Hearing this, the female companion Wan, Li Junfei, and Sisi were stunned for a moment, and then looked up, their hands and feet were cold, their pupils shrank sharply, and the female companion Wan and Sisi even screamed.


Ahead, on the highway, rows of street lamps flickered suddenly, flickering on and off, and a person walked out of them.

It was a person with a pale face, all the eyeballs popped out, dangling from the eyes, and his whole body was twisted up and down, as if he had been hit by a serious car accident and was hit to pieces.

Watching the appearance of this 'person'.

The female companion, Sisi, was so frightened that his face turned pale, and he yelled out in horror.

This is not a big brother sister pretending to be a ghost in a horror house at all.

It's a ghost!

There was a slamming brake, because the ghost came out and stood in the middle of the road, blocking their way, Zhang Wei stepped on the brake.

"Don't, don't stop, ah, that, that ghost, come here."

The night wind blows into the car along the window.

Smelling the strong smell of blood and rancidity wafting in the air, the female companion was still stubborn and stubborn before, with horror written all over her face. As a girl, she was too familiar with the smell of blood, after all, she would come here every month .

She could smell that the blood on the ghost's body was real blood, and as her eyes moved to the ghost's feet, she was even more sure that the 'person' on the road in front of the car was not a prankster dressed up as a ghost, it was a ghost!

Because the 'man' was floating with his feet off the ground.

Immediately afterwards.

What happened next confirmed everyone's thoughts.

It was as if a ghost heard the words of the female escort.

While the female companion was terrified, she only felt a burst of bloody and rotten stench. She looked down and got out of the car in fright.


A lot of blood suddenly came out of the car, and many hands crawled out from the invisible dark gap under the car seat and grabbed their feet.

The frightening scene scared the female companion Wanwan and Sisi to get out of the car.

Only Zhang Wei and Li Junfei looked at each other and knew what was going on. It was a ghostly eye, and the female companions saw them hallucinating.

Also at this time.

Yuyu blinked her innocent big eyes, and said naively:

"Sister Camilla, look quickly, the big brother sister from the horror house is here, it's up to you to perform, sister Camilla, come on!"

Female escort: "..."

Come on, sister, I act like a bully, how can I be killed by a ghost?

The female companion was about to cry when she heard it, especially seeing Yuyu waving at the ghost, telling the ghost to look over here, to look at herself, the female companion couldn't hold back anymore:

"Yuyu, that's not the big brother sister from the house of horrors, that's, that's a real ghost."

She was so frightened that all she could think about was running away.

But when she looked at the dark roads around her, all the street lights were extinguished, and the surrounding area was plunged into a piercing darkness, she gave up and ran away.

She is not a fool, knowing that she is running on this highway alone, leaving everyone alone, it is no different from the supporting characters in horror movies and novels who are far away from the protagonists, and they are alone, the best way to purely send to death is her Run with everyone, this can at least reduce the probability of death.

However, just as she spoke, she was about to call Zhang Wei and they ran together.

After hearing her words, Yuyu was not afraid as expected, but tilted her head, her immature face was full of doubts:

"Ah? Is that a real ghost? Why are you afraid, Sister Camilla?"

"Ah, I understand. Camilla is a dark titan, but she can't do ghosts, right? After all, ghosts also symbolize darkness. It's okay. There is the big brother Tiga. The big brother is the embodiment of light, and ghosts are afraid of light. "

"I'm right, Tiga big brother."

As he spoke he yelled at the ghost:

"Ghost, don't bully Sister Camilla, Tiga Big Brother is here."

His immature childish behavior, not to mention playing with girls, even ghosts were stunned.

next moment.

The ghost looked at Yuyu asking about Zhang Wei's behavior beside him, and laughed ferociously:

"Tiga fights monsters, but he can't beat me."

【Ding! The red-clothed ghost wants to laugh out loud, laughing so hard at his father, is he still pretending to be a housewife when his death is imminent? Sure enough, children are stupid and naive, hahaha. 】

[Host obtains system points +50]

His voice was cold, chilling enough to make people tremble, with a trace of ridicule.

It has already made up its mind that it will torture the so-called 'Dijia big brother' to death in front of Yuyu later, let him watch him kill 'Dijia', and let his childhood be full of shadows and die.

Only when it laughs out loud.

Facing his idol Tiga being slandered, Yuyu retorted unconvinced:

"You are talking nonsense, Big Brother Dijia is light, he will defeat you, if you dare to come over, Big Brother Dijia will transform into Dijia and beat you to death!"

There is seriousness in the childish voice.

The ghost smiled:

"Light? Then you let Dijia big brother transform, come and kill me, beg Dijia big brother to kill me..."

It's not loud.

But on this dark and dead night road, everyone can hear it.

next moment.

Under the unbelievable gaze of the female companion, under the staring eyes of the ghost, the only remaining eyeball is about to burst, and the blood is bleeding...

After being refuted, as a child, Yuyu couldn't stand it, crying and looking at Zhang Wei:

"The ghost of Dijia big brother slandered you, it said you couldn't beat him, I don't believe it, it's lying, right, woo woo woo~"

"Yuyu don't cry, why can't the big brother beat him, just wait, I'll transform into him and fuck him right away."

Zhang Wei rubbed Yuyu's little head, and borrowed the Tiga Transformer toy in his hand:

"Yuyu, give me the big brother's transformation device."

Then Zhang Wei took the transforming toy.

【Ding! Bless Tiga Ultraman Transformer Toy 3000 System Points]

Accompanied by the system prompt sound.

Holding the transforming device, Zhang Wei ran towards the ghost:

Under the bright moonlight, the Ultraman Tiga Transformer held up by Zhang Weiqi was glowing. It was not the light of a light bulb, but a light full of righteousness, a brilliance that scared even ghosts. white awn.



A burst of light burst out from the opening and closing of Tijia's transformation device.

The bright and soft light bloomed, and the light became brighter and brighter, illuminating the road in this dark night, and under the light, the golden light covered Zhang Wei's whole body.

The light covering Zhang Wei gradually dissipated.

Zhang Wei is gone.

In its place stood a titan of light.

That's Tija! !

Looking at the figure of Zhang (Di) Wei (Jia) shrouded in dots of light, the female companions, Sisi and the others were stunned.


The female companion was confused, her mind was blank, and there was only one picture left... That was the first time Yuyu called Zhang Wei Dijia's big brother before, and asked him about Ultraman... It turned out that the mother Are you kidding me, is this a current affairs interview? !

Think about it.

The female companion's eyes widened, her heart was shocked... So... I was called by Ti Jia to play with me? My accompanying boss is the human body of Ultraman Tiga? !

Sisi was also confused, and that scene also appeared in her mind. She couldn't help but look at Li Junfei beside her...my future boyfriend...his buddy, the human body of Ultraman Tiga? !


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