Stronger Than The Old Heavenly Master, You Say He Is A Newcomer?

Chapter 164 Tailor, What Brought You Here Today

the other side.

Knowing that Sisi was fine, Li Junfei felt relieved, and secretly gave Zhang Wei a thumbs up. He knew that Zhang Wei mentioned him on purpose, in order to let him perform in front of Sisi, and the effect was remarkable, Sisi quietly He held Li Junfei's hand and was touched by Li Junfei's concern.


Zhang Wei sent Sisi and Yuyu home one after another, and finally sent his girlfriend Wanwan home as well.

The female escorts the player downstairs.

After sending it downstairs safely, Zhang Wei said:

"By the way, how much is it to play with today?"

The female escort hurriedly waved her hands when she heard the words:

"No, no, no, Di Jia...Brother Wei, you don't need to pay for playing with me. Today, I will play with you for free."

Just kidding, she doesn't dare to collect money, just imagine, ask Ti Jia to collect money? It's crazy to think about it, and after knowing that there are ghosts in the world, now is the time to build a good relationship with Zhang Wei.

Zhang Wei couldn't see the meaning of playing with female companions.

He joked:

"Are you sure you don't want money? Then it doesn't mean I'm going whoring for nothing."

Ultraman whoring me for nothing?

The female companion was stunned for a moment,?(? Pelio rays.

In the end, the female companion refused to ask Zhang Wei for money, but Zhang Wei didn't mind, after all, if it was cheap, I wouldn't take advantage of the bastard, so the companion fee was today's ghost exorcism fee.

"Brother Wei, hurry back to the dormitory, Fat Brother asked us to watch the rng game with Lianmai, and said that today rng beat si and was protested by the stick, which caused the fist side to replay all three previous games of rng, brother Wei, let's go back and watch the game Support the lol team in our division."

Jun Fei shouted to Zhang Wei while sitting in the car.

Zhang Wei responded, and added a WeChat account with his female companion:

"In the future, if you encounter ghosts, or if your friends encounter ghosts, you can come to me. By the way, I don't fight ghosts for free, but for a fee. These years, the global economy is in a downturn, and I also have to eat, you know."

"Okay, let's not talk anymore, Junfei called me, goodbye."

The words fell.

Zhang Wei waved goodbye to his female escort.


at the same time.

Luxia City, an e-sports hotel.

at this time.

The fat man is sitting in front of the computer, waiting for Zhang Wei and Li Junfei to come back to watch the game with the mic, while he is scrolling through the hand-made web page:

"My God, I read that right, "Crossing Dolls Fall in Love" is out! Chachachacha, the figure of the heroine in a swimsuit must be bought, must be bought!!"

Just when he was about to hit the buy button.

Jingle Bell.

The phone rings.

Picking up the phone to see the caller ID, the fat man raised his eyebrows: "Tailor?"


After picking up the phone, a young girl's voice came from inside:

"Hello, it's me."

Although the voice on the phone was completely different from the tailor's voice before, it was a thick male voice before, and now it was a childish loli voice, but from the tone, the fat man could tell that the other party was a tailor.

As for why the voice changed.

The fat man didn't need to think about it, he must have changed his body by a tailor.

But the fat man deliberately replied:

"Who are you?"


the other side.

Northeast, on a busy night market street, there are stalls and snack shops on both sides, full of people, people coming and going on the road, it is very lively.

And in front of the windows of a storefront building.

A little girl stood in front of the window. Just looking at her height and face, she looked cute, like a 10-year-old girl, but her skin was frighteningly fair, and her hands, feet, neck, and neck were covered with scars stitched up with thread.

With that appearance, it seems that this little loli is not a single person, but is stitched together by the bodies of many children.

at this time.

She was holding a mobile phone, and when she heard 'Who are you' coming from the mobile phone, her immature face twitched, she rolled her eyes and gritted her teeth and said:

"I am a tailor."

Although she looked very angry and her teeth were rattling, but excluding the stitched scars, just looking at her immature appearance, her angry appearance looked like a contrasting cute little girl, as if a little loli pretended to be an adult to be angry on purpose.


The tailor couldn't help cursing:

"Don't pretend to be fat, I know you can tell who I am."

To this.

Fatty's voice came from the phone:

"Hehe, you're pretty good at learning, but unfortunately, huh, you want to trick me? It's not enough. Unless you prove to me that you are a tailor, I won't believe it."


The little loli-like tailor crushed a corner of the cabinet next to her.

She is obviously a little lolita, but her strength is still undiminished, surprisingly powerful.

The fat man continued:

"Don't blame me for being suspicious. After all, we have to be cautious in our business. Villains are easy to be undercover. Conan's men in black organization is the best evidence. In the vast organization of men in black, only Qin and the boss are villains. It's an undercover agent, that's too much."


The corner of the tailor's mouth twitched violently:

"Okay, tell me, how do you want me to prove it to you, you damn fat man."

"Well, if you swear, it proves that you are a tailor. The tailor has always been so fond of calling me. After all, beating is pro-swearing or love."

The fat man said again:

"But it's not enough. If you want to prove that you are a tailor, you can transfer the same money to me, just like last time, with the same account number. Only the tailor knows my card number. After all, I only borrow money from the tailor."

Fatty heard the words, and there were two crackling sounds from the phone.

Then his phone ding-dong.

[Alipay transfer 1 million]

Then the tailor's voice came from the phone:

"Fatty man, don't let me find out where your handicrafts are hidden when we meet next time, or I'll smash them all in front of you, no, I'll sell them all in person, you damn fat man."

"I received the money, hehe, and with what you said, it seems that you are a tailor."

The fat man happily sat on the gaming chair, turned around and raised his legs and said:

"Tell me, tailor, what brings you here today."

The tailor didn't talk nonsense to the fat man, and said bluntly:

"Fatty, have you paid attention to the Department of Health and Dao recently?"

"Huh? Didn't pay attention, what's the matter."

The fat man was puzzled.

To this.

The tailor's watery loli eyes narrowed, and he said word by word:

"I recently got news that the zombie I brought out from Suolongjing back then, it is said that the Department of Health made a deal with it, asking it to save the grandfather of the Huang family."

His words come out.

The fat man frowned and stopped smiling, and sat up solemnly:

"Are you sure? I didn't expect that the Department of Wei Dao worked so hard to save Mr. Huang's family. Did he even find that zombie? I thought that after it made trouble in Fengmen Village, the Department of Wei Dao would lock it up forever."

"What? Tailor, you're not going to suggest to them again, let me save that zombie."

"Please, one ghost is not enough for me. The best proof is that I went to the prison of the Ministry of Health to save it."

"The Secretary of Health will not let us rescue it, even if it goes out of prison to save Mr. Huang's family."


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