Stronger Than The Old Heavenly Master, You Say He Is A Newcomer?

Chapter 163 Even If Ba La La Xiao Moxian Came To Kill Him, I Don't Think It's Too Much


After killing the ghost in red and giving Yuyu an 'Ultraman thumbs up'.

Zhang Wei raised his arms forward, jumped up, let out an Ultraman's '咻哦嘎嘎' sound, and flew into the sky.

"Tiga flew away?"

Sisi and the female companion were stunned.

But the next second.

Not far away, Zhang Wei came out and smiled at everyone:

"I'm sorry, I just habitually flew away after fighting monsters, but fortunately I remembered it halfway through the flight, and turned back and flew back."

As he spoke, Zhang Wei waved towards Yuyu.

When Zhang Wei walked in front of them, Sisi and his female companion Wan came back to their senses completely, staring at Zhang Wei with staring eyes.

After hesitating for a while, the female escort looked at Zhou Dao all around:

"Brother Wei... No, Dagu, no, Di Jia, is the ghost dead? Are we all right?"

Sisi also looked over, it was the first time she met a ghost, even though the ghost was dead, there was still lingering fear on her face.

Zhang Wei nodded with a smile:

"It's okay, that red-clothed ghost has already been shot by me."

"That's good, that's good." Sisi patted her chest, murmuring with lingering fear.

However, the words just came out.

"Huh? What's the matter?"

Sisi was startled, and found that Zhang Wei was looking straight at her.

Li Junfei also noticed Zhang Wei's actions. He knew Zhang Wei's identity, so he couldn't help wondering:

"What's wrong, Brother Wei."

Zhang Wei didn't show off his tricks, and when everyone got into the car together, he said:

"Xiao Pei is fine, but Sisi, you still have something to do."

The Xiaopei he was talking about was just playing with the girls.

in words.

Zhang Wei watched through the eyes of the sky, and pointed to the place where the ghost died:

"It's not a coincidence that we will encounter ghosts tonight."

"When I killed the ghost just now, I found that the ghost had Sisi's scent on it. It is obvious that the ghost came after Sisi."

Li Junfei changed color when he heard the words:

"Brother Wei, Sisi is being followed by a ghost?"

Zhang Wei shook his head and said, "It doesn't have to be a ghost. If it is really a ghost, when I see Sisi, I can't see that she is haunted by a ghost. She doesn't have ghosts such as Yintang blackening." Signs of haunting."

"But that ghost obviously has the smell of Sisi, so there should be something Sisi on its body, such as clothes, nails and so on."

"Since it is not haunted by ghosts, and the ghosts took the initiative to find Sisi, there is only one possibility, Sisi, you must have offended someone, and someone who knows the magic of exorcising ghosts drove the ghosts to kill you."

"Doesn't that mean that Sisi is still in danger, Brother Wei, you have to help Sisi, she..."

Li Junfei just finished speaking halfway.

Zhang Wei patted Li Junfei on the shoulder, not forgetting to act as a wingman:

"Don't worry, you are my buddy, Sisi is your friend, I will definitely help, Junfei, wait for me to finish speaking, in order to avoid the possibility of Sisi being visited by ghosts in the future, think about the recent Offended no one."

From Zhang Wei's point of view, if the ghost came to Sisi tonight, it could only be to offend someone, and there is a high probability that he offended someone recently.

After all, ghost exorcists don't need to think long-term when dealing with ordinary people, and revenge doesn't need to be overnight.

His words come out.

Sisi looked at Li Junfei shyly at first, her heart warmed up, but at the same time she was confused:

"Offended someone recently? It's impossible. I seldom go out recently. Except for going out with Junfei, I seldom go out. When I go out, I also deal with my husband and me... Wait... If you insist on offending people, I just can……"

At this point in the words, Zhang Wei already understood:

"It seems that your husband still has an unknown identity."

Li Junfei heard what Zhang Wei meant, that Sisi's husband may be a ghost exorcist, and he can also drive red-clothed ghosts to kill people.

Think about it.

Li Junfei was a little worried:

"Brother Wei, Sisi will be fine. Sisi's husband must have killed Sisi because Sisi wanted to divorce him."

Zhang Wei replied with a smile:

"You think the same as I do. Sisi's husband probably got divorced, so he just killed Sisi, but Junfei doesn't have to worry. If the person Sisi offended is his husband, then it's not a big problem."

"Why?" Li Junfei was puzzled.

"Because Sisi didn't say that his husband recently killed someone and was locked up. If his husband's identity kills someone, you know, Secretary of Health and Dao."

Since there were outsiders, it was inconvenient for Zhang Wei to talk more, so he could only vaguely give Li Junfei some questions.

Li Junfei immediately understood.

Sisi's husband is a ghost exorcist, and if he kills, he will be watched by the Department of Health and Dao, and it may even be his husband who was arrested by the Department of Health and Dao. He will be imprisoned by the Department of Health and Dao. It is absolutely impossible for her husband to take revenge on Sisi in the future.

The words did not fall.

Zhang Wei continued:

"Don't worry, I'll call Team Lin later and ask them to investigate Sisi's husband. In addition to these, when I killed that ghost just now, I had a backhand. The person who is a ghost will also be backlashed, he should be vomiting blood now."

Perhaps thinking of something, Zhang Wei chuckled.


Luxia City, the detention center of the Ministry of Health.

This is the place where the Department of Health temporarily detains ghost exorcists and ghosts with criminal records.

at this time.

The detention center was empty, except for a man in one room.

It was a 30-year-old middle-aged man, and he was Sisi's husband.

As Zhang Wei guessed, he is a ghost exorcist. Not long ago, Wei Dao Si discovered his one-year-old son making ghost puppets.

at this time.

Sisi's husband suddenly screamed, bleeding from his orifices, fell to the ground in pain and was severely injured by backlash.

This scene.

The staff of the Department of Health and Dao who had to be guarded changed color, fearing that the prisoner would die, so they called Lin Tong overnight.

But Lin Tongtong came and saw Sisi's husband's miserable condition, and saw his situation. He probably suffered backlash. The only thing he wondered was why Sisi's husband looked overly frightened and frightened. Now that he rescued her, He also became insane, constantly chanting 'Tiga Tiga' in his mouth.

"Dropping?? Increasing?"

Lin Tong frowned in doubt, and cast a sober spell on Sisi's husband to calm him down, but his face was still full of fear:

"What's the matter with Zhou Zhaolin? If you don't want to punish yourself for serious crimes, confess to me honestly and don't play tricks on me."

Words come out.

Husband Sisi who woke up looked at Lin Tong, and suddenly he grabbed Lin Tong's clothes with both hands, and shouted in horror:

"It's Tiga! It's Ultraman Tiga, cough! Pfft!"

He vomited blood and was severely injured, he kept coughing up blood and shouted in horror:

"Tiga killed my ghost, my ghost was shot by Ultraman Tiga, Lin Tong, there is Ultraman Tiga in this world!!"

in words.

He lay down on the ground, stretched out his hand with great difficulty and grabbed it in one direction, yelling 'It's Dijia, Dijia wants to kill me! ’ Finally shouted that he was seriously injured and passed out.

People present: "????"

Lin Tong was stunned, and stared at the guards, Wei Daosi and others.

for a long time.

Lin Tong said strangely:

"Is there something serious about Zhou Zhaolin this week? Ultraman Tiga killed him? What the hell, did he think he was a monster?"

The staff of the guarding Department of Health and Dao listened and shrugged and spread their hands:

"Who knows, maybe he's sick. After all, he even killed his son. To be reasonable, his level of evil, not to mention Di Jia, even if Ba La La Xiao Moxian came to kill him, I don't think it's too much. "


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