Stronger Than The Old Heavenly Master, You Say He Is A Newcomer?

Chapter 162 Brother Wei Really Made It Hard For You

In fact.

Not only the female companions, Sisi, but even Li Junfei was stunned, and he cried out in his heart, Brother Wei is a ghost exorcist... part-time Ultraman human body?

at the same time.

The red-clothed ghost also opened its eyes wide, staring at Zhang Wei who had turned into Di Jia.

【Ding! Seeing the host transforming into Dijia, the ghost yelled in his heart, I am Cao Didi, Didi Dijia! 】

[Host obtains system points +60]

for a while.

Looking at Zhang Wei who turned into Tiga, there is still a little bit of light on his body, like the dawn sun, very similar to the last episode of Ultraman Tiga, Tiga was reborn into a titan of light under the call of the children.

This scene in front of me.

The ghost was stunned, and the last episode of Ultraman Tiga was in his mind, and he almost couldn't help shouting heartbreakingly like the children in the last episode of Ultraman Tiga, "I'm Tiga! !"

Until Zhang Wei rushed over, with a wave of his arms, the compound model turned into a blue air-type Tiga.

He jumped up.

Turned 360 degrees in the air, and kicked the red-clothed ghost.

Feel the pain of being kicked in the chest.

Accompanied by Yuyu excitedly shouting: "Auntie, Junfei big brother, sister Camilla, look, Ultraman kicks!"

The red-clothed ghost finally regained consciousness while flying backwards.

Before he had time to think too much, the red-clothed ghost made a counterattack, cast its ghostly eyes, and Yin Qi gushed out, turning into gusts of wind and sweeping towards Zhang Wei.

But it was the next second.

The red-clothed ghost changed color.

【Ding! The red-clothed ghost changed color, watching the host's hands crossed and intertwined with a beam of light, feeling inexplicably excited, it was the Otto barrier! 】

[Host obtains system points +55]

Sisi and the others were dumbfounded.

'Tiga' used classic Ultraman moves to block the attack of the ghost.

Yuyu shouted excitedly:

"Dijia is great, Dijia big brother, beat him to death, he is a bad guy, he says you can't beat him, beat him up."

Zhang Wei gave Yuyu an 'Ultraman thumbs up'.

Then turned around with a flash of light.

The whole body blue became the whole body red.

Yuyu was excited at the side, and acted as a commentator and explained: "Ah! Di Jia's big brother has switched forms. Look, the air type has changed into a powerful type. Hehe, the ghost is dead."

next moment.

Zhang Wei smashed the ground with one foot, rushed towards the ghost, and slapped the ghost, the light and sparks scattered.


The ghost was sent flying by Zhang Wei's slap, and his figure became empty, and he was severely injured in an instant. In front of Zhang Wei, even if the ghost resisted with Yin Qi in time, he couldn't stop Zhang Wei's slap.

It flew out again.

But just flew out.

Zhang Wei grabbed his feet with both hands and started to spin. Then he threw a classic Tiga over his shoulder and threw him to the ground.

【Ding! The ghost in red screamed in pain, terrified, no, I can't beat, I... can't beat Dijia, I have to run! 】

[Host obtains system points +40]

Then under the torture of Zhang Wei.

The cold system beeped repeatedly.

【Ding! The red-clothed ghost watched the host switch back to the complex Yixi, thinking that there was a chance]

[Host obtains system points +30]

next second.

【Ding! The red-clothed ghost saw the host's fist glowing, and suddenly changed color, no, it was Tiga's Ultra Light boxing, ah! ! ! ! 】

[Host obtains system points +35]

【Ding! The red-clothed ghost flew upside down and hit the ground, and saw the host's arms gathered from left to right and upward, condensed a ball of light on his chest, and threw the ball of light over, turning it into a beam of light. He recognized that it was Dilasium's light flow , terrified. 】

[Host obtains system points +45]

The red-clothed ghost was terrified, and quickly rolled to avoid Guangliu.

There was a loud bang.

boom! !

The light flow bombarded the ground, blasting a deep crater.

Feel the aftermath light energy in the pit.

【Ding! The red-clothed ghost's heart was beating wildly, and he shouted that he deserved to be the "Dira Humu Guangliu", so strong! Fortunately, I dodged in time. 】

[Host obtains system points +50]

【Ding! Seeing the host rushing up, the red-clothed ghost was terrified, turned around and wanted to run. 】

[Host obtains system points +55]

【Ding! The red-clothed ghost tried to escape, but the host made a mid-air leap, chopped off his ears with a hand knife, and screamed in pain. 】

[Host obtains system points +55]


There was a shrill scream.

Seeing Li Gui covering his bleeding ears and screaming, Yuyu in the distance said:

"(???) Wow! It's Ultraman's knife. It's a pity that this ghost has no horns. Otherwise, you can see Di Jia's big brother's knife interrupting the ghost's horn."

Speaking of which, Yuyu still did not forget to give Sisi and them a popular science:

"Auntie, Junfei big brother, do you know that Ultraman likes to hit monster horns the most, and breaking one is another."

The words did not fall.

As if thinking of something, Yuyu looked at the female companion who was hugging him:

"Sister Camilla, don't just watch. Quickly, you also transform into the ghost and use the Ultraman hand knife to cut off the ghost's other ear."

Female escort: "..."

Then she saw that the red-clothed ghost in the distance looked at her in horror, subconsciously covering its other ear with its hand.

Even if there is no system for playing with female companions, she can see what the red-clothed ghost is thinking at the moment.

That clearly means...

Hold! Is that Altman Camilla? That female dark titan who had an affair with Tiga? ! Draft, don't transform, don't come over, my ears are not the horns of monsters.

Immediately afterwards.

Blazing light blooms.

The red-clothed ghost suddenly looked at where Zhang Wei was, and his pupils dilated suddenly.


Taking advantage of the serious injury of the ghost in red, Zhang Wei was attracted by Yuyu and his female companion. He crossed his arms forward, and the light bloomed on his arms. As he opened his arms, the light became more and more blazing.

next second.

The outstretched arms were closed, and they gestured into an L shape. The light was blazing and converged, and shot out from the erected arms.

The red-clothed ghost knew that it couldn't hide, so it simply stood there, looking at the light that gradually enlarged in its eyes, and the light reflected the red-clothed ghost.

【Ding! The red-clothed ghost sighed with emotion when he was dying, Di Jia's big move "Zai Pelio Light" is so bright~ so dazzling~]

[Host obtains system points +60]

boom! ! ! !

The light hit the red-clothed ghost.

Like a monster in Ultraman being hit by an Ultraman ray, the red-clothed ghost exploded, turning into corpses scattered all over the sky, and a cloud of smoke and dust erupted on the spot.

The ghost in red is dead.

The death is the same as Ultraman killing a little monster.

Yuyu watched excitedly and clapped his hands: "Dijia big brother is great! Did you see that ghost, you can't beat Dijia."

To this.

Zhang Wei gave Yuyu an 'Ultraman thumb' again.

Sisi, the female companion, and the others stared in a daze.

And Li Junfei silently gave Zhang Wei a thumbs up, Brother Wei deserves to be you, in order to protect the child's childhood, you even have to reproduce the scene where Ultraman kills a monster, it's really hard for you.


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