cross gesture with both hands.

Li Junfei: "???"

Sisi: "????"

Zhang Wei waved his hand and said: "Low-key, low-key, compared to this, I want to ask, Yuyu, where is your mother?"

He remembered that Yuyu's mother was not Sisi in front of him.

Immediately afterwards.

After Sisi’s explanation, Zhang Wei understood that Yuyu’s mother and Sisi are sisters. Just now Sisi talked with Li Junfei on the phone and made an appointment to come out to play. At that time, Sisi was a guest at Yuyu’s house. Go out to play, even if you argue, you have to follow me.

There is no way, the stubbornness is nothing but the crying of a child, so Sisi brought Yuyu over.


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