Stronger Than The Old Heavenly Master, You Say He Is A Newcomer?

Chapter 160 Are You Ultramans Celebrating Chinese New Year?

After learning about the relationship between Sisi and Yuyu, Li Junfei was not idle, and hurriedly introduced Zhang Wei beside Sisi:

"Sisi, this is my good brother Wei, I mentioned him to you before, he is my savior."

"Hello, my name is Lin Si, you can call me Sisi."

Sisi extended her hand to greet Zhang Wei politely.

In words she looked around:

"By the way, there is still one missing person, Junfei, didn't you say that Brother Wei brought a female friend?"

Just as Zhang Wei was about to answer, Yu Guang glanced at the door and said with a smile:

"My friend came late because of something. Look, she's here."

I saw a stylishly dressed girl coming in from the door of the coffee shop, who was Zhang Wei's offline companion.

Fortunately, Zhang Wei had communicated with the offline companion beforehand, and the female companion did not reveal her secrets, so she gave Zhang Wei a big hug when she came up:

"Brother Wei, I'm sorry for being late."

Everyone is here.

Li Junfei was not idle, and Zhang Wei thoughtfully asked Li Junfei to act as the commanding brother. He suggested that everyone go to the horror house in the amusement park. After all, there are girls there, and going to the horror house is the most classic place to play.

on the way.

Zhang Wei perfectly acted as a wingman, chatting with Yuyu in his arms to prevent Yuyu from being a light bulb for Li Junfei and Sisi.

Yuyu and Zhang Wei are very close because they met in a nursing home before.

Not the slightest bit of fear.

On the contrary, out of curiosity, Yuyu blinked her big innocent eyes and asked:

"Big brother Tiga, why are you here? Didn't you go to fight monsters? By the way, big brother Tiga, you are a titan of ancient light, so what is your relationship with Ultraman from Nebula 78?"

Zhang Wei pinched Yuyu's little nose:

"Because I'm on annual leave now, Ultraman also needs to rest. Today is Saturday, a weekend, rest time."

"What's the relationship between me and the Ultraman of Nebula 78? They're distant relatives."

"That Dijia big brother, did your Ultraman celebrate the Spring Festival?" Yuyu asked again.

"Okay, I still give red envelopes to Sai Luo and Ultraman Taiga during the holidays. I often visit Leo and Ultraman Ace to study how to kick off the horns of monsters with horns. Horns are our Ultraman's greatest pleasure."

Zhang Wei said something with a smile.

Yuyu heard that her big eyes flickered, and replied naively:

"I see, no wonder you Ultraman, big brother, like kicking off the horns of monsters so much."

Zhang Wei and Yuyu chatted with each other.

The female companion next to me was stunned for a while, and laughed out loud:

"I didn't expect Brother Wei, you look gentle and gentle, and you are so good at chatting with children."

Although she is a girl, she can understand Zhang Wei chatting with Yuyu. Dijia is not only the childhood of boys, but also the childhood of all children. She also saw Dijia when she was a child.

Just because I saw it.

The female companion felt that the chat between Zhang Wei and Yuyu was very funny.

In order to be a wingman for his friend, the boss has also taken great pains, pretending to be Di Jia.

Zhang Wei smiled and was about to reply.

But at this time.

Yuyu looked over upon hearing this, and blinked her big innocent eyes. Looking at the female escort holding Zhang Wei's hand, they all embedded Zhang Wei's hand into their own Mount Everest. The intimate movements made Yuyu curious:

"Sister, are you Camilla?"

The female companion was stunned when she heard it.

Camilla? Why does it sound familiar, ah, I remembered.


She remembered who Camilla was, that was the female Ultraman in Ultraman Tiga, one of the four dark titans 30 million years ago, and Ultraman Tiga 30 million years ago lovers.

Recalling the funny conversation between Zhang Wei and Yuyu, the female companion suddenly became playful, giggled and covered her mouth with a smile:

"Hee hee, Yuyu was discovered by you. That's right, I am Camilla. I am the lover of your Big Brother Dijia. We have been in love for thirty million years."

A conversation on Zhang Wei's side.

Li Junfei and Sisi who were walking behind heard it.

Sisi smiled and said:

"Junfei, your buddy is very interesting. I thought it would be troublesome to take Yuyu out, but I thought that I might not be able to play later, because Yuyu would cry, so I had to go back."

Thinking of what Zhang Wei said before, she couldn't help laughing again:

"If Brother Wei is Dijia, then Junfei, you are his buddy, and you are also Ultraman, so what kind of Ultraman are you, the father of Ultra?"

Li Junfei laughed:

"How is that possible? I am not the father of Ultra, because I am still single. Of course, Sisi, if you want to be the mother of Ultra, I am willing to be the father of Ultra."


Li Junfei put his hands on his hips, posing the classic gesture of the father of Ultra.

Time flies.

With Zhang Wei's side assists and helping Li Junfei as a wingman, he has a lot of time after having fun, freeing up space for Li Junfei and Sisi.

Played until 10 o'clock in the evening.

at this time.

On Luxia City Highway.

Zhang Wei was driving a car, and a group of people were talking and laughing in the car. Yuyu was hugged by a female companion and sat in the passenger seat, laughing like silver bells happily, showing liveliness and innocence.

"Auntie, Junfei big brother, Dijia big brother, sister Camilla, when will we go to the amusement park again?"

Yuyu raised his head and blinked, raised his cute little tiger teeth and said:

"The horror house is very fun, there are many monsters and ghosts in it, I want to play again."

Although Yuyu is young, perhaps because of the child's innocence, or because of the presence of Di Jia, Zhang Wei, he is not afraid to enter the horror house at all.


Yuyu looked at Sisi playing with the female companion, touched his cheek with his finger and said:

"Auntie and Sister Camilla are afraid of ghosts, but Yuyu is not afraid. Sister Camilla, aren't you an Ultraman? Why are you afraid of ghosts, and you are ashamed."

Hearing this, the female companion's face turned red, as if she couldn't bear to be laughed at innocently by the child, she curled her lips and said:

"I'm not afraid, I'm Ultraman Dark, how can I be afraid of ghosts, I'm just pretending to cooperate with the staff."

"I don't believe it, sister Camilla, you screamed in fright."

Speaking of that, Yuyu imitated on the spot, the appearance of the female companion who was frightened by the staff pretending to be a ghost.

"Sister Camilla, you are yelling like crazy, yelling, ah, ghost, don't come here, ah."

The female escort blushed, feeling Zhang Wei's smiling gaze.

Zhang Wei said with a smile:

"I can prove this. Your sister Camilla was so scared that she almost hung on me. My chest was squeezed by her. The situation is called a chest risk. I am blushing. To be honest, if there is no car behind Big trucks, we are the only ones on the road, she would be scared blindly."

Li Junfei and Sisi also laughed and joked.

To this.

The blush on the female companion's face became even redder, and she said stubbornly:

"No, I pretended that on purpose. I don't believe that next time I meet a ghost, I won't pretend to be afraid on purpose."

At 10 o'clock in the evening, on the quiet road, the car was full of laughter.


Just as the female companion was fighting for reason, Yuyu who was being hugged by her suddenly tugged at the corner of her clothes.

I saw Yuyu pointing to the front of the car:

"There's no need for next time, sister Camilla, look, there is a big brother sister from the horror house in front of you."


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